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Seven members of a family in Beijing lost contact with each other. Relatives climbed the window to check, and lost their minds

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A family who was originally happy and respectful.

The family was broken and people died overnight.

What happened to cause such a tragedy?

On the night of November 23, 2009, Wang Mou of a school in Beijing found it.

Li Can, his girlfriend who had been chatting with him, didn't reply to his message for a long time.

So he called to ask what happened, but the phone was not connected.

Wang looked at the time and thought she might be asleep, so he didn't bother.

Who would have thought that for two days in a row, there was no sign of Li Can in the school.

Worried, Wang called Li Can's cousin and asked her about Li Can's whereabouts.

Hearing this, my cousin called the Li Can family.

But without exception, none of them got through.

Feeling something strange, she contacted her family and went to Li Can's home in Qingcheng Mingwan, Daxing District.

They knocked at the door and called but no one answered.

All kinds of signs indicate that something may have happened to the Li Can family.

Just as they were about to call the police, Li Can's aunt learned the news from the Li's restaurant.

Wang Meiling, Li Can's sister-in-law, took a 30000 yuan bonus from the company and took her family to Shenzhen for a trip.

So they put their heart down and went home.

But in the next few days, I still didn't get in touch with Li Can's family.

They are not aware of it.

It is impossible to contact a person even when traveling.

I think something may have happened to the Li Can family.

At about ten o'clock on the 27th, they came to Li Can's house again.

After knocking for half a day, there was still no response.

So they contacted the unlocking company, but the door was not opened.

The property management personnel took the ladder to check the situation of the house from the window.

Through the back window, I saw an amazing scene.

A man was lying motionless on the ground.

There was also suspected blood on the ground, so he immediately asked someone to call the police.

When the police arrived at the scene opened the door, the people on the scene were horrified by the tragedy in the room.

The accident happened to more than one person.

From the living room to the three bedrooms, the bed and the floor were covered with blood spatters.

A family of six, old and young, all died.

Two of them are children, one is six years old, the other is only one year old.

They should have had a good time, but now they can only stop here.

Look at the scene of the deadly murder and the fatal injuries caused by sharp weapons on the victims.

I don't know how much hatred is so cruel and ruthless, even the children are not spared.

Who on earth did this inhuman thing? Was it a burglary or a deliberate revenge?

When the police investigated the scene, they found that there were a lot of signs of cleaning and overturning in the house.

The door was not damaged, and most of the victims were in the bedroom.

From the scars on the victim, it can be seen that the victim did not show signs of resistance.

Therefore, this case is probably committed by an acquaintance.

The police obtained the surveillance video of the community.

In the early morning of the second day after the crime was found, a man threw a mop into the garbage can of the community.

Later, he took a bag and drove away without showing up.

After identification, this man is the only survivor of the Li family -- Li Lei.

The police think Li Lei is probably the suspect in this case.

After locking the suspect, the police immediately dispatched.

At 6:45 p.m. on the 28th, with the cooperation of Hainan police.

Li Lei was arrested in Sanya.

During the interrogation, Li Lei did not hide from the police.

Admitted his own crime.

He said he wanted to kill his family before committing suicide.

Visit all the places you have never been before.

I just didn't expect the police to act so quickly and be arrested at the beginning.

When the police asked the reason for the murder, he said it was too much pressure.

He quarreled with his wife again that night and killed her in anger.

After calming down in the living room, he was angry and killed his sister, parents and his two children one by one.

Hearing Li Lei's description of the crime motive, people felt strange.

What kind of pressure can make a person collapse so that even his own children are not spared?

Li Lei told the police that since he was born, Li Lei has lived with his grandparents.

It was not until he was seven years old that he was taken back by his parents who went out to work.

At that time, I had a sister at home.

Because Li Lei was separated from his parents when he was young, he spent little time with them.

Feelings are rather weak.

Li Hanchao and his wife, who aspire to success.

Did not choose to use the correct way to guide and educate children.

On the contrary, the way of "filial piety comes from the stick" is adopted.

Whenever Li Lei didn't agree with them, he would fight or scold him.

Even in front of outsiders, they constantly belittle and suppress him.

He is inferior to other people's children in everything.

Even my sister often acts like a spy.

Tell your parents what you are doing, and they will be punished.

So that the relationship between brother and sister is also very stiff.

Having been in this environment for a long time, he could not help feeling resentment towards them.

He would rather sleep in the woods and be frozen than go home and be beaten and scolded.

He hated his family and committed a heinous crime because of his repressive education when he was young.

But what's wrong with the two young children?

On November 27, the police learned through technical means that Li Lei had stayed in Shenzhen.

Then take the train to Sanya.

Li Lei bought the ticket in Shenzhen a few days before the crime.

Did Li Lei have a murderous heart for his family?

Before the incident, Li Lei had noticed that he was under too much pressure.

So I bought a ticket to Shenzhen with my friend Luo Xiaojun.

I want to go out for investigation and relax at the same time.

Who knows the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Before going out, the relatives got married, and the two old people asked Li Lei to drive them.

He was scolded in public at the banquet.

But Li Lei is not a waste man. He runs a hair salon and a restaurant.

The monthly income is about 100000 yuan.

But in his parents' eyes, it seems that he can't see his excellence.

On the evening of the 23rd, he was having dinner with his friend Luo Xiaojun.

His wife called again to urge him to go home before ten o'clock at night.

After settling down with his good friends, he drank a few bottles of wine alone.

Finally, he returned home under his wife's phone bombing.

After arriving home on time, he faced his wife's complaints directly.

Finally, when his wife asked him for money to fill the loophole in his work, Li Lei broke out.

He stabbed and killed his family one by one with the knife he bought when he thought of murder.

When I left my two sons, I wanted to stay in the world and suffer later.

They also took away their right to live.

At the time of the trial, Li Lei's friends present were all surprised.

In the eyes of Li Lei's friends, Li Lei is usually modest and stable.

It is impossible to do such extreme things.

At 10 a.m. on October 15, 2010, Li Lei, the murderer of the "extermination case" in Daxing District, Beijing, accepted the verdict of the first instance in the Beijing First Intermediate People's Court.

The court ruled that the first branch of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate charged.

The defendant, Li Lei, was convicted of the crime with conclusive evidence.

Sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life.

On September 8, 2011, the Supreme People's Court approved the death penalty of the murderer Li Lei in the Daxing extermination case after being approved and reported by the Municipal High Court.

Li Lei said at the end that he regretted killing his two children.

But for others, he did not regret it.

Even if he was given another chance, he would still do so.

Li Lei once thought about saving himself.

But it was such a coincidence that it seemed that a game had been designed to prevent him from leading to the light.

Being wronged is a painful thing.

But don't let these wrongs affect your emotions. You need to learn to face them.

When you feel great pressure, you can quote a famous saying: "Don't cry over spilled milk."

This sentence tells us that past mistakes and pressures cannot affect our future.

We cannot change the past, but we can control the present and the future.

By actively facing the reality, take effective measures to relieve the pressure.

We can better control our lives.

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