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Once China is reunified, the Netherlands will lock up the lithography machine, and the United States will blow up TSMC, which is no joke

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The United States has pressed China again and again, not only to suppress China, but also to create trouble around China, especially by using Taiwan Province, knowing that the reunification of the two sides is imperative, taking splitting China as a means, and forcing China to accept the split as a goal, in any case, it will not make China feel better, so it has tried all kinds of tricks and offensive means. The main means of the Americans now is military threats. For example, on May 20, the United States announced that it would deploy the so-called "Dark Hawk" long-range hypersonic missiles in Guam. Its research believed that if the war of reunification broke out, the United States could use the "Dark Hawk" long-range hypersonic missiles to cover the coastal areas of mainland China.

There is no trace of American sophistication

The United States Considers Bombing TSMC before Taiwan Strait Unification

The United States is preparing for a war against China, but the United States is not eager to start a war, and the war preparations have not yet been completed. For this reason, at present, the strategy is to prevent China from starting military unification, and the main means is to threaten. The United States has used its brain and thought out many ways. The Americans believe that Taiwan Province is the most important chip production place in the world, so the United States is considering blowing up TSMC before the reunification of the Taiwan Strait, so that China will not take the opportunity of reunification to obtain the world's largest chip production base.

Do Americans still want to use their superb skills to fry TSMC?

Now the United States has repeatedly proposed the scorched earth strategy for Taiwan Province. If the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are reunified, the United States will launch a strike against Taiwan Province, turning Taiwan Province into scorched earth. Some people even proposed that the use of nuclear weapons to blow up TSMC should not be left to the Chinese mainland anyway. Now it may appear that when Wutong begins, TSMC's factories in Taiwan Province, especially its lithography facilities, may be attacked by the US Navy's strategic nuclear submarine launching a low yield "Trident" submarine launched nuclear missile. Anyway, now the threshold of nuclear weapons has been repaired again and again, and it is very likely that the US military will lower the lower limit again.

If the hypersonic missile is not ready for service, then use a nuclear bomb?

The so-called "Dark Hawk" long-range hypersonic missile of the US military has not been in service until now. It is planned to deploy in 2024. As a result, the whole territory of China has been first targeted. From the distance, striking Taiwan Province and blowing up TSMC are also among its main tasks. In any case, do not underestimate the shameless extent of the United States. The United States can do anything.

If the Taiwan Strait War breaks out, the Netherlands will lock up the lithography machine

The United States is not only threatening China itself, but also mobilizing its allies to join the ranks of threats against China. Britain once launched an aircraft carrier to the Asia Pacific region to show off its prowess against China. Now there is a more surprising thing. The Netherlands has also joined the ranks of threats against China. On May 21, the United States reported that once China launched reunification, the Netherlands would lock up the lithography machine. Specifically, it said, "If China unifies Taiwan Province, Asma and TSMC, the Netherlands will have a way to stop the world's most advanced chip manufacturing machine."

The Dutch are not pretending?

Now the Netherlands threatens to lock up the lithography machine, not only to stop TSMC, the world's most advanced chip manufacturing machine factory, but also to affect many chip enterprises in mainland China. If Wutong starts, won't the authorities of Taiwan Province blow up TSMC at the first time? The authorities of Taiwan Province are completely puppets of the United States. Even if they want to turn Taiwan into a scorched ground, they are willing to do so. It is impossible to stop them. There is no need for the Netherlands to conduct any remote shutdown. In fact, this is a threat.

No matter how expensive the lithography machine is, it must be destroyed at the first time

Western countries have already carried out various digging under the planning of the United States, and it is normal to install rear doors in mechanical equipment for remote control. Fighters sold by the United States to other countries can only be started with a password. They can be closed at any time and the back door system can be installed openly.

What about mainland China?

Don't think that the United States can't do such things, because the United States has no lower limit to speak of. Now the United States has connived at Israel's genocide against Palestinians. The law just passed has regarded any words and deeds against Jews, which is actually anti Israel, as illegal. It also suppresses American college students who protest against Israeli atrocities. Such a country, Blowing up TSMC is not a big deal. After all, we have been forcing TSMC to set up a factory in the United States, and it would be better if it was completely blown up.

If this happens, we must consider how to deal with it. In fact, the simplest response is that Americans dare to bomb means war. China's reunification is a matter between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. The US military intervention is a declaration of war against China. Then we would rather fight a world war with the US. China's reunification must be completed. This is not a question of what means to use, but our goal. For this reason, we must do whatever it takes to start a war with the US.

Who dares to buy ASML lithography machine in the future?

Now we must make all kinds of preparations for war with the United States. Since the United States regards China as an enemy, we can also attack the United States. The so-called "Dark Hawk" long-range hypersonic missile deployed by the United States in Guam naturally becomes a target that must be solved. This task can be accomplished either by land-based long-range Dongfeng missiles or by using H-6 series bombers+long-range air launched missiles. It should be made clear to the United States that the tactical nuclear attack on Taiwan Province is the same as the U.S. nuclear attack on our homeland, and we must carry out nuclear retaliation against the United States. Washington, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Houston, Boston, Los Angeles, etc., are short of strategic nuclear attacks.

If we really want to fight, China will have to fight to the death with the United States. The United States is not allowed to have any idea of luck, thinking that China will not fight back after being attacked.

Advanced lithography machine, we must make it ourselves

Don't be afraid. It's impossible to give up unification in order to avoid TSMC being bombed. This is putting the cart before the horse. Even if TSMC is bombed, it doesn't matter. As the saying goes, it's better to ask for others than for yourself. China's chips need to be solved by itself, not by TSMC. Unification is our goal, and we will never give up without being affected by any factors.

The United States cannot succeed in its strategy. If it takes China as its enemy, it will inevitably encounter a backbite. China loves peace, but will never give up its sovereignty.

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