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Russian Foreign Minister: The West encourages India to oppose China! Russia does not intend to persuade peace, and hopes that China and India will solve it by themselves

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China, Russia and India are an unequal triangular relationship. Although the three parties are members of the SCO and the BRICS countries, the relationship between them is very complex: Russia and India have special relations, China and Russia belong to back-to-back strategic cooperation relations, and China India relations are mostly antagonistic. Therefore, although the Russian Foreign Minister said that the West encouraged India to oppose China, he hoped that China and India would solve the problem by themselves, and Russia did not intend to promote peace and talks.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov recently said in an interview on Channel 1's "Big Game" program: "The more exchanges between India and China, the more beneficial and better for everyone. According to this fact, we hope that these two big countries and two great civilizations can solve all their problems. The West has always taken the opposite position and pursued the opposite purpose: to encourage India to oppose China. "

Lavrov's words express these meanings: First, the more India and China communicate, the better for all; 2、 Russia hopes that China and India can solve all problems by themselves. Russia does not intend to promote peace and talks; 3、 The West is encouraging India to oppose China, and India is becoming the pawn of the West to contain China.

Since Modi came to power in 2014, India has accelerated its approach to the West, increasing frictions and provocations against China, and even repeatedly provoked border conflicts between China and India. In essence, India is a vote of loyalty to the West.

India colluded with the West to provoke China. Russia Satellite News Agency reported on March 11 that Indian Minister of Trade and Industry Piyush Goyal and American Minister of Commerce Gina Raymond co chaired the India US Business Dialogue. India and the United States signed the semiconductor supply chain and innovation partnership agreement, and in the "India US Business Dialogue" The Semiconductor Committee was established within the framework of the meeting.

Both the media and the Russian media have interpreted the signing of the semiconductor supply chain and innovation partnership agreement between India and the United States as that the United States, after uniting with the Netherlands, Japan and South Korea, has attracted India to jointly suppress China in the semiconductor field. India is well aware of this attempt by the United States, but is willing to "take the bait", reflecting India's intention to weaken China with external forces.

This is what Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said: "The West encourages India to oppose China". Russia has special relations with India and China - Russia and China are China Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era, and Russia and India have reached a higher level of relations.

Lavrov attended a forum on international issues in India at the beginning of this month. He said at the forum that in the official document signed by the high-level of Russia and India, the relationship between the two countries is clearly described as "a special and privileged strategic partnership", which is the only name given by Russia and India to each other. There is no such name for relations with other countries.

Since Russia has such special relations with India and China, and the three countries are members of the SCO and the BRICS countries, why not persuade India not to be a tool used by the West to contain China? Why doesn't Russia try to promote peace between India and China?

First, although Russia has the unique advantage of promoting peace and talks with India and China, it does not have the ability to reconcile. From the Russia Ukraine war that has lasted more than a year, we can see that Russia has the nature of small wisdom, but not big wisdom.

Second, it is more in Russia's interest for India to maintain a certain degree of tension and confrontation with China. In this regard, Russia's interests are the same as those of the United States and the West. In other words, other world powers do not want China India bilateral relations to improve.

Third, China's comprehensive national strength has already surpassed that of Russia. In addition to historical problems, long borders, cultural differences, and so on, Russia's inner vigilance against China is growing day by day. It is not forced by the situation that the higher levels of China Russia relations are eliminated, but only suppressed.

China has been exporting goodwill to India. Why doesn't India buy it, and is more and more eager to collude with the West to provoke China and suppress China? There are three reasons for India's unfriendliness to China from a deep level:

First, India, like the United States and Russia, has a hegemonic gene in its body. Every day, India wants to dominate the world, which is the fundamental reason for the existence of territorial disputes between China and India.

Second, India, like the United States and Russia, still holds the zero sum game mentality of the Cold War and believes that there can only be one tiger king in Asia - one mountain can't allow two tigers, and this tiger king cannot be China, but India. India has the ambition to compete with China in any field.

Third, India stubbornly believes that only when it surpasses China can India truly become a world power. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, India had better conditions, foundation and starting point than China. In recent decades, China has come from behind, not only surpassing India, but also leaving India far behind, breaking India's glass heart, hurting India's self-confidence. India envies and envies China, affecting India's correct understanding of China.

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