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In 1998, Yang Shangkun was critically ill and everything that could come came. Why did he tell his family many times not to notify Liu Yuan!

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In 1998, Yang Shangkun was critically ill and everything that could come came. Why did he tell his family many times not to notify Liu Yuan!

During the years of revolutionary struggle of the Party, there have been many old partners and friends who have cooperated with each other tactfully, which has left a significant mark in history. Of course, the most famous ones are the "Red Army of Zhu and Mao" and the "Liu and Deng armies".

In fact, Liu Shaoqi and Yang Shangkun are such old partners, and because they work together all the year round, the relationship between them is also very good.

But when Yang Shangkun was dying, he specifically asked Liu's children not to visit him. Why?

Revolutionary comrade in arms

In 1930, Yang Shangkun met Liu Shaoqi for the first time in Moscow, the Soviet Union. Liu Shaoqi, 32 years old at that time, was already a member of the Central Committee of our Party, which can be said to be a well-known figure nationwide.

Yang Shangkun, 9 years younger than Liu Shaoqi and in his early twenties, was still studying at Sun Yat sen University in Moscow.

The reason why they intersected was that Liu Shaoqi led the team to Moscow for a meeting, but there was no Russian translation. While studying in the Soviet Union, Yang Shangkun, who was proficient in Russian, was sent to help Liu Shaoqi do the relevant work well.

The first impression Liu Shaoqi gave Yang Shangkun was that he had no airs and was very approachable. The second impression is that both theoretical experience and practical experience are very rich, and they are very good at expression and sharp words.

That is, since this time, the two have established a long revolutionary friendship.

Yang Shangkun served as the propaganda minister of the All China Federation of Trade Unions after returning to China in 1931, while Liu Shaoqi was the trade union secretary at that time, which can be said to be Yang Shangkun's immediate boss.

During the most difficult period of the Long March, Yang Shangkun served as the political commissar of the Third Red Army Corps, Liu Shaoqi was the director of the Political Department, and Marshal Peng Dehuai was the commander in chief of this army.

In the revolutionary years, when Liu Shaoqi was serving as the secretary of the Northern Bureau and the Central Organization Committee, Yang Shangkun was his deputy, and the two had always cooperated very well.

It can be said that the revolutionary careers of Liu Shaoqi and Yang Shangkun have always been intertwined, and the relationship between the two people is also very good.

Liu Shaoqi has nine children and Yang Shangkun has three. Because they worked together all year round and lived in the same place after liberation, these children were basically raised together.

When Liu Shaoqi's son is lovelorn or his daughter has any difficulties in learning, Yang Shangkun goes to talk heart to heart and comfort them. This shows the close relationship between the two families.

According to General Liu Yuan, the youngest son of Liu Shaoqi, he had met the sister of the Yang family since he was born. When he grew up, he first met the child of the Yang family.

"Papa Yang" and Liu Yuan

In their circle of life, people usually call their father's peers uncle or uncle, but Liu Yuan is different. He is called Yang Shangkun "Yang Dad".

The reason is that they are too familiar. The elder sister of the Yang family is their child Wang. She herself called Yang Shangkun "Father Yang". In addition, Liu Yuan is close to the Yang Shangkun family, so Liu Yuan has a father since then.

When Liu Yuan was 13 years old, he was arranged to exercise in the army. This is not for fun, but also to participate in training and daily duty. Yang Shangkun also personally checked their training results, and found that the results were really good, so Yang Shangkun took Liu Yuan as a typical publicity.

For some time, Liu Yuan was assigned to stand guard. Yang Shangkun was worried that the army would treat him specially because of his identity, so every day after dinner, Yang Shangkun would walk to Liu Yuan's duty post to see if Liu Yuan was lazy.

Liu Yuan, who is only 13 years old, always stands guard carefully, and has never been caught by his father Yang, who comes here "walking".

Because of the particularity of that era, Liu Yuan had daily contact with either marshals or generals, which could be said to be growing up in military camps. As a child, Liu Yuan was fat and cute, and everyone liked to make fun of him.

After the first award of the Republic in 1955, Liu Yuan, who was only three or four years old, was also sewn a hand-painted "shoulder badge" on his shoulder. Yang Shangkun saw it and introduced Liu Yuan to President Zhu and them with a smile as "the future general".

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan was promoted to general in 2009.

At the most difficult time in the 1960s, Liu Yuan was also hungry. Even because there are many children in his family, Liu Yuan is more hungry than other children. Every time they eat, the children can still pretend to be polite. When adults leave, they rely on food grabbing.

Fortunately, Mr. Peng and Yang Shangkun both took care of them and often gave the children of the Liu family the food they saved at home. The children wolfed down, while Father Yang and others sat by to recall the revolutionary years.

Liu Yuan has always remembered the care and love of the elders for children.

In a special period, the two people were separated from each other, and they did not meet again until around the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee.

Later, Liu Yuan, an adult, was admitted to the history department of the university, which was the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination.

After graduation, Liu Yuan took the initiative to work in Henan. During this period, Yang Shangkun repeatedly told him not to isolate himself from the masses and always keep an open mind to study.

Even after Yang Shangkun retired, Liu Yuan often took the time to report to "Yang Dad" and accompany him to study all over the country.

Yang Shangkun was also pleased with Liu Yuan's achievements. When Liu Yuan became Vice Governor and General, Yang Shangkun was very happy and led Liu Yuan to celebrate together.

In the following decades, the relationship between the two people has not been interrupted. In addition, Liu Yuan was born in the history department. Yang Shangkun often asked Liu Yuan, an "expert", for advice when writing his memoirs.

In 1998, a catastrophic flood broke out across the country. As a soldier, Liu Yuan has always been at the forefront of flood fighting and rescue.

What he did not know was that Yang Shangkun was terminally ill at this time and could leave the world at any time.

As he lay dying, Yang Shangkun even missed Liu Yuan, who had not seen him for many days. However, he understood that Liu Yuan was on the front line at this time. He was unwilling to ask people around him not to tell Liu Yuan about his illness because he affected Liu Yuan's work.

But how could people around him not know his missing for Liu Yuan? Yang Shangkun called Liu Yuan's name several times in his sleep.

Everyone feared that if they did not meet, Yang Shangkun and Liu Yuan would leave eternal regret in their hearts. Yang Shangkun was finally informed of Liu Yuan's situation. Liu Yuan, who had handed over the work, hurried to the hospital to see Yang Shangkun who was being rescued.

The next day, the "father Yang" died.


In the revolutionary era, heroes sacrificed their lives to fight, and their children had different destinies. Liu Yuan is undoubtedly lucky to have "Father Yang" to take care of him.

Others lost their parents or left because they were not accompanied, and many children died prematurely because they were not properly cared for. Even Chairman Mao's children are not immune from these things.

Great people pay not only for their own lives, but also for their own close relatives for the country and the nation.

reference material:

[1] The world of party history Yang Shangkun and the Great People around him, Issue 04, 2004 (Page 14-18)

[2] Overview of Party history Liu Yuan, the Son of Liu Shaoqi: Growing up in a Special Environment (Part 1), Issue 3, 2010 (Pages 18-22)

[3] China Youth Daily Liu Yuanyi, the Son of Liu Shaoqi, Yang Shangkun: To be a good person is to be a good official, December 2, 2007

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