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Energy Daily | The United States announced that it would impose tariffs on China's electric vehicles, batteries and chips from August 1; China Energy Engineering signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation framework agreement with Guangzhou Municipal Government

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[The United States announced that it would impose tariffs on China's electric vehicles, batteries and chips from August 1] On May 22 local time, the United States Trade Representative Office (USTR) issued an announcement on the imposition of 301 tariffs on China, saying that some measures of imposing substantial tariffs on a series of Chinese imports such as electric vehicles and batteries, computer chips and medical products will take effect on August 1. The USTR said in a federal notice that the 30 day public consultation period will end on June 28. USTR also said, "It is recommended to exempt hundreds of industrial machinery products imported from China from tariffs, including solar energy product manufacturing equipment". (Interface news)

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: the sixth batch of reference products (technologies) for DSM in the national industrial field are proposed to be listed in the catalog On May 22, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the Announcement of the Sixth Batch of Reference Products (Technologies) to be Selected for National Industrial DSM, which shows that 24 products (technologies) are planned to be included in the national industrial DSM reference products (technologies) directory. These technologies include low-voltage power distribution Internet of Things high-speed dual mode communication unit, new energy smart micro grid energy saving and carbon reduction technology, zinc iron flow battery and other technologies. (Website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

[Hainan: Improve the electricity price policy for rural domestic sewage treatment facilities, implemented from June 1] The Notice on Matters Related to Improving the Electricity Price Policy for Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment Facilities in Hainan Province issued by the Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission on May 22 pointed out that the electricity price for rural domestic sewage treatment facilities in Hainan Province shall be subject to the residential electricity price, which shall be subject to the residential combined electricity price of the corresponding voltage level. The rural domestic sewage treatment facilities shall be measured by meters. If the measurement by meters has not been realized temporarily, the power charge can be calculated and collected by both the supplier and the user in a quantitative or proportional manner by agreement, and checked at least once a year. The notice shall be implemented as of June 1, 2024. (Website of Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

Industry and company

China Energy Engineering signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation framework agreement with Guangzhou Municipal Government] On May 22, Song Hailiang, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of China Energy Construction, held talks with Guo Yonghang, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee in Guangzhou. The two sides had in-depth exchanges and reached broad consensus on further strengthening practical cooperation in the implementation of the "dual carbon" strategy, new power systems, green transformation and development, urban renewal, urban "seven networks" integration, new energy storage, the "Belt and Road", data centers and other fields. Guangzhou Municipal Government and China Energy Construction signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation framework agreement. (Securities Times)

[Power input energy: it is expected that the supply of electrolytic aluminum will be more tight in the future] On May 22, the Associated Press of Finance reported that Power Investment Energy said in its research that it is expected that in the next decade, China's electrolytic aluminum will be affected by global economic development, population growth, emerging markets and other factors. At the same time, with the application of aluminum products in the new energy field and high-end manufacturing field, the demand for electrolytic aluminum will continue to increase. It is expected that by 2028, The consumption of electrolytic aluminum in China will reach more than 43 million tons. In the future, the price trend of aluminum ingots will be optimistic in the medium and long term. With the implementation of the global loose monetary policy, the rise of raw material prices and labor costs will support the operation of aluminum prices in a reasonable profit space. (Associated Press of Finance and Economics)

[Donghua Energy: 10000 ton carbon fiber project with both large tow and small tow capacity will be arranged according to market demand] On May 22, the Associated Press of Finance learned from the Donghua Energy Securities Department that the company's newly started 10000 ton carbon fiber project has the production capacity of both large tow and small tow carbon fiber in planning, and can arrange the capacity share and scheduling plan of large tow and small tow according to market demand. The project has a large capacity, and if only one product is produced, it may not be fully digested by the market. At present, the price of small tow carbon fiber is higher, but the market demand may be small, so it is necessary to invest in the capacity of large tow carbon fiber. (Associated Press of Finance and Economics)

Tianfu Energy: Subsidiary won the bid for 541 million yuan project] On May 22, Tianfu Energy announced that its holding subsidiary, Xinjiang Tianfu Weiye Engineering Co., Ltd., had won the bid for the engineering projects of its holding subsidiaries, Xinjiang Bingrong Clean Energy Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Zhongtian Haoyang New Energy Co., Ltd., with a total winning amount of 541 million yuan. (Website of Shanghai Stock Exchange)


[Hubei: encourage investment in the construction of charging facilities in towns and villages where existing centralized wind farms, photovoltaic power stations, energy storage power stations, etc.] On May 21, the Implementation Plan for Rural Charging Infrastructure Construction in Hubei Province issued by the General Office of the People's Government of Hubei Province pointed out that it is encouraged to invest in the construction of charging facilities in the towns and villages where the existing centralized wind farms, photovoltaic power stations, energy storage power stations and other power stations are located; Utilize space resources such as idle non cultivated land and various building roofs to build rural charging facilities in distributed photovoltaic and decentralized wind power projects in an integrated manner, promote the local consumption of green power, and achieve "green stake" where there is green power. (Website of Hubei Provincial People's Government)

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