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Guehora was the whistler of Li Shengli Event?

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In 2019, Li Shengli, a member of the Korean elite men's group BIGBANG, was involved in the "Room 9" incident, and we continued to pursue the change.
A few days ago, the BBC released a documentary called "Poisoning, Sexual Assault and Humiliation - Revealing the Secret in the Korean Wave Star Chat Room", which revealed more details behind the case.

There were so many creepy details behind the star scandal that made Han Yu famous at that time.

Li Shengli Incident,

On November 24, 2018, Li Shengli was on the South Korean news because of a beating incident in the Burning Sun nightclub he ran.

A few days later, another former employee revealed that the nightclub was suspected of being involved in the circulation of D products. The Korean police immediately began to investigate the nightclub, and found something more disgusting.

Li Shengli is involved in the operation of two nightclubs suspected of tax evasion, allowing minors to enter, and putting D products into customers' drinks

Among them, the most disgusting, It is nothing more than that they numbered the female employees and customers of the nightclub according to their appearance and personality, sent them to the VIP room after being drunk or drugged, and treated them obscenely or violently as "guests".

The media also exposed that Li Shengli asked his staff to recruit J for overseas investors and bribed "big men" from all parties with women to open up his career.

Later, the media exposed the chat group that caused the earthquake in Korean entertainment circle. The members of the group included Li Shengli, Zheng Junying, Cui Zhongxun and other Korean pop stars.

The content in the group is several indecent female videos that involve illegal secretly shooting and spreading. As a result, with the in-depth disclosure, the dark corner of Han Yu was exposed to the public again.

As a result, with the in-depth disclosure, the dark corner of Han Yu was exposed to the public again.

Male artist steals the picture, but has no punishment?

Different from 2019, with Li Shengli being picked up, the incident gradually exposed to the public. In the BBC documentary, as early as September 23, 2016, there was a reporter named Park Xiaoshi who reported the case of singer Zheng Junying being accused of sexual crimes.

At that time, Zheng Junying and his girlfriend Jingmei had a relationship at Zheng's home, and her girlfriend found Zheng Junying secretly taking pictures of her on the spot.

Later, Jingmei reported Zheng Junying on the grounds of illegal filming out of fear of divulging personal privacy.

Two days after the incident, Zheng Junying was questioned by the police.

At the beginning, however, Zheng Junying did not directly hand over the mobile phone to the police. Instead, after consulting with a lawyer, he handed over the mobile phone to a private identification company and asked the company to issue a report to the police that the mobile phone data could not be recovered.

Surprisingly, the police also agreed to Zheng Junying's operation.

Not only did they not collect evidence for inspection in person, but also approved the report issued by that company.

It is hard not to doubt whether the police are harboring such behavior. Until 2019, Zheng Junying appeared in the public's view again because of the exposure of Li Shengli.

It was also discovered that Zheng's lawyer did put pressure on the forensic company at that time, and hinted that "the police said it was better to say that it could not be recovered", "this is just an unnecessary case".

However, this is the last word. For Jing Mei, who had the courage to report for 16 years, the situation she faced at that time was not good.

At that time, Zheng Junying was the resident guest of KBS TV's leading variety show Two Days and One Night. Because of the report, the agent lawyer of KBS TV specifically contacted Jing Mei and told her that she would be punished for false accusation if the evidence was insufficient.

Under all kinds of pressure, Jingmei finally had to withdraw the lawsuit and issue a statement apologizing to Zheng Junying.

Zheng Junying's company also took the opportunity to quickly ask Zheng Junying to hold a press conference, turning the sneak photo into a "joke between two people", turning itself from the perpetrator of the sneak photo into the victim who was slandered by his girlfriend.

So the matter was settled smoothly. Zheng Junying was not punished at all. It was so easy to expose it, which had a lot to do with the reconciliation of the police.

Why did Zheng Junying get such obvious protection from the police? It's about Li Shengli who blew up Korean entertainment circles.

Top stream loves beans and is also a pimp in power and sex trade

In Zheng Junying's mobile phone, which was not handed over to the police, there is a very important evidence Kakao's group chat group.

This group enjoys humiliating and sexually assaulting women. Members often share videos about women in the group, and show off their small videos as trophies in the group.

The members of this group, including a dozen South Korean male stars including FTIsland member Choi Chung hoon, of course, are also like the boss Li Shengli in this small group.

Li Shengli often flaunts himself as the Gatsby of South Korea in the crowd and calls himself "Katsby".

The reason why he became the leader of this group is not only because his group is the most famous, but also because he holds the most important core of this group—— Money and power

He regarded women as a tool to obtain investment from the rich and as a tribute to the collusion between money and power.

In the documentary, there is a scene of Li Shengli dragging women.

He acted violently and spoke ferociously. The girl showed a strong unwillingness. Li Shengli threatened her with his fist, and did not feel any respect for him as an adult.

In fact, Li Shengli himself has no influence, which makes him so rampant, It is the money and power that he flatters as a pimp that constitute his power.

As a result, Zheng Junying, who was in the same group, could easily escape being reported by his girlfriend, and Cui Zhongxun, another member, could also be safe when he was caught drunk driving.

This kind of shield without any punishment also makes this group's behavior more and more bold. They are no longer satisfied with sneaking photos, but have organized and premeditated more serious crimes.

Once, when the gang went to a ski resort for a party, they put an overpowering drug in the party wine, and soon a girl lost consciousness.

Then Zheng Junying, Cui Zhongxun and others, together with other boys, sexually assaulted the girl and recorded the process with video, which was then spread to their group to "share" with the victory who was not present.

In March 2016, at a Daegu fan meeting held by Zheng Junying, another girl was persecuted by the same routine and sexually assaulted.

In the group chat that night, Zheng Junying called this sexual exploitation "the most interesting night in my life".

What Li Shengli did was more disgusting than what Zheng Junying did.

Taking advantage of his relationship with the police and investors, he opened the largest nightclub in South Korea at that time, Burning Sun, in the Gangnam District of Seoul, as an important place for "power sex trade".

This nightclub attracts male customers by secretly taking pictures of beautiful women. If it is a VIP customer, there will be more services.

They have carefully created a safe and soundproof secret space for VIP customers.

Once a VIP customer has a crush on a woman, the shop assistant will try to make that woman unconscious so that the girl can be taken away by the VIP customer smoothly.

One of the victims shared her experience in the documentary. In her narration, she soon lost consciousness in the nightclub. When she woke up, she found herself in a strange room with a man who had given her a drink.

Later, he was coerced by violence and even asked to take photos with a smile before leaving.

When the girl left successfully and wanted to go to the police station to report the case, the perpetrators took out the photos that the girl was forced to take as evidence.

They said that their relationship was voluntary, and then they could easily leave South Korea without any punishment.

It is precisely because the police have long become an important part of this chain of interests that similar cases occur in nightclubs in the south of the Yangtze River from time to time.

A male student who worked in a nightclub made it clear that they would give cash to the police and would contact the police for help when something happened. Just like the customer of Burning Sun was beaten, even if someone was exposed to the media, the police would help to suppress the matter.

With a protective umbrella, they are even more unscrupulous.

How can we break the shrouded clouds? At the critical moment, a Korean actress stood out.

Women trapped in darkness, but brave to attack

In the efforts of the investigative journalists, the matter has reached this point and has been stuck in an impasse for a time.

They could not find out who the umbrella "Chief Police" behind Li Shengli was, what position he was in, and how powerful he was?

When at a loss, it was the presence of Guehora that led the reporters out of the impasse.

Kuholla and Cui Zhongxun were interns at the same time. They had a good relationship. She also knew Zheng Junying and Li Shengli.

She told reporters, She said that she had seen the mobile phones of these people, and there were many abnormal things in them. She was a female and wanted to help reporters reveal more truth.

So reporter Jiang asked Gohola to "dig" more about the police chief.

Kuholla is not an investigative reporter. As an artist, she has no room to hide herself.

She could totally get out of the matter, but out of her sympathy as a female, she got involved in the matter. After receiving the request from reporter Jiang, she directly called Cui Zhongxun and asked about the background of the police chief.

The mysterious chief of police, Yin Kuigen, once worked in Qingwatai and now holds a senior position in the police department.

It has something to do with Gohola's previous experience to stand out so quickly and neatly.

She was also a victim of a video being secretly shot.

She and her ex boyfriend, Cui Mou, had fought each other in the police station before because of a dispute. As a result, Cui Mou was dissatisfied with the media about the sex video between the two men, and wanted to drag down Gouholla's acting career.

In order not to let these films flow out, Gouhora kneels down to her boyfriend twice.

Because Cui was always unwilling to delete the video, Gouhola finally took him to court.

Although the pressure in the process of litigation has been very high, even once there was a judge who did not convict Cui on the grounds of being unable to judge. However, Cui was finally sentenced to assault and intimidation and was sentenced to one year and six months in prison under the insistence of Gohola on appeal.

With the help of Gohola, the key figure and evidence chain of Li Shengli's event finally became clear.

Li Shengli, Zheng Junying, Cui Zhongxun and the police chief who participated in the crime were also punished.

Conclusion of Sister E

If it's a Korean film, it's almost the end when the bad guys are brought to justice. It's a pity that reality is not a movie. Reality is more disgusting and disappointing than movies.

The joint attack of women in this case is of great significance, but they also suffered great risks and injuries.

Journalist Park, who initially reported Zheng Junying's secret shooting, was attacked by Zheng Junying's fans and some men after the report was sent out. Since two o'clock in the morning, reporter Park's mobile phone has been receiving telephone harassment, as well as short messages composed of various kinds of foul words and obscene pictures.

At that time, reporter Park was pregnant. Because of these harassment, he almost collapsed, and even had difficulty going out. Because of this incident, he had two miscarriages and has no children so far.

When investigating Li Shengli's case in 2019, the responsible reporter Jiang also became pregnant during the investigation. The information on her hand and the reaction brought by her pregnancy made her want to vomit almost once every ten minutes, but she still insisted on not giving up.

Like reporter Piao, after the news report came out, reporter Jiang also received malicious attacks and extreme criticism from all sides.

On November 24, 2019, Gouhora, who made an important contribution to this investigation, also chose to commit suicide due to various reasons of psychological factors and external environment.

If we look at the perpetrators of the incident, their punishment will be light.

In 2019, Zheng Junying was sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment in the first instance, and Cui Zhongxun was sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment in the second instance. For some reasons, Zheng Junying was reduced to 5 years, and Cui Zhongxun was reduced to 2.5 years. Calculate the time. Now they are out of prison.

As for Li Shengli, he was released after only one and a half years. The latest situation is that he continues to hold various meetings and concerts in Southeast Asia to earn money, while shouting that he will return with BIGBANG, he also connects with various rich businessmen in Southeast Asia.

South Korea's Gangnam District is still full of lights and drinks. One Burning Sun has fallen, and other nightclubs are still operating in a similar mode. There are still many nightclubs using the exposed overpowering drugs.

It seems that nothing has happened in the past and now. Except for those girls who have experienced injuries, have their lives been restarted smoothly? No way to know.

But it does not mean that all this is meaningless. As long as one girl who may be victimized is missing, it is a huge victory.

Today's late night topic is:

Do you think their behavior is worth it?

Come to the comment area and talk about it~

-Today's headline-

Your fairy sister E, a female pineapple

Duty student: sweet chili sauce Art: sloth

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