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Just now, the shocking scandal was exposed! The credit of the United States and the West completely collapsed!

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Tudou said:

Just now, British Prime Minister Sunak apologized with tears in his eyes

This huge scandal sweeping the US and the West is really killing me!

Their credit has completely collapsed!

However, an apology is an apology. They can't change it!

Bad Potato Works

First sent by WeChat, a bad potato

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As we all know, China can make its own contribution to the world in many aspects, such as high-speed rail, new energy, steel, shipbuilding

What about America?

We should be modest to see that the United States also has crushing advantages globally in many aspects.

For example, blood outlet!

The United States is the world's largest paid plasma supplier! More than 94% of the paid plasma in the world is supplied by the United States!

It's really possible to beat 10 blue stars with your own strength.

UK, Japan, Germany, Italy Some dozens of countries are looking for the United States to import plasma and blood products.

The export of plasma has also become a super industry of great scale in the United States.

In 2022, the US blood export will reach an astonishing 43 billion US dollars. Do you know what this concept is?

Among the top 10 products exported by the United States to the world in that year, plasma ranked sixth, surpassing auto parts, drug mixing dosage and soybeans!

This is definitely the core competitive industry of the United States, which has fed countless American medical companies and trading companies.

In order to ensure the export of blood, there are about 1000 blood collection stations all over the United States, which work efficiently every day.

Americans can get 40 dollars for donating about 350 milliliters of blood at a blood station.

This reward is quite attractive to ordinary Americans, so quite a few people go to exchange their blood for dollars.

But let's not forget that the United States has several indicators that can also be used globally.

The United States has the largest number of drug addicts in the world, consuming 80% of the world's opiates by itself.

The United States has the largest number of crimes in the world, with 2.3 million people serving sentences, which is absolutely far ahead.

The number of homeless people in the United States alone is up to 650000. They wander in the streets every day, which is also the absolute number one in the world.

Once the above data are combined, it will be great!

Serious, healthy and stable Americans, who would donate blood for 40 dollars.

As a result, almost all American blood stations are set up in slums, attracting homeless homeless people and drug addicts, who regard blood donation as the core means of earning living expenses.

Especially for American drug addicts, if they want to use drugs without money, they should go to sell blood. When they have sold out of blood, they should go to buy drugs to refresh themselves, and then go to sell blood when the drug strength has passed Continuous circulation.

Normally, according to the basic medical process, the blood station should strictly check the body of the blood donor, and must ensure that the plasma meets the requirements.

But the blood station in the United States doesn't want to spend this money at all. They say why I should abandon that thing. So they never refuse anyone who comes to donate blood, As long as it is a person.

This is a big deal. A large number of blood donors are drug addicts, and they are all suffering from diseases, especially the deadly virus such as AIDS, but the American blood station never knew about it

What's more, the American medical system later figured out that the cost of buying 350 milliliters of blood for 40 dollars was too high. What should we do?

Soon they came up with a solution. Didn't we say that the United States has the most prisoners in the world?

Since 2005, major prisons in the United States have become important blood collection points. Anyway, many prisons in the United States are private and rely on prisoners to earn money, so this has become an important means for many prison bosses to earn fast money

Poor many American prisoners have become blood slaves and money spinners for prison wardens.

An extremely strong and inhuman black industrial chain has finally taken shape in the United States!

Now the matter has just begun to ferment. It is unknown how much of the plasma exported by the United States every year comes from prisons, but the foreign media recently estimated that it would at least exceed 30%;

The rest of the American medical companies also thought that 40 dollars was too much, so they opened the blood collection station to the border of the United States and Mexico or the northern part of Mexico, and the price was about 30 dollars or less.

In this way, a large number of Mexicans are attracted to sell blood Because Mexicans are too poor. The average daily salary is only 9 dollars, and many handyman earn only 4 dollars a day. Moreover, the unemployment rate is as high as 50%. Now you can earn 10 times as much money by selling blood once, so people in central and western Ukraine have gone.

Later, American medical institutions simply persuaded the American government to open the door and sign B1 and B2 visas for Mexican blood sellers, which is to let them go to the United States to sell blood.

In this way, the blood stations in the United States have become a hodgepodge. In any case, as long as the blood is sold by individuals, they will accept all the blood and never check it.

The blood of all kinds of infectious patients, AIDS patients and drug addicts has been purchased in a centralized manner.

The United States has been doing this thing for nearly 60 years, and the more it is done, the bigger it is!

The United Kingdom is one of the largest blood importers in the world, and because of its large volume and cheap blood exports, the United States soon became an important blood supplier in the United Kingdom.

Didn't we say that? The blood quality in the United States is very poor. There are all kinds of virus and germs in it, because the United States never conducts screening.

However, the American medical company is really resourceful and does not know how many rebates and benefits it has given the British medical system. The British buy American plasma, never do spot checks, and directly take it to each hospital for use


A large number of British people have imported the poisonous blood from the United States. They have become ill if they were not ill, but they have become even worse if they were ill!

So far, after the investigation report released by the British media, There are already 30000 British people infected with HIV and hepatitis C virus because of the use of American blood!

And it has caused at least 3000 deaths!

This data is only a preliminary statistical result, and the actual data is estimated to be more than doubled!

In fact, what is even more alarming is that the British people infected with various diseases by using American plasma, which has been fermenting since the 1970s, not just now!

Fifty years ago, the British national medical service system began to introduce a new hemophilia treatment, and patients need to inject coagulation factor preparations on a regular basis.

The treatment mainly comes from the United States The specific method is that each batch of preparation is mixed with the plasma of thousands of blood donors and precipitated slowly.

Think about it!

The United States basically does not screen blood. As long as one in 1000 blood donors suffers from infectious diseases, the preparation is basically 100% infected.

As a result, a large number of poor British patients used this preparation and began to like to mention various diseases.

By 1989, at least more than 1200 British hemophiliacs had been diagnosed with AIDS

It has been more than 30 years. Why is Britain still importing a large amount of American blood?

Because the medical capital in Britain and the United States is too powerful, the matter was suppressed with money. If someone sued the court, he would be given 20000 pounds, and then all kinds of threats and intimidation, and all the reports were suppressed!

Anglo American Capital said to the patient: Give me a break, and tell me whether you want to commit suicide

As a result, a strange scene appeared. On the one hand, a large number of patients injected poisonous blood to cause various diseases, and on the other hand, American poisonous blood still poured into Britain.

Some British patients are not reconciled. They have started a long-term lawsuit, which has also attracted the attention of some institutions.

In 2007, Sir Morris, the famous British Labour politician and chairman of the British Hemophilia Association, presided over the establishment of an independent agency to investigate the matter and obtained a large amount of evidence.

In 2015, because there were more and more patients in Britain, then Prime Minister Cameron apologized to the victims on behalf of the government, saying that he would start a public investigation and give more compensation to patients.

In 2017, British Prime Minister Teresa apologized again and said that she would investigate the matter thoroughly.

But you really have to say that Britain and the United States are awesome.

On the one hand, patients continue to appeal, and the matter is constantly exposed. On the other hand, Britain continues to import a large amount of toxic blood, and the import amount is no less!

So even though Cameron apologized in 2015, the fever was quickly suppressed, and a steady stream of British patients were still importing toxic blood from the United States!

The UK continues to inject blood with AIDS and various viruses into the UK while investigating, while shouting sorry and saying that I will not change anyway, you will win if I change!

British and American medical institutions said that I would continue to earn money anyway, and no one could stop me!

Seeing here, I really want to shout:

You are so awesome in Britain and America!

I will obey you if I don't obey the wall!

By May 20, 2024, this matter will finally be covered.

Lanstaff, who is in charge of investigation affairs, released a 2500 page investigation report at one go, accusing all previous British governments of neglecting their duties and ignoring the death or life of patients.

Then, a large number of British media began to report, and the matter was really announced to the world!

So why is this big deal?

In fact, it is because of the party struggle in Britain.

It happened once in 2017. In the British general election, the Labour Party and the Conservative Party were fighting each other. In order to win the general election, the Labour Party simply took out Wang Bao, saying that the Conservative Party imported a large amount of toxic blood from the United States regardless of the lives of the people.

All of a sudden, the Conservative Party was in a mess, and hurriedly said that it was necessary to carry out an investigation immediately before reluctantly calming down the matter.

As a result, in 2018, the British election ended, and the two sides reached an agreement that no one mentioned this matter anymore, and then imported poison blood to the United States

Anyway, no one pays attention to the death of British patients. This is just a tool for them to fight for power and gain.

Why is this time on the hot search?

That's because other parties in Britain are going to set up the Conservative Party. It's so simple to rectify the current Prime Minister Sunak

As for British patients infected with AIDS, no one cares!

So, first of all, Sunak immediately apologized, said that he would increase the compensation, and even squeezed out a few tears. Sorry kept talking.

But he didn't say a word about accountability!

All persons responsible for the accident will be fine. What should we do!

Sing like a horse and dance like a horse

That is to say, Sunak has decided to continue importing American poisonous blood as long as things calm down. After all, how many people in this industry chain are waiting to earn money

What is even more frightening now is that at least 60 countries in the world import toxic blood from the United States, including Japan, Germany, Italy, Finland

The imported products are all the same, with a large number of viruses.

At least 30000 people in Britain have been infected. Is it OK for other countries?

That's impossible.

Just keep covering the lid!

So, you really have to admit the American bully.

Just like the Boeing whistler died now, the US official said it was suicide.

The whole world knows that he didn't commit suicide.

The United States also knows that the world knows that he did not commit suicide.

The world also knows that the United States knows that the world knows that he did not commit suicide

But the United States categorically said that he committed suicide.

The United States said that he committed suicide, so you can tell whether you believe it or not.

Do you dare to believe it? Do you also want to commit suicide?

The United States said that he was suicidal, and Lao Tzu said that he was suicidal, so confident

The United States says that I export toxic blood to the world, which makes you like to mention AIDS, but I am a beacon, so you can say whether you accept it or not

Therefore, the UK continues to purchase poisonous blood from the United States while apologizing bitterly;

While watching the news, the United States continues to find drug addicts and prisoners to collect toxic blood.

While watching the excitement, Japan still looks for the United States to import poisonous blood

Blood stations in the United States continue to work efficiently and have not been affected at all!

The United States will still be the world's largest blood exporter, and will fight the world with its own efforts!

Finally, let me say two points.

First, China never asks the United States to import such dirty things, so we can rest assured.

Second, the American Western Group has always had the ability to only care about others' hearts, not their own.

Our own affairs are small matters, and others' affairs are big matters

Since decades ago, American and Western groups have broken their hearts for China.

They are too lazy to deal with the big things that happen in their own homes, and they report crazy things that happen in China.

The United States does not worry about gun battles every day and tens of thousands of people die a year.

Drug use kills hundreds of thousands of people a year, and the United States is not as obsessed as a dead dog.

While the Chinese were beaten after eating a barbecue, the Americans were so anxious to jump up and down!

As a result, under the constant "whipping" of American Western Group for 30 years, China is getting better and stronger

From this perspective, I really want to "thank" the United States

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