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Come and see! The pension will be raised this year? Has the adjustment notice been published?

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Has the pension adjustment notice not been announced? What will happen this year? Will the lower limit height be raised? have a look

The time has come to May 23. Up to now, the pension adjustment notice this year has not been released, which is later than the previous time. It can't help but make some retirees feel excited. Is there any change in the pension adjustment this year? What will happen to the adjustment plan this year? Will we take measures to raise the minimum and limit the maximum to narrow the pension gap?

First of all, this year's pension increase has been determined, which is not controversial. Now it is just waiting for the release of the formal adjustment notice, and No matter when it is announced, it will not affect the actual increase in earnings of retirees, because it is calculated from January of this year, so we need not worry about this.

Secondly, the late release of the pension adjustment notice does not mean that there will be any major changes in the pension adjustment plan, because the pension adjustment method has formed a relatively mature model, which is to adopt a combination of quota adjustment, linkage adjustment and tilt adjustment, so that fairness and efficiency can be taken into account.

In addition, the scope of pension adjustment will not change, that is, for those who retired before December last year and received pension, Because people who retire this year can also enjoy the economic development dividend through the calculation of 2024 pension base and avoid repeated enjoyment.

The biggest change this year, It may be a change in the adjustment level. The increase is expected to be slightly lower than that of last year, reaching between 3.6% and 3.8%.

In other words, this year's pension adjustment is not expected to change much, All retirees will continue to increase in accordance with the unified approach, and will not be given additional care because of low pension level, nor will they be subject to pension increase.

In fact, in the course of the increase, those whose pensions are lower than the per capita level can benefit more from the increase. Assuming that this year's increase is 3.6%, For retirees with pensions of 1000 to 2000, the actual increase can reach 4%, or even more than 6%, while for retirees with relatively high pensions, the actual increase may be less than 3%.

In this way, compared with the algorithm of multiplying 3.6% by my pension directly, people with low pension level can increase more, which is also conducive to narrowing the increase gap between the two.

Of course, in some places, there is a practice of raising the low limit and the high limit in the pension adjustment plan. For example, in Beijing, in the adjustment link linked with pension last year, the pension can be increased by 50 yuan if the pension is lower than 6451 yuan, and by more than 6451 yuan, Instead, it can only increase by 35 yuan. Under the same conditions, retirees with low pension levels are likely to increase more. However, this practice is an individual phenomenon and does not have universality.

in summary

So far, the official websites of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance have not released the notice of pension adjustment this year, which is indeed later than previous years, but this does not mean that there will be any major changes or variables in pension adjustment, Retirees need not worry. The probable rate will only change slightly in the adjustment level this year, and other aspects are not expected to change. Eligible retirees will also adjust their pensions in a unified way, without any difference, that is to say, there will be no so-called measures to raise the minimum and the maximum However, due to the consideration of fairness in pension adjustment, it is not simply calculated by multiplying my pension level by the increase in the current year, which is actually more favorable for retirees with low pensions, and will not form a large increase gap. Of course, there may be plans to raise the lower limit and the higher limit in some places, but this is a minority phenomenon.

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