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The Ukrainian air force has created miracles! US media: The Ukrainian army shot down 10 Russian fighters in 10 days!

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The Russian Aerospace Army was stunned by the Ukrainian Air Force! Ukraine once again made a great achievement in shooting down two Russian advanced fighter planes in one day, and created a miracle in shooting down 10 Russian fighter planes in 10 days: 9 Su-35 and Su-34 fighter planes, and 1 A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft. Perhaps only the Black Sea fleet can comfort the Russian air and space forces.

The Ukrainian Pravda reported on February 27 that the Ukrainian air force commander, Lieutenant General Oleshuk, reported that on the morning of February 27, the Ukrainian air force destroyed two Russian Su-34 fighter bombers in the east.

Lieutenant General Oleshuk released the photo of the second Russian Su-34 fighter bomber shot down on February 27 on social media, with the text: "There is no exclamation mark or question mark in the photo, it is a burning Russian 'dryer', so no one doubts!"

Oleshuk pointed out that on February 26, the Ukrainian air force also tried to shoot down a Russian fighter plane, but the Russian pilot successfully evaded the Ukrainian missile. He stressed: "Things will not always be like this!"

Since December last year, Ukraine's air defense forces have repeatedly shot down two Russian fighter planes in one day, and two Su-34 fighter bombers or one Su-35 fighter plane and one Su-34 fighter bomber in one day.

Ukraine's air defense forces have recently taken a step further in shooting down Russian warplanes: The Ukrainian Pravda reported on February 28, citing the news of the American magazine Forbes, that in the 10 days from February 18 to 27, Ukraine's air defense forces shot down 10 Russian warplanes: 9 Su-35 and Su-34 fighter jets, and 1 A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft.

On February 23, the Ukrainian air defense forces shot down a Russian A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft with the Soviet S-200 air defense missile in the Azov Sea area - crashed into the Trudova Armenian farm in the Krasnodar border region of the Russian Federation. Five Russian fighter planes were frightened and quickly withdrew from the combat operations.

The Russian A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft shot down on February 23 had 10 crew members, including 5 major, all of whom were killed.

This is the second Russian A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft shot down by Ukraine's air defense forces. According to Budanov, director of the General Intelligence Agency of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, there are still six A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft left in Russia. If another one is lost, the Russian army will not be able to work around the clock.

The Ukrainian Pravda reported on February 27 that Ignath, spokesman of the Ukrainian armed forces air force, disclosed on the news television program that after the Ukrainian air defense forces shot down the second Russian A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft in the Azov Sea area on February 23, the Russian army had not sent out the A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft for several days.

Ignat said: "The use intensity of A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft has declined and has disappeared for several days - the enemy has not made the decision to send more and more aircraft."

Without flying to the war zone, the A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft will not be shot down by the Ukrainian army, which is really a good way to protect itself.

Ten Russian warplanes, including one A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft, were shot down by Ukrainian military aircraft in 10 days, which caused great losses. Forbes, an American magazine, pointed out that Russia lost its aircraft 20 times faster than it replaced it, because despite sanctions, the Russian aerospace industry still tries to produce dozens of new fighters every year.

Forbes magazine believes that the success of the Ukrainian army in shooting down Russian warplanes is related to the use of valuable missiles by the Patriot air defense missile system and NASAMS air defense missile system, as well as the "blind spot" after Russia lost one third of its aircraft - the Russian A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft dare not appear in the war zone after being shot down.

At one time, the Russian Aerospace Army used nine A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft, three aircraft in the south, east and north of Ukraine, and three detection orbits were set up to expand the coverage of sensors throughout Ukraine.

Last year, the Ukrainian Air Force shot down one Russian A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft, and this year, it shot down two Russian A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft——

The Ukrainian army killed three of Russia's only nine A-50 long-range radar early warning aircraft, eliminated one-third of the sensor coverage, and created a "blind spot" for the Russian army, making it difficult for Russian pilots to find the incoming missiles.

Why did the Ukrainian army shoot down 10 Russian warplanes in 10 days? The Ukrainian military media Defense Express analyzed that:

First, the Ukrainian Air Force quietly deployed the Patriot air defense missile system and NASAMS missiles to the front line. These air defense groups moved quickly near the front line, ambushed Russian aircraft with NASAMS air defense missiles with a range of 48 kilometers, PAC-2 missiles with a range of 145 kilometers, and S-200 missiles with a range of nearly 200 kilometers, and then quickly redeployed to avoid Russian counterattacks.

Second, Ukraine's air defense system has learned to take action under the continuous pressure of the enemy in the front area, and has learned the operational skills of shooting down Russian warplanes. "Such intensive shooting down is unlikely to be related to the arrival of certain types of air defense missiles."

Ukraine is becoming more and more adept at attacking the Russian air and space forces, just like the Black Sea fleet of the Russian navy! This is unexpected. After all, the Russian Aerospace Warship is called the second largest air force in the world.

The Russian air and space forces and the Black Sea fleet became brothers and sisters in the war between Russia and Ukraine. The three major allies of Russia - the Russian army, navy and air force - have become "supporting roles" from the "leading role" of the Russian Ukrainian war. Time is also fate!

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