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2922 people! Hunan High School Starting Point Undergraduate Level Rural Teachers' Public Fee Orientation Training Enrollment Plan Announced

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Recently, the Education Department of Hunan Province issued a notice that, in order to effectively strengthen the construction of rural teachers, in combination with the spirit of the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Targeted Training of Excellent Teachers in the Underdeveloped Areas of Central and Western China in 2021 (Teachers' Office [2021] No. 3), our province will continue to implement the undergraduate level rural high school, junior high school, primary school Special education and secondary vocational specialized course teachers' public expense oriented training plan. According to the principle of "voluntary registration, selective admission, free training, targeted and regular service", the plan enrolls students through the college entrance examination and the college entrance examination.

1、 Enrollment school and major

(1) High school teachers at undergraduate level. The enrollment schools are: Hunan Normal University, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan University of Technology, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang Normal University, Jishou University, Hunan No.1 Normal University. The enrollment majors are: Chinese language and literature, mathematics and applied mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biological science, ideological and political education, history, geography, music, art, physical education, computer science and technology, educational technology, psychology, and applied psychology.

(2) Junior high school teachers at undergraduate level. Enrollment schools: Hengyang Normal University, Huaihua University, Hunan No.1 Normal University, Changsha Normal University, Hunan University of Arts and Sciences. Enrollment majors: Chinese language and literature, mathematics and applied mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biological science, ideological and political education, history, geography, music, art, physical education, computer science and technology, and applied psychology.

(3) Primary school teachers at undergraduate level. Admission schools: Hunan First Normal University, Changsha Normal University. Enrollment majors: primary education, musicology, physical education, fine arts, science education, ideological and political education, psychology.

(4) Special education teachers at undergraduate level. Admission school: Hunan Normal University. The major of enrollment is: special education.

(5) Undergraduate level professional teachers in secondary vocational schools. Admission schools: Hunan Normal University, Hunan Agricultural University, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hengyang Normal University. The enrollment majors are: mechanical technology, applied electronic technology education (application direction of electronic technology), visual communication design, vehicle engineering, agronomy, material forming and control engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and its automation, tourism management, and financial management.

2、 Enrollment Plan

In 2024, there will be 2922 people enrolled in the targeted training of various rural teachers at the undergraduate level at the starting point of our province's high school (secondary vocational school) Among them, according to the requirements of the Department of Teachers' [2021] No. 3 document, the corresponding enrollment plans (1615 people in total) of 40 poverty alleviation counties in our province (originally concentrated in contiguous poverty-stricken counties and key counties of national poverty alleviation and development work) were also included in the special plan for targeted cultivation of outstanding teachers in the underdeveloped regions in the central and western regions of the Ministry of Education, the local special project for excellent teachers (hereinafter referred to as the provincial special project for excellent teachers), as follows:

(1) Enrollment plan for public funded targeted training of high school teachers at undergraduate level: 1518 people, the type of enrollment plan is ordinary college entrance examination. Among them, 840 are specialized in provincial excellent teachers.

(2) Undergraduate level junior high school teachers' enrollment plan for targeted training at public expense: 1089 people, the type of enrollment plan is ordinary college entrance examination. Among them, there are 583 provincial-level excellent teachers.

(3) Enrollment plan for public funded targeted training of primary school teachers at undergraduate level: 148 people, the type of enrollment plan is ordinary college entrance examination. Among them, there are 97 provincial excellent teachers.

(4) Enrollment plan for special education teachers at undergraduate level: 45 persons, the type of enrollment plan is general college entrance examination. Among them, there are 24 provincial excellent teachers.

(5) Undergraduate level targeted training enrollment plan for secondary vocational professional teachers at public expense: 122 people, divided into ordinary college entrance examination enrollment plan and counterpart enrollment plan. Among them, there are 71 provincial excellent teachers.

According to the requirements of the Notice of Hunan Provincial Department of Education on Collecting the Demand Plan for Public Fee Oriented Normal Student Training and Enrollment in 2024, and the demand plan for public fee oriented training and enrollment of rural teachers in 2024 declared by all cities and prefectures, on the basis of comprehensive balance, the Provincial Department of Education has prepared various public fee oriented training and enrollment plans for rural teachers at the starting point of high school.

3、 Cultivation mode

(1) Teachers of senior high school, junior high school and primary school at undergraduate level adopt the four-year undergraduate training mode.

(2) Special education teachers at undergraduate level are jointly trained by Hunan Normal University and Changsha Vocational and Technical College. The undergraduate education system is four years. The talent training program is jointly formulated by Hunan Normal University and Changsha Vocational and Technical College. In principle, Changsha Vocational and Technical College is responsible for training the first and second academic years, and Hunan Normal University is responsible for training the third and fourth academic years. Hunan Normal University will issue a bachelor's degree certificate to those who have completed their studies and passed the examination. Those who meet the conditions for conferring a bachelor's degree will be issued a bachelor's degree certificate.

(3) The mode of joint training of secondary vocational professional teachers at undergraduate level with relevant vocational colleges and enterprises is adopted. The undergraduate education system is four years. The talent training program is jointly formulated by undergraduate colleges and higher vocational colleges. In principle, the first and second academic years are trained by relevant higher vocational colleges, and the third and fourth academic years are trained by undergraduate colleges. At the end of the term of study, those who have passed the examination will be issued a bachelor's degree certificate by an undergraduate college. Those who meet the conditions for awarding a bachelor's degree will be issued a bachelor's degree certificate. See the Arrangement of Hunan Provincial High School (Secondary Vocational School) Starting Point Undergraduate Level Rural Secondary Vocational School Professional Teachers Public Fee Orientation Training School in 2024 for the joint training work.

4、 Training funds

According to the Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Hunan Province on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for the Reform of the Division of Financial Powers and Expenditure Responsibilities between Provinces and Cities and Counties in the Field of Education (XZBF [2020] No. 15), the training funds required by the provincial project plan are shared by the provincial and municipal/county finance at a ratio of 7:3.

The tuition fees, accommodation fees, teaching materials fees and military training clothing fees for rural teachers to train teachers' students at public expense (hereinafter referred to as "teachers' students at public expense") during their study at school are exempted, and the expenses required are borne by the public finance fees. They enjoy the subsidy policies such as scholarships and grants according to the relevant national and provincial regulations, and enjoy the same treatment with other students at school within the scope of the subsidy policy.

5、 Enrollment objects and conditions

(1) Teachers of senior high school, junior high school, primary school and special education at undergraduate level

1. Household registration within the city and state where the county, city or prefecture with enrollment plan orientation is located (the deadline for household registration recognition is June 7, 2024).

2. Less than 22 years old (born on or after September 1, 2002).

3. In 2024, the scores of ordinary college entrance examination in Hunan Province reached the undergraduate admission control score of the corresponding category of the enrollment school, and the subjects selected for the college entrance examination met the requirements of the enrollment school.

4. Be physically and mentally healthy, pass the physical examination, and meet the physical conditions for education and teaching stipulated by the state. The physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the Notice of Hunan Provincial Education Examination Institute on Doing Well in the Physical Examination of College Enrollment in 2024 (XJCPZ [2024] No. 1).

5. Love the cause of basic education, voluntarily apply for high school, junior high school, primary school and special education teachers' tuition oriented normal students, and ensure that after graduation, they will obey the arrangement of relevant education administrative departments, and teach in rural high schools, junior high schools, primary schools and special education schools in cities, prefectures, counties and urban areas targeted by the enrollment plan, with the service time not less than 6 years.

(2) Professional teachers of secondary vocational schools at undergraduate level

1. Less than 22 years old (born on or after September 1, 2002).

2. Candidates who apply for the ordinary college entrance examination enrollment plan will reach the control score line of admission control for undergraduate students of corresponding categories in Hunan Province in 2024; For candidates who apply for the corresponding enrollment plan, their scores in the corresponding enrollment examination of ordinary colleges and universities in Hunan Province in 2024 will reach the undergraduate admission control score line of corresponding professional categories.

3. Be physically and mentally healthy, pass the physical examination, and meet the physical conditions for education and teaching stipulated by the state. The physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the Notice of Hunan Provincial Education Examination Institute on Doing Well in the Physical Examination of College Enrollment in 2024 (XJCPZ [2024] No. 1).

4. Love the career of vocational education, voluntarily apply for the examination of professional teachers in secondary vocational schools, and ensure that after graduation, they will obey the arrangement of the relevant education administrative departments, and teach in the secondary vocational schools in the counties and cities targeted by the enrollment plan, with the service time not less than 6 years.

6、 Admission procedures

(1) Publish enrollment policies. The municipal, prefectural, county and urban education (sports) bureaus, high school (secondary vocational school) schools and training schools should use newspapers, posters, radio, television, network and other forms to publish the enrollment policy and enrollment plan of this document to the society. High school (secondary vocational school) schools should also carry out propaganda and mobilization to senior three students and their parents.

(2) Confirmation of household registration information. Candidates can log on to the "Comprehensive Information Platform for Candidates of Hunan Provincial College Entrance Examination" (website: )Or the "Xiaoxiang College Entrance Examination" APP can check the applicant's registration information, and confirm that the "registered residence" county and city information in the applicant's registration form is consistent with the "address" county and city information in the candidate's household register. In case of any inconsistency, the examinee must go to the enrollment and examination institution in the county or city where the college entrance examination is registered to complete the modification of the household registration information before June 16, 2024, and will not be accepted if it is overdue. The household registration information filled in by the candidates will be used as an important basis for the admission of high school, junior high school, primary school and special education teachers at the undergraduate level and the signing of relevant agreements. Where the candidates cannot fill in the application normally due to the wrong household registration information filled in by the candidates, The examinee shall be responsible for the results of the fake household registration or the transfer of the household registration across cities and states after June 7, as well as the filling in of the volunteer who does not meet the household registration requirements, which affects the filing, admission and the signing of the agreement after admission.

(3) Fill in the application form. According to this document and the enrollment plan announced by the Provincial Education Examination Institute, the examinee shall fill in the corresponding application form for undergraduate approval in advance. Candidates who fill in the undergraduate level high school, junior high school, primary school, special education and secondary vocational professional course teachers' volunteer plan should select the corresponding college professional group according to the candidate's domicile location and the policy requirements of the corresponding enrollment plan on the household registration, and can fill in the parallel volunteer of up to 45 college professional groups, Any college or major that fails to meet the requirements of the relevant household registration policy will be deemed as invalid. Candidates who fill in the targeted teacher training program for professional teachers of secondary vocational schools at the undergraduate level will only fill in one college volunteer. The time and requirements for filling in and submitting the application (including soliciting the application) shall be subject to the relevant regulations of the Provincial Education Examination Institute.

(4) Filing admission. The public tuition oriented normal students are arranged to be admitted in advance in the undergraduate program. Ordinary colleges and universities enroll undergraduate level high school, junior high school, primary school, special education and secondary vocational professional course teachers, and the public fee oriented normal students plan to file parallel volunteers. For the plan of targeted normal students for secondary vocational professional course teachers at the undergraduate level, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will provide the information of the candidates who fill in the relevant volunteers to the enrollment schools according to the candidates' wishes, and each enrollment school will determine the proposed enrollment list according to the relevant enrollment policies and school admission rules. The Provincial Education Examination Institute shall file the proposed enrollment list submitted by the enrollment school. After the first enrollment, if any enrollment school fails to complete the enrollment plan, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will announce the enrollment vacancy of the school to the public through the network and other media, and organize the unaccepted candidates to fill in the application for volunteers. After the enrollment, the enrollment school will fill in the List of 2024 Hunan Provincial High School (Secondary Vocational School) Starting Rural Teachers Enrolled at Public Fees for Normal Students according to the enrollment of candidates, and send the List of 2024 Hunan Provincial High School (Secondary Vocational School) Starting Rural Teachers Enrolled at Public Fees for Normal Students to the municipal and prefectural education (sports) bureaus targeted by the enrollment plan The education (sports) bureaus of the relevant counties, districts and districts shall be informed by letter respectively.

(5) The Agreement on Public Fee Oriented Training of Rural Teachers in Hunan Province and the Agreement on Public Fee Oriented Training of Rural Teachers in Hunan Province (Special Project for Provincial Excellent Teachers) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Agreement) were signed.

1. Sign the agreement. The municipal, prefectural, county and urban education (physical education) bureaus, in accordance with the 2024 Admission List of Rural Teachers at the Starting Point of High School (Secondary Vocational School) in Hunan Province, uniformly organize the admission of candidates and sign the Agreement with the people's government at the same level.

The municipal and prefectural education (sports) bureaus summarize the "Agreement" signed by the municipal and prefectural levels and the counties and urban areas under their jurisdiction, and send it to the relevant enrollment schools by training type and enrollment schools before July 26. When signing the "Agreement", the candidates should bring their household register to the relevant city, state, county, city and city education (sports) bureaus to review the relevant information of the candidates. Those who do not meet the relevant enrollment policies after review cannot sign the "Agreement". The municipal, prefectural, county and urban education (sports) bureaus must prepare the Agreement according to the form of the agreement uniformly issued by the provincial education department and the training type. If the content is inconsistent, the agreement will be deemed invalid and cannot enter the next enrollment workflow. If the candidate is under the age of 18, he/she and his/her legal guardian must jointly sign the Agreement. If he/she and his/her legal guardian sign the Agreement, it will be regarded as invalid and cannot enter the next enrollment workflow. If the examinee fails to sign the Agreement within the specified time, it shall be deemed that the examinee voluntarily waives the qualification for enrollment.

2. The specific time, place and other information of the signing of the Agreement shall be timely announced by the municipal, prefectural, county and urban education (sports) bureaus according to the work needs and notified to the relevant examinees one by one in time, so that the examinees can grasp the relevant information in a timely manner.

(6) Issue the admission notice. After receiving the Agreement sent by the municipal and prefectural education (sports) bureaus, each enrollment school will issue admission notices to the candidates who have accepted and signed the Agreement.

(7) Admission and review. The admission examinee shall report to the enrollment school with the admission notice. After the new students enter the university, the enrollment school will review the qualifications of the public funded normal students within one month of enrollment. If the applicant passes the reexamination, the enrollment school will sign and seal the Agreement, and the Agreement will come into force; Those who fail to pass the reexamination and cannot obtain the qualification of public tuition oriented normal students shall be dealt with according to the relevant national regulations on enrollment and student management. After the enrollment school signs and seals the Agreement, it shall send the Agreement to each party and deposit it in the personal files of the freshmen of the targeted normal students at public expense. The enrollment school summarizes the registration of the candidates admitted by the school, fills in the List of Admission Review of Rural Teachers at the Starting Point of High School (Secondary Vocational School) in Hunan Province for Normal Students at Public Fees in 2024, and submits it to the Provincial Department of Education (including electronic files) before September 20.

7、 Relevant policies

For details, please refer to the relevant policy description of the public funded targeted training plan for rural teachers at the starting point of senior high school (secondary vocational school) in Hunan Province in 2024.

8、 Job requirements

1. The provincial education department is responsible for the unified organization and leadership of the targeted training of various rural teachers at the undergraduate level at the starting point of high school (secondary vocational school) in the province, and the education (sports) bureaus of cities, prefectures, counties, cities and relevant enrollment training schools are responsible for the implementation. The education (sports) bureaus of all cities, prefectures, counties, cities and relevant schools for enrollment and training should conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to the normal students of Beijing Normal University's "excellent teacher plan", fully understand the significance of implementing the targeted training plan for rural teachers at public expense, practically strengthen organizational leadership, and carefully organize and plan. It is necessary to clarify the corresponding staff and work responsibilities, formulate specific and feasible work plans, arrange special work funds, and timely release relevant enrollment information to the public through official channels, so as to ensure the steady and smooth enrollment of normal college students at public expense in 2024, and ensure the full completion of the enrollment plan.

2. The municipal, prefectural, county and urban education (sports) bureaus, enrollment training schools, and provincial education and examination institutions shall do a good job of household registration confirmation and enrollment of volunteer candidates in strict accordance with the regulations, and ensure that the enrollment procedures are standardized, fair and just. It is strictly prohibited to change the enrollment plan without authorization, and to charge fees in any name. For those students who have been admitted illegally to the public funded normal schools, their admission qualifications will be revoked, the relevant responsible persons and relevant personnel will be held accountable according to law and regulations, and the training tasks of relevant colleges and universities will be canceled.

3. All cities, prefectures, counties and urban districts shall strictly follow the list of candidates to be admitted, and earnestly organize the candidates to sign the Agreement with the people's government at the same level. It is strictly prohibited to sign the Agreement with non admitted candidates, to sign the Agreement in advance, and to refuse to sign the Agreement with admitted candidates who meet the policy. The enrollment training school should actively cooperate with the municipal, prefectural, county and urban education (sports) bureaus to sign the Agreement.

4. The relevant enrollment training schools should combine their training work, strengthen the research on the reform policy of basic education in the new era and the research on the training needs of rural teachers, scientifically formulate talent training programs, continuously deepen the comprehensive reform of the training model of normal students, strengthen the management of student status, teaching management and professional construction, and strengthen the education of national and provincial conditions Teachers' morality cultivation education and professional skills training in education and teaching, strengthening the ability to use language and words and consciously standardizing the awareness of using national common language and words, actively exploring the training rules of teachers in county high schools, junior high schools, primary schools, special education and secondary vocational professional courses, and effectively ensuring the quality of talent training.

List of 40 Poverty Alleviated Counties in Hunan Province

Zhuzhou: Yanling County, Chaling County

Shaoyang: Longhui County, Shaoyang County, Chengbu County, Xinning County, Xinshao County, Wugang City

Dongkou County, Suining County

Yueyang City: Pingjiang County

Changde City: Shimen County

Zhangjiajie: Sangzhi County, Cili County

Yiyang City: Anhua County

Chenzhou: Guidong County, Rucheng County, Yizhang County, Anren County

Yongzhou City: Xintian County, Jianghua County

Huaihua City: Yuanling County, Tongdao County, Mayang County, Chenxi County, Xinhuang County, Zhijiang County, Huitong County, Jingzhou County, Zhongfang County, Xupu County

Loudi City: Xinhua County, Lianyuan City

Xiangxi Prefecture: Huayuan County, Baojing County, Longshan County, Yongshun County, Fenghuang County, Luxi County, Guzhang County

Policy Description of 2024 Hunan Provincial High School (Secondary Vocational School) Starting Point Undergraduate Rural Teachers' Public Fee Orientation Training Plan

1、 When filling in the same round of application in advance for approval of undergraduate courses, the college students who have applied for the college entrance examination of the province's public funded targeted normal students (including the special program for excellent teachers) for general majors can also apply for the college entrance examination of public funded normal students directly under the Ministry of Education (including the special program for excellent teachers) who have applied for parallel volunteer filing in advance for approval of undergraduate courses, and the major of Marxist theory in national key Marxist colleges Seed science and engineering major and minor language major in some universities; Candidates who have applied for the sports majors of our province's public funded targeted normal students (including the special program for excellent teachers) can also apply for the sports majors of public funded normal students of normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education approved in advance; Those who have registered for the art majors of our province's public funded targeted normal students (including the special program for excellent teachers) can also report to other colleges (majors) in the art parallel group of the public funded normal students directly under the Ministry of Education for enrollment of art majors and undergraduate approval in advance.

2、 The major of candidates shall be determined according to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following the will", and direct volunteer candidates shall be admitted first. When there is a shortage of direct volunteer students, the candidates who are "subject to major" will be transferred from high scores to low scores for admission.

3、 During the period of study at school, the students of the public funded directional normal schools are not allowed to transfer to other schools, and in principle, they are not allowed to change their majors.

4、 Students of public funded directional normal schools shall obtain corresponding teacher qualifications before taking up their posts, and meet the requirements for corresponding teachers to take up their posts with certificates. Otherwise, they will be treated as breach of contract.

5、 After graduating from the public funded oriented normal university, the teacher will teach according to the service region and service school type specified in the enrollment plan for at least 6 years, and the teaching posts and staffing will be implemented by the cities, prefectures, counties and cities that signed the agreement according to the relevant provisions.

6、 During the service period specified in the agreement, the public funded normal students may not study for the general master's degree off the job, but may study for the professional master's degree of education on the job.

7、 Within the service period specified in the agreement, the tuition oriented normal students may, with the approval of the competent education administrative department of the teaching school, move among the corresponding schools within the targeted area or engage in education management according to the service region and service school type specified in the enrollment plan.

8、 Those students who fail to perform the agreement at public expense shall return the training fees at public expense and pay liquidated damages as required.

9、 The education administrative departments of cities, prefectures, counties, and urban districts shall be responsible for the performance management of the public funded normal students within their own administrative areas, establish integrity files, publish the record of breach of contract of the public funded normal students, record the breach of contract in the personnel files, and manage the returned public funded training fees and liquidated damages. Before the end of December, the education (sports) bureaus of all cities and prefectures shall summarize the relevant information about the public funded directional normal graduates who have gone through the default handling procedures in their respective jurisdictions in the current year, fill in the Summary Table of Default Handling of Hunan Province Public funded Directional Normal Graduates in 2024, and submit it to the Provincial Department of Education (including electronic files).

Source: Education Department of Hunan Province

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