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It's no use resigning! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that it would oppose former members of the United States for frequent interference in China's internal affairs

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Article | Young Master Zhao

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In international exchanges, China has always been a Chinese who values harmony and has profound etiquette in big countries, Usually people don't offend me.

But it is precisely because of this that those who have been named by China in the world, Undoubtedly, they are all clowns who repeatedly test the bottom line of China.

Even if it is a big country etiquette, We must not allow any damage to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, Words and deeds that violate our interests "Give me back the courtesy, and give me back the sword".

In the face of malicious slander and interference in China's internal affairs by former US lawmakers, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has also taken countermeasures.

So, How on earth did China counter the former US lawmaker? What kind of signal does such countermeasures release?

Anti US former legislator

According to the report of CCTV News on May 21, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that Countermeasures were taken against former US Congressman William Gallagher Message for.

The announcement of this news also directly set off a storm of public opinion in the international community, You should know that China never sanctions people easily.

In a message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, First, it froze its movable property, immovable property and other kinds of property in China, In addition, Gallagher is prohibited from cooperating with China in any form.

This includes not conducting relevant trade, cooperation and other activities with organizations and individuals in China, Fully limit Gallagher.

The last and most severe point is that Gallagher will not be granted a visa, Gallagher is not allowed to enter the country.

The above content is referred to the report of CCTV News on "the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decides to take countermeasures against former U.S. Congressman William Gallagher" on May 21, 2024

From the counter measures issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, This Gallagher is not a good man, so what did he do?

I don't know that everyone has made a lot of noise in the international community in March, Does the US House of Representatives require byte beating to spin off TikTok?

Yes, the bill passed by the United States House of Representatives at that time was called the Protection of Americans from Foreign Opponent Control Application Infringement Act, How specific is the name?

Among the more than ten members who proposed this bill at that time, One of them is Republican Representative Mike Gallagher.

You know, it is the passing of this bill that makes bytes jump Either choose to peel off its products or face a complete ban on entering the US market.

Obviously, This has caused direct damage to TikTok, It not only harms the development of enterprises, but also infringes the rights of users.

The above content is referred to the report of Global Finance on March 7, 2024 on "The US bill requires that the bytes be stripped off within 165 days, causing concern and response"

But this is just a Gallagher needle It's just one of the things that is hostile to China.

As the former chairman of the "China Ad Hoc Committee" of the US House of Representatives, Gallagher has never stopped!

Maybe many people don't understand "US China Strategic Competition Special Committee" What organization is it, But this is a committee that really exists and has strong directivity.

Although Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, said at the beginning of its establishment, The committee brought jobs back from China to the United States.

More Than This, The committee was also entrusted with the responsibility of protecting intellectual property rights and bringing the supply chain back to the United States.

Do you think this is over? The US Congress also hopes to pass the efforts of the committee, To solve the trade deficit in Sino US relations, and even the Taiwan issue.

The above content is referred to the report of the Russian satellite news agency on "Media: the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the resolution to establish the US China Strategic Competition Ad Hoc Committee" on January 11, 2023

It is easy to see that this small committee is really complicated, There are a lot of things in charge, But is the fact really as beautiful as it is said?

Since the establishment of this committee in 2023, Gallagher has served as the first chairman, He promoted many proposals to stifle China.

In March this year, Gallagher resigned directly from Congress and left the House of Representatives in April.

So this 40 year old US Congressional dignitary who is "worthy of heavy responsibility", Why give up the post of chairman of the committee?

"Anti Zhongyoutai General" ran away?

According to the Singapore Lianhe Morning Post, Gallagher will not participate in the US House of Representatives elections in November this year.

Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives

This news immediately attracted the attention of politicians from all walks of life, because Gallagher has only worked for one term Why did the chairman of the "China Ad Hoc Committee" retire in such a rush?

According to the report, during his tenure, Gallagher has been committed to curbing the flow of funds from American investors into the Chinese market, This is welcome to the United States Congress.

It can be said that on the road against China, Gallagher is the "mainstay" of the US Congress, On the Taiwan issue, Gallagher has a clear attitude.

According to the report of the US World News Network, Gallagher can be said to be a "great general against China's media friends", He has taken a tough attitude towards the Chinese mainland, but has always been very friendly to the Taiwan authorities.

The US China Strategic Competition Special Committee, as a cross party group, In the United States Congress, it can be regarded as "seeking both sides".

As the first chairman of the "China Ad Hoc Committee", Gallagher can also be said to be a star in the sky, The future is very good, so his resignation is incomprehensible to everyone.

The above content is referred to the report on "Foreign media: the so-called" anti China friendship general "of the US House of Representatives announced that he would not run for re-election" on February 12, 2024

On the contrary, Gallagher's resignation statement, It seems that there is no clear description of the reason for his resignation, Therefore, it has aroused the speculation of many media people.

According to Forbes News, Gallagher resigned because of the change in her status in the US political circles, Turn into a defense contractor.

If this report is true, So Gallagher can be said to have abandoned politics and gone into business, The main part of responsibility is the use of intelligence agencies for counter-terrorism, network security and other tasks.

Many people may not understand that since they are working for the government, Why is it said that Gallagher abandoned politics and went into business?

In fact, this should be combined with the special situation of the United States. In fact, in the political circles of the United States, Such "revolving door" events in the official and business academia are very common.

However, if Gallagher really chose to resign because of this, Then the Republican Party where Gallagher used to be is in a very embarrassing situation.

After all, it is hard to find such "young talents" as Gallagher. It is reported that Gallagher has a seat in the US Congress, It will be vacant until next year.

This may be fatal to the Republican Party's attack in Congress, because Don't underestimate Gallagher's position as chairman.

As we mentioned earlier, This committee is a rare product of consensus between the two parties, And there was this kind of "McCarthyism".

The so-called "McCarthyism" is actually American The delusions of murder and panic are piled up together.

Under the shadow of McCarthyism, the political atmosphere in the United States has changed dramatically, Many fields have been penetrated.

Don't you have any idea about these? So here is a metaphor that may not be appropriate, Just like the "witch hunt story" in European medieval legends.

"McCarthyism" advocates will conduct large-scale trials and investigations on all objects they suspect, Such extreme behavior is bound to cause panic.

The above contents refer to the report on "Gallagher, run away?" by Zhixin News on March 28, 2024

Although so far, the US China Strategic Competition Commission There is no obvious manifestation of this dangerous doctrine, But there is a sign of resurgence.

As for Gallagher's resignation, Maybe you really want to stay away from right and wrong, or maybe you have other reasons, But whatever it is, It's already late.

For China, Friends come with good wine, jackals come with shotguns, and even if they resign, they will resolutely counter!

This is China's position!

In fact, for American politicians, it was not just Gallagher who made the counterattack this time. As early as last March, They have already opposed the US and China.

Mike McCall, a Republican congressman in Texas, In recent years, they have also frequently interfered in China's internal affairs, harming China's interests.

In a very short period of time, McCall also led a delegation to visit Taiwan, It completely disregards the international consensus of "one China principle".

It is also the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China that from April 13, Take countermeasures against McCall, They are not allowed to enter China directly.

As for McCall's countermeasures, the whole world can receive a message that in terms of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, China has its own attitude and bottom line.

McCall's behavior is obviously to make a difference on the Taiwan issue, China's countermeasures expressed a serious position and a clear model.

The above content is referred to the report of Taiwan Haiwang on April 16, 2023 on "Although it is far away, it must be punished! The Chinese side opposes the US and anti China Congressman Michael, and releases a strong signal"

But what makes people angry is that in the face of China's counter measures, McCall is proud of it, He said it was a "Medal of Honor".

It is not hard to see that McCall is unreasonable and arrogant as a politician, It directly exposed its shameless and vicious face.


Whether McCall, who was countered last year, or Gallagher, who has left his post and still cannot be spared, The ulterior motives of these politicians are obvious to all the world.

The Chinese nation is a peace loving and kind-hearted nation, But at the same time, it is also a nation that adheres to the bottom line and principles.

about Anti Chinese politicians' interference in China's internal affairs, We firmly resist and have zero tolerance, This is the red line of China, It is also China's attitude!

As for China's sanctions against former members of the US Congress, What do you think?

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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