The wife who has been teaching in Africa for two years returned home, gave birth to a child with dark skin, and the husband did a paternity test with silly eyes

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Creation statement: This article is a fictional creation, please do not associate with reality
This article is a real case, and the source is Nine Factions News - "Women Give Birth to Black Daughters, Husband Doubts"
The materials used in this paper are from the Internet, and some pictures are not true portraits of the case, only for narrative presentation.

Wei Chunhua (a pseudonym) went to Africa to teach for two years.

When I came back, I brought back a black male friend.

The husband Zhang Hui (not his real name) was repelled, but suddenly learned that his wife was pregnant.

To his surprise, Wei Chunhua gave birth to a pair of dark twins.

The two men went to have a paternity test, and he was stunned.


Wei Chunhua wanted to teach in Africa, but Zhang Hui, her husband, was the first to disagree.

"There are more than 20 people applying for that place, and no one is unwilling to go. What are you doing with those things?" Zhang Hui, the school leader, angrily threw an application form on his wife's desk, which is Wei Chunhua's application form for teaching in Africa.

"I know others are willing to go, but I also want to go to Africa to teach. I have seen that the education level of children there is far lower than the average level of international children, and teaching is a good thing. Why don't you let me go?"

Wei Chunhua carefully picked up the application form. She was obviously used to the fact that her husband used his private right to get his own application form.

"Why didn't he let you go?" Zhang Hui laughed angrily at his wife's innocent attitude

Zhang Hui shook his head and said in a tone that you don't understand anything: "The environment in Africa is not like ours. The teachers who went to volunteer education in the past years were most worried about not the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation, but the problem of public security during the volunteer education there. It's not that no teacher has had an accident, but what can we do if there is an accident?"

Wei Chunhua knows that her husband is worried about her own safety, but she really has her own reasons for wanting to volunteer in Africa.

She has been married to her husband for ten years, but has no children. It is a good thing to go to Africa to teach. She hopes to accumulate more merit for herself.

Wei Chunhua said her reasons bitterly. Zhang Hui paused for a moment, and could not speak at once.

He is also worried about the children, especially Zhang's mother, who has advised him to divorce his wife many times, but they were together because of love at the beginning, and he is unwilling to divorce his wife for this reason.

Now, seeing that his wife is also exhausted for the children, Zhang Hui has no strength to oppose.

In this way, Wei Chunhua succeeded in getting the teaching quota, and one month later, she embarked on the plane to Africa.

However, Wei Chunhua has just arrived in Africa and has encountered a major problem.


Wei Chunhua's teaching institute is a small village in Africa. Their teachers are arranged in the dormitory specially vacated by the villagers. The conditions are very poor, but they can use tap water anyway.

However, after living there for two days, they found it very inconvenient to go to the city. There was no bus in Africa, and the villagers needed to go to the city on foot. However, these teachers have been used to modern transportation, and they can't walk for two or three hours at a time.

When Wei Chunhua called her husband, she told him about the difficulties she had encountered here.

Zhang Hui said helplessly, "Before going to Africa, I told you that the environment there was poor, and now it is just the beginning."

When Wei Chunhua heard him say this, she hung up the phone with some unhappiness. But within two days, she met a young black man named Jim (a pseudonym) in the village.

The other side has a motorcycle, which can take them to the city. It only takes about 20 minutes each time. This is a great place. These support teachers who live here and need to buy daily necessities.

And Wei Chunhua first knew Jim, who also had the best relationship with him. The two people often went to the city to buy things together. Sometimes they spent most of the day when they went out.

The fellow volunteer teacher couldn't help but say to her, "Mr. Wei, we still keep some distance from the local people, and he is a young man. It's easy to misunderstand if you get close to him."

The teacher who spoke was meant for good, but Wei Chunhua felt that she was speculating about herself. She replied angrily, "He and I are just friends. Only those with dirty hearts will think about dirty places."

Wei Chunhua also told her husband that she had made a black male friend here. Zhang Hui's first reaction was to ask them not to get too close.

However, Wei Chunhua did not listen to his words at all. Later, he still kept in touch with Jim frequently. Until two years later, Wei Chunhua, who had finished teaching, even invited Jim to return home with him.

So when Zhang Hui went to the airport to meet his wife with full expectation, he saw a black man walking beside him.

At that moment, Zhang Hui could hardly contain his anger, but in order to maintain his face, he pretended to be friendly and let Jim visit his home.

Two months later, before Jim had the intention to return to China, Zhang Hui had already planned to break the skin with his wife. But just then, Wei Chunhua suddenly became pregnant, and he was so happy that he could no longer ignore other things, just waiting for the birth of the child.

Until the next year, Wei Chunhua gave birth to twins in the hospital, but the appearance of the children was beyond everyone's expectation

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