The United States has reached a dangerous moment: what Jews did in Germany is repeated in the United States today!

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Whenever we get together to talk about the possible decline of the US empire, many people immediately jump out and speak out against it. They would say, "Do you know that the United States is extremely powerful now, and you can't imagine how powerful it is. Those who say that the United States will be defeated by the enemy are simply inconceivable. What's more, even if China is developing very fast now, so what? How can the United States decline because of the rise of China?"

To be honest, we have to admit that the United States is really strong now. But then again, China does not intend to compete with the United States for the position of world hegemony. What we want to do is to revive China and take back all the things that were lost in the past.

Why does everyone say that the United States will decline sooner or later? In fact, the problem lies in America's own system. The system of the United States has buried hidden dangers for it from the very beginning. Look at the current situation. Although the United States has a strong military strength and a stable financial system, you can find many loopholes in its system when you look closely at it.

The biggest loophole is What Jews did in Germany 100 years ago is repeated in the United States today!

Let's talk about Jews. Their influence in the United States is simply amazing. In the financial world, Jews are a powerful force. Many of the financial giants on Wall Street are Jewish. They hold a huge amount of wealth and manipulate the ups and downs of the stock market, making countless people crazy.

Not only that, Jews also occupy a pivotal position in the political arena. From the president to the legislator, from senior government officials to local leaders, there are Jews. By virtue of their intelligence and ability to dance with long sleeves, they have become prosperous in the political arena.

There are also media and technology circles, and Jews should not be underestimated. Many well-known media companies and technology companies have Jews behind them. They control the direction of public opinion and lead the trend of science and technology.

It is no exaggeration to say that every corner of the United States is under the control of Jews. Their influence has penetrated into all aspects of the United States, which makes people have to sigh their powerful.

But fortunately, the American army is still in the hands of the Onsa people. As a result, although Jews have great influence in the United States, they still cannot completely control the country. Otherwise, the United States might really become the world of Jews.

Maybe many people will not believe that the United States has a strong intelligence system, how can it be controlled by Jews? But in fact, Jews have penetrated the American political arena thoroughly. You only need to look at the background information of those politicians, and you will find that many of them are Jews. Through various means, they successfully entered the core circle of American politics.

From Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, to Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, to National Security Advisor Jack Sullivan, these three are Jews. They play an important role in all departments of the United States government, and each bears the responsibility of the country.

Blinken, this name may be familiar to many people. As the Secretary of State of the United States, he is a leader in foreign affairs and an important business card of the country on the international stage. Whenever he encounters complex international problems, he can quickly analyze the nature of the problem and give precise suggestions.

Yellen, the finance minister, is responsible for the economic lifeline of the country. She has a profound economic background and rich management experience, and can accurately grasp the operation of the national economy. Whenever the national economy encounters challenges, she is always able to take decisive measures to stabilize market confidence and ensure the healthy development of the national economy.

Sullivan, the national security adviser, is the President's right-hand man in security affairs. He has rich international security experience and profound political literacy, and can provide a comprehensive and in-depth security analysis for the President.

But the influence of Jews does not stop there. If you further understand, you will find that the important positions of Secretary of Homeland Security, Deputy Director of the CIA, Director of the Intelligence Agency, and Secretary of Justice are also held by Jews.

Let's talk about the current President Biden. Although he is a pure white Onsa, his family is very close to the Jews. Most of Biden's relatives are Jews, which makes him more comfortable in dealing with Jewish related affairs.

Looking back at the past several US presidents, such as Trump, Clinton and Obama, although they are not Jews, they have deep ties and ties with the Jewish people.

Take President Clinton for example. His family has a very special relationship. His son-in-law is actually a big man in the American banking industry, a powerful Jew. The son-in-law not only has a pivotal position in the financial world, but also often advises President Clinton and provides him with many valuable suggestions. It can be said that Clinton has a very close relationship with Jews.

Let's talk about President Obama. His background is also very interesting. Obama's mother was actually a pure Jew, which made him have a strong interest in Jewish culture since he was young. During his presidency, Obama paid special attention to Jewish affairs, not only frequently attended Jewish activities, but also actively promoted friendly relations with Jewish countries.

The current President Biden's family background is also closely linked with the Jews. Biden's two sons married Jewish wives, and Biden's daughter also married Jews. It can be said that in the United States today, no matter who is in a high position, even if they are not Jews, they are also inextricably linked with Jews.

Why is it that the Jews who control the United States are doomed to decline? In fact, the reason is quite simple, that is, the Jews are too ambitious, they always want more, and may eventually bring down the United States.

Let's talk about Israel first. Although this country is small, it has great influence in the world. Why? It is not because the "big boss" of the United States is behind it. Every time Israel has a problem, the United States is always the first to stand out and give it a platform. Why is the United States so protective of Israel?

It's not because of Israel's Jewish background. Now, the United States is basically serving Jews around the world. Therefore, Israel doesn't need to consider the consequences when it starts its business. Anyway, the United States is the big backer behind it.

Let's talk about what happened in America some time ago. At that time, college students in the United States really had a hard time. More than 60 college students took to the streets and held demonstrations. In truth, the US government should be busy trying to appease the students and solve their demands.

But guess what? But they came up with a baffling

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