A total of 630000 troops of the Qing Dynasty surrendered after sacrificing 30000 people in the Sino Japanese War. How many Japanese troops died?

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It is said that during the Sino Japanese War, the Qing Dynasty mobilized 630000 troops, while Japan's military strength was less than 100000.

In the end, 30000 Qing soldiers died in battle, which was due to the great difference in data.

How many soldiers did the Japanese army lose at that time, so that it forced the Qing Empire to realize the difficulties of the situation and retreat?

Yellow Sea Naval Battle

We established formal contact with Japan, starting from the Han Dynasty.

Japan has always been our apprentice because of our admiration for the magnificent scene of the Chinese Dynasty. However, this apprentice's attitude was very disrespectful.

Chinese dynasties have repeatedly ruled out Japanese pirates, because once Japan felt that it had matured, it took the initiative to launch attacks.

While attacking the teacher, he learned from the teacher. In the twinkling of an eye, it was the end of the Qing Dynasty.

Since the Western powers opened the huge door of the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese Emperor Meiji also wanted to share the benefits, so he began to increase military spending on a large scale.

The Japanese navy and army took this opportunity to grow rapidly.

At that time, the Qing Dynasty was essentially on the verge of extinction, but under the influence of the Westernization Movement, it gradually showed signs of rejuvenation.

At that time, the Qing army was equipped with a large number of weapons and equipment purchased from western countries, and the size of the army again expanded to millions.

It seems that the Qing Dynasty is about to rise, but after the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Qing Dynasty became weak again, like an old "old man".

As Japan continued to strengthen its military force, they used the Korean invasion as an excuse to induce the Qing Dynasty to send troops to support it.

With the outbreak of the Battle of Toyoda, the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895 was officially ignited.

The first phase of the war involved two major battles, namely, the land battle of Pyongyang and the sea battle of the Yellow Sea.

The performance of the Qing army in these two campaigns clearly showed that the Qing Dynasty was doomed to failure.

The scene of the first confrontation between the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese army took place in Pyongyang, and the two sides launched a fierce battle.

The commander of the Qing army left the battlefield ahead of time due to his wrong command, which led to the rout of the whole Qing army. Finally, he was ambushed by the Japanese army when retreating.

The Japanese army claimed that they had suffered huge losses in this battle, but the actual number of deaths announced was only more than 100, while the Qing army had more than 2000 killed when it was attacked.

After the fall of Pyongyang, the Qing army immediately moved to the Yalu River to defend. Shortly afterwards, the Yellow Sea Naval Battle broke out, marking the first direct confrontation between the main navies of the Qing and Japanese sides.

Deng Shichang, Lin Yongsheng and other outstanding generals died in the country. Some leaders of the Qing army also tried their best. Unfortunately, some generals were timid on the battlefield.

The long sea battle lasted for about five hours. The Beiyang Navy lost a total of five warships and more than 1000 soldiers.

Japan claimed to have suffered heavy casualties, but no warship was sunk, only a torpedo boat sank at the bottom of the sea.

The reasons for the failure are numerous. For example, the equipment of the Beiyang Navy is backward.

Dingyuan has not been repaired for 7 years, but its turret suddenly spontaneously ignited during the war, which is really unthinkable.

Although both sides bought advanced warships from western countries, it is obvious that the Japanese fleet is more advanced, and its weapons and equipment are much more advanced than those of the Beiyang Navy.

The Beiyang Navy has not updated its anti-aircraft guns for many years. Ding Ruchang once proposed to Li Hongzhang to update the anti-aircraft gun, but Li Hongzhang refused on the grounds of lack of funds.

The Qing Empire is magnificent. Is it difficult to obtain such a small fortune? Of course, this is incredible.

Japanese losses

Cixi has always controlled the military expenditure of the Beiyang Naval Corps. Just because of a birthday celebration, all the funds were used up.

Therefore, before the outbreak of the Yellow Sea Naval War, the Beiyang Navy had not updated its weapons and equipment for about five years, and sometimes even did not purchase ammunition.

The Beiyang Navy suffered considerable losses in this naval battle, which buried a potential crisis for the final result.

Li Hongzhang hid the Beiyang Navy in Weihai Weigang to protect his personal property. He even refused to allow them to go out to patrol and observe the Japanese army.

Li Hongzhang directly handed over the Yellow Sea to Japan, which was in essence a betrayal of national interests.

After the end of the Yellow Sea Naval Battle, there were two important battles in the second stage.

The Japanese army performed well in the Golden Brigade Campaign and the Yalu River defensive battle, not only attacking rapidly, but also losing less.

Whether crossing the Yalu River or entering Lushun City, the Japanese army only used the sacrifice of less than 100 soldiers to achieve. The total number of casualties in these two operations is less than 100, which is unbelievable!

As soon as the Japanese arrived at Lushun City, their barbaric nature was revealed. All the soldiers and civilians in the city were killed cruelly.

In the end, the Qing government took the measure of executing those guards who fled without fighting, which was a little gratifying. If they had not been afraid of life and death and fled in disorder on the battlefield, would the losses of the Japanese army have been so small?

Some areas of Liaodong Peninsula were captured, and Weihai Weigang, the hiding place of the Beiyang Navy, was also directly exposed in the sight of the Japanese army. Therefore, the central battle of the third stage is Weihai Weizhan.

Although the Qing Dynasty claimed to have many navy fleets at that time, the truly remarkable ones were limited to the Beiyang Navy.

Therefore, Japan knows this well and must completely destroy the Beiyang Navy.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of this operation, Japan not only sent its navy, but also mobilized its army.

In order to keep the remaining ships of the Beiyang Navy, Li Hongzhang spared no effort in the final struggle after the disastrous defeat in the Yellow Sea Naval Battle.

After the successful landing of the Japanese army, they successively captured many key strongholds, resulting in the direct siege of the Beiyang Navy.

The enemy occupied the rear, but the front was unable to do what they wanted. As a result, the Beiyang Naval Division was completely destroyed, and most of the warships were sunk.

"Zhenyuan", an advanced armored ship from Germany, never sank, but was eventually incorporated into the Japanese navy.

This was the whole process of the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895. In the end, the Japanese army ended up losing thousands of people. In contrast, the Qing army is said to have lost nearly 30000 people, without counting the sacrifice of innocent people.

However, according to the post-war statistics of Japan, they lost more than 10000 soldiers in total. Why?

Almost all the dead people died because of disease, except for those more than 1000 people who died because of war.

From this, it can be clearly seen that the Qing army was even worse than the losses caused by God. This is really a funny scene. And according to the follow-up, they are not even as good as the Taiwan Rebels!

Li Hongzhang, on behalf of the Qing Dynasty, signed the humiliated Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japanese Prime Minister Hirofumi Ito and others after the Sino Japanese War.

The Qing government was required to pay more than 200 million taels of silver in compensation, and must cede many territories to Japan, including Taiwan.

Japan was very excited to be stationed in Taiwan, because the treaty entered into force immediately after it was signed.

Reasons for defeat

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