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Jin Dong, you are not fit to lift shoes for online celebrities!

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Hello, I'm Lao Gu.

Jin Dong, a well-known actor, began to criticize the online celebrities on the live network.

Jin Dong said frankly that if we continue, the future of the country will be worried. This sharp speech triggered a heated discussion among netizens and then went to search again.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have any self-knowledge.

He didn't know that he was just a "playwright" in the eyes of countless netizens with the same views as him, and also a person who could not create value for the society.

There is no mistake. Those who pose in front of the live cameras every day are the new generation of "actors". Their work is the same as that of Jin Dong.

They are pleasing the audience in the way of this era.

What the celebrities want to perform is not decided by the celebrities themselves, but by consumers. If consumers do not like her performance, then the live studio will be empty.

Don't believe it, try to perform a "elegant" recitation of an ancient poem and recite a certain paragraph in the live broadcast room? Sing today is a good day?

There will be no more than five continuous viewers in your studio, and your reward will be zero.

Countless cultural guardians look down on the way of online celebrity live broadcast. In essence, they look down on those netizens who watched before the live broadcast. Why are you so inferior? Such bad taste? You like this kind of performance so much?

Online celebrities are just catering to demand.

If there is no such demand, the online celebrities will have no income, and they cannot insist on such live broadcast.

So where do these needs come from?

Don't forget that China has a population of 1.4 billion, and there are countless people who can't appreciate what you call snow in spring. Do you want to engage in poetry recitation, symphony, talk about Mozart, sing the main melody, and believe that countless people will fall asleep?

After work, they like to watch these online celebrities perform for them heartily. They want to be respected in the live broadcast room. They are shouted by these online celebrities, their families, brothers and sisters.

Because in life, they can get little respect.

The only people who can do their best to meet their needs and serve their emotions are the online celebrities you despise.

For a long time, entertainment has been officially formatted and recognized as a standard way for people to enjoy entertainment. Even crosstalk must be educational. In serious cases, you can only watch model plays.

In the mainstream view, Guo Degang's dirty jokes and ethical jokes are vulgar and corrupt the social ethos.

However, this cannot stop Deyun Society from becoming the first entertainment company in China. There are thousands of commercial performances a year. At the peak, their "vulgar" entertainment is held in the stadium, with tens of thousands of people and thousands of yuan of tickets.

Even Deyun can go abroad and tour the world.

People are fed up with you mainstream actors. People don't need to be educated by you.

Entertainment, just for fun, enjoy entertainment, just to get services.

There are several mainstream actors, like Guo Degang, who always call the audience the parents of food and clothing at the beginning. You mainstream actors are always high above others and try to educate the people.

People like to listen to crosstalk with a bit of color, which is low-grade, so what?

Consumers have the right to be vulgar!

Children will not be spoiled. The rise of online celebrities will only tell all children that if you want to achieve success in the market, you must meet the needs of consumers.

The consumer is always right. A producer can only produce under the command of the consumer. This is the essence of market economy.

The rise of online celebrities will also hit mainstream actors hard. The era of you standing high is over, and the era of state-owned television monopoly of entertainment programs is over, and you no longer have a monopoly position.

The market offers more entertainment options.

Yang's funny videos and market achievements have made countless professional comedians feel inferior. Numerous people who used to be in the film and television industry also want to participate in the live broadcast field, but most of them failed.

Because, under the state-owned monopoly system in the past, they used to pretend to be big tail wolves and really took themselves seriously. When faced with consumers who were removed from the Internet at any time, they were embarrassed, unable to let go of their so-called dignity and unwilling to sincerely serve consumers.

Every online celebrity is a director, an actor, and a part-time photographer. Each of them is an independent entrepreneur.

Although most online celebrities earn hundreds of thousands of yuan a month, every penny comes from their insistence on live broadcast, which is the result of their efforts to manage consumer relations.

I know an anchor. In order to meet the needs of netizens, he went up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots, went down to the fields to catch Wang Ba, went to the river to catch fish, and even started to catch snakes.

He just graduated from junior high school, and by serving netizens' nostalgia for pastoral life, he wandered around the countryside every day, often making his head broken and bleeding, just for the income of 10000 yuan.

But this is a great achievement for him, because he could only get 3000 yuan in the county. Now he is full of hope, because more fans and more rewards are getting day by day.

Mainstream people will never do such things.

Mainstream people fantasize that as soon as I appear on the screen, there will be countless netizens who will rush over to reward me crazily. They can also earn a lot of money by saying a few words casually. Unfortunately, this era is gone forever. Apart from a few professional actors, few people can do it.

As the mainstream of reciting lines and performing every day, there is no way to talk with netizens in the live studio.

Many popular webcasters are watched in a year, which has already far exceeded several hundred million, dozens of times more than many mainstream actors.

Jin Dong, he is now on an official career. He is the deputy head of the coal mine art troupe and a national first-class actor.

Actors are a profession that originally serves the market. Comrade Jiang Kun, when he became the chairman of the Quxie, basically had no works. His main energy was to criticize the three vulgarities in the crosstalk world.

Of course he failed.

Because the audience told him by buying tickets, Jiang Kun, it's not your turn to teach us a lesson. I can see whatever I want to see. It's none of your business.

The market economy is not conducive to entrepreneurs, but a system conducive to consumers.

In the market economy, entrepreneurs are actually very hard, much harder than ordinary people. Especially entrepreneurs in the entertainment industry, such as online celebrities.

Do you think it's nice for them to broadcast live outside all the year round? It's very hard.

Because consumers' tastes change every day, today they like Guo Youcai, and tomorrow they like Zhang.

Just like they went into the restaurant, they ate well today, and became bored after eating twice more. You can't keep making consumers happy. Consumers will leave you immediately.

Any demand is human demand. People need entertainment and happiness, because the purpose of people's life is to make themselves happier.

There is no more important need than to make people happier.

What's the difference between people who can only eat and animals?

Internet celebrities, aren't they outstanding entrepreneurs who serve the market demand? Certainly.

Some people talk about Guo Youcai's fire and conspiracy as a platform to make him angry.

This is not only an ignorance of dithering, but also a contempt for consumers. Can the platform create stars? No!

Guo Youcai's live broadcast room can reach 3 million people, and millions of people are online at the peak, which shows that he has been recognized by consumers. Rewards up to tens of millions of dollars are real gold and silver, not like by consumers. Will they appear? Does the platform reward traffic? What are you thinking?

If you don't believe it, you can spend your money to cast a stream and see if there is anyone in your studio offering you a reward?

Do you think that if you push a wave of traffic, someone will reward you and stay in your studio to watch your performance?

If most consumers are indifferent to him and the platform gives him more traffic, he will immediately transfer it away. How can the number of people staying in the live broadcast room be as high as one million? And it has maintained high traffic for more than ten consecutive days.

Of course, this is because the vast majority of middle-aged men have never done dithering themselves, and they do not understand the system of dithering.

It is also because of the disdain and lack of understanding of Tiaoyin that many people miss out on huge entrepreneurial opportunities.

Only consumers can be popular online. The platform can't do it.

You know, online celebrities and entertainment stars are the same, and their appearance is very accidental. Not only does the platform not know who can fire, but even professional star factories do not know what kind of artists can be trained to fire.

Online celebrities, like Young Brother Yang, Dong Yuhui and Li Jiaqi, can maintain a lasting influence, which is almost rare. Most online celebrities, even if they become popular, quickly fall silent.

Because under the fierce traffic competition, it is difficult to retain consumers without continuous creativity, and consumers' preferences for entertainment products change very quickly.

Most mainstream actors are even worse, because they have no creative ability. The performance of film and television plays is created by directors, screenwriters, cameras and actors.

Actors like Jiang Kun, whose creative ability is low, can only become officials. Guo Degang alone created thousands of cross talks.

Mainstream people are full of envy of the new online celebrities.

There are a lot of so-called old drama bones in front of me, and I criticize little fresh meat bitterly, but I am jealous that little fresh meat has box office appeal, but I don't have it. They are trying to educate the audience. You should see my old face.

There are also film and television writers who criticize the concept of watching vulgar short plays and making great profits from cool short plays, which makes mainstream film and television workers envy, envy and hate.

Now Jin Dong criticizes online celebrities and thinks that they will harm children. He looks down on his peers.

Jin Dong is not afraid. He is within the system. No matter how you despise actors, how dare you despise officials? He is the deputy head of the coal mine art troupe and a national first-class actor.

However, in my eyes, your status is that you are out of the market and no longer serve consumers. You have the guts to stay out of the system, work in the market yourself and rely on consumers to feed you.

People in the system are even less qualified to blame these online celebrities. Compared with these online celebrities, you are nothing, and you are not worthy to lift shoes for them.


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