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Military writer: "The two characteristics of Mo Yan's works are treason and judging ugliness", Yi Zhongtian was shot!

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Yi Zhongtian? Because they are like birds of a feather! No wonder netizens said; "Phase is born by heart"!

Yi Zhongtian: The same description of rural life, Lu Yao's ideological level and artistic level are inferior to Mo Yan.

Yi Zhongtian's comment on Mo Yan is: "Mo Yan is a storyteller, and the story is told clearly, from the way of narration, structure to language expression, it is authentic". He believes that Mo Yan combines magic realism elements with folk stories, history and contemporary society, and his works bring readers a strong reading shock.

Compared with Lu Yao, Yi Zhongtian said frankly: "The same description of rural life, Lu Yao's ideological level and artistic level are inferior to Mo Yan."

So, is it exactly what Yi Zhongtian said? The opposite is true! Lu Yao's works are higher than Mo Yan by N grades in terms of ideology and pattern!

As is known to all, Mo Yan's representative work "Breast and Butter" is very ugly! Lu Yao's representative work The Ordinary World is positive!

Lu Yao's "Life" is regarded as the pearl on the crown of Mao Dun Literature Award, and is sought after by people all over the country. Mo Yan was criticized and questioned by Chinese people after he won the Nobel Prize!

What is the reason? The ideological nature of the work and the pattern of the author!

It is shameful for the women in Lu Yao's works to hide at home without clothes, while Mo Yan's works not only walk around the street but also go to school, which is totally shameless; Lu Yao described the struggling Chinese people in the poor environment at that time, which inspired generations of Chinese people to struggle hard, which was repugnant to the West.

The ignorant, greedy and shameless Chinese described by Mo Yan in the poverty environment are inferior and inferior compared with the tall westerners and Dongyang people of the same era, which is welcomed by the West.

In contrast, China described by both of them is poor and backward, but they have different feelings. Lu Yao is admired by people, and there is no dispute about it; Mo Yan was opposed, criticized and even attacked by most Chinese people. Why?

Because Lu Yao is real, Mo Yan is hypocritical, writing about Chinese people in the same poverty. Mo Yan eulogizes various virtues of Westerners and Japanese while writing about Chinese men, women and prostitutes, greed and shamelessness, while Lu Yao writes about Chinese people being poor and unyielding, striving and promising, not praising American foreigners!

Mo Yan and Yi Zhongtian: Birds of a feather flock together!

On May 12, 2024, an article entitled "Do the Chinese People Have No Belief?" pointed directly at Yi Zhongtian's works, deliberately played up low-grade tastes, created vulgar tastes, and used culture to sensationalize. In order to attract attention, Yi Zhongtian uses the guise of spreading traditional culture to instill his vulgar and vulgar values into young people.

In essence, Yi Zhongtian worshiped Western civilization, indirectly denied the belief of the Chinese nation, advocated the "American spirit", and excused the colonial aggressors of Western powers against China. In defending the "wealth elite", it ignores the people's foundation of belief and defends the exploiting class of the property class in different periods, which deviates from the people's position.

If Mo Yan negates with literary techniques, Yi Zhongtian is even more serious. He negates history with history. Mo Yan is an abstract negation of culture, while Yi Zhongtian is essentially a theoretical negation. The most terrible thing is that Mo Yan and Yi Zhongtian have become two gods through negation, and they have become great gods that we cannot move.

This is the sorrow of our times, an insult to our ancestors, and a real national pain.

Mo Yan knew that the "Nobel Prize" was just a gimmick!

On one occasion, Mo Yan and Yang Zhenning, two Nobel laureates, participated in a dialogue column together.

Someone asked Mo Yan, "Why are you so low-key in your life?"

Mo Yan answered humorously, "If I won the Nobel Prize in Physics, you see, I will keep a low profile. Because this theorem exists in the universe, and if you are unconvinced, you will also find one? But literature is different. Everyone has his own judgment."

Phase comes from the heart. The ancients did not deceive me!

Netizen: Look at the looks of Yi Zhongtian and Mo Yan, and then look at the looks of Lu Yao. What kind of people are they? The ancients did not deceive me!

Look, this is the appearance of Chinese literati!

Some people don't smile, some are full of meat, some have snake eyes and chicken mouths, and some are full of swearing!

Liu Mian, the pioneer of the ancient literature movement, once said, "The Confucian scholar of a gentleman must have his own way, and his own way must have his own literature. If the way is less than the literature, then virtue will prevail, and if the way is less than the literature, then qi will decline.". Here is a special emphasis on "Qi"!

Many great poets and scholars in ancient times, whose literature is full of vitality, have their own unique temperament from their own cultivation and literary accomplishment, all because they have real moral integrity, shoulder moral integrity, closely link personal destiny with the fate of the country, rather than playing the game of one's own attitude, showing off one's courage!

So some of them are immortal, some are powerful, some are heroic, some are gentle, some are full of Zen, some are dignified!

Look at the current "literati, great writers and poets", there is no literati temperament from any angle! They are coy, sycophantic and wobbly. How can there be a spiritual leader who combines form and spirit? Why? Because the heart is not right, so the heart generates ears!

Military writer: Rebellion and appreciation of ugliness are two characteristics of Mo Yan's works. Peng Jingfeng, a veteran military writer Be righteous in the article

"Some critics have said that treason and appreciation of ugliness are the two characteristics of Mo Yan's works. Mo Yan also poses as a traitor to his historical and artistic views. This kind of treason is quite obvious in" Breast and Buttock ", but his treason is different from Mr. Lu Xun threw a gun and a dagger like that To turn to the reactionary rule of darkness, he is cursing and mocking the people's revolutionary cause for which thousands of people with lofty ideals have shed their blood in the past century.

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