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JD strictly checks attendance and shortens lunch break. It reminds me of Huawei's "marching bed" culture

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Jingdong's strict check on attendance has become a hot topic. Some netizens summarized the following four points:

1. It is required to go to work at 9:00 every morning.

2. The lunch break is shortened to 1 hour, from 12:00 to 13:00, during which the lights cannot be turned off.

3. Employees who leave work at 6 pm need to be considered for job saturation.

4. All non working WeChat groups are dismissed.

It's also good to say that, among them, the lunch break time is 12:00-13:00, and the light can't be turned off during lunch break. As a grass-roots migrant worker, I really can't understand this. Huawei, known as a striver, is not so strict about lunch breaks.

When I first entered Huawei, my old colleague suggested that I buy a simple bed (called the marching bed internally) and lie down at noon to be comfortable. After listening to this, I was curious and full of thoughts about where to put the bed? The sleeping posture is not elegant. It's better to buy a pillow pad to sleep on the table. But when I first saw my colleagues' "equipment" for lunch break, it proved that my idea was superfluous.

Everyone sleeps in a variety of places and ways. The equipment and ritual sense of the afternoon nap are also very sufficient. The shop, cover, eye mask, earphones, and girls' pillow dolls are all available. Some of the sleeping places are near the work station, some are in the larger vacant space of the department, some are in the corridor near the window, and some are near the foot of the chair. The beds are also various, including flat folding beds, outdoor marching beds, and even rolled mattresses. What's more, some colleagues buy a big bed with money and spread it out for three people to lie on. Especially those rough guys who work on the floor, when they lie down, it's called wild. I've heard snoring, grinding teeth, farting. Girls are much more elegant.

Huawei has a two-hour break from 12:00 to 2:00 every day. Generally, the office lights will turn off automatically from 12:40, and everyone will lie down to have a rest. It is very quiet at this time. If someone has no lunch break habit, they can't disturb other colleagues to have a rest.

I don't know when Huawei formed its lunch break culture. Anyway, when I started, Huawei people attached great importance to lunch break. In their opinion, even lying down for ten minutes during lunch break is very helpful for physical recovery and afternoon work. Because the workload of large factories is generally large, it takes a lot of energy. Take my working hours in Huawei for example:

9: 00 Mobile clock in.

12: 00-14:00 Have lunch and take a lunch break. The lunch break will pull out the military bed, and the office area will turn off the lights to sleep.

17: 30-18:30 Dinner and a walk in the mountain.

At 21:30, clock out to get free supper in the canteen.

22:00 The bus goes home.

Special note: In the above cases, there are no emergency projects. If there are urgent projects, there are also those who stay up all night to work. Such workload shows the importance of lunch break to relieve the fatigue of the day.

In fact, it's not just Huawei. My friends in Geese Factory and Byte also have lunch breaks, but they are not as strict as Huawei. According to the observation and statistics of byte friends, the behavior of colleagues around during lunch break: 40% will brush the social platform; 20% will watch videos; 15% will read novels; 15% can play games; 10% continue to work without rest, and few people really lie down and sleep. Of course, the specimens are limited to his colleagues in his department.

For mental workers, a nap is a "self repair" of the body.

Some studies have found that the habit of taking a nap at noon can improve the thinking ability of the human body, thus preventing the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease, so it is very important to take a nap at noon. Napping has a certain effect on repairing multiple organs of the body, which can make the energy and physical strength more abundant in the afternoon. For mental workers, students, weak and sickly people, and the elderly, they should keep the habit of taking naps.

Author: Li Yiming. Editor: Si Qi.

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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