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Shenhua's front line welcomes new reinforcements that have been missed for a long time. The next round starts against Shenzhen Xinpengcheng, with Ma Lailai as the substitute

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Shanghai Shenhua met Henan Team in the away game of this round of Chinese Super League, and the team played generally in this game. If it was not for the mistake of Henan goalkeeper Wang Jinshuai, give Shenhua a goal. Henan team can at least get one point from Shenhua, and at the critical moment of Shenhua, two foreign aid forwards, Luis and Mallele, have all failed one after another, which also reminds coach Slotsky and the senior management of the club.

That is, Shenhua Summer Window should introduce a powerful front bully on the offensive line. Since the front court of Shenhua had no Teixeira to organize the series, the team's attack efficiency has dropped to a higher level. Shenhua center Luis and Ma Lailai had no support from Teixeira, and their threats in the front court were greatly reduced. In particular, center Luis was directly lost in Shenhua and suffered from a goal shortage.

When Tessella was on the court, Luis was Shenhua's golden boot. Whenever Shenhua gets bogged down in the competition, Louis can always stand up at the first time and turn the tide. For this reason, Louis has also become the hottest Golden Boot in the Chinese Super League this season. It's a pity that Teixeira could not play after suffering from injury, which made Louis lose his direction in the Shenhua competition.

Although Shenhua got three points in these two matches as expected, the team played very hard. In this case, Shenhua coach Slotsky should adjust and appropriately strengthen the lineup by rotation. Slotsky's strategy of playing a team all over the world has exhausted many of Shenhua's main players. Then, Shenhua will play overtime in the next round. Can you consider letting the substitute player headed by Zhou Junchen appear as the main player.

Zhou Junchen and Fernando are both very powerful young players who once played in Shenhua. Zhou Junchen also won the reputation of CSL Ronaldo for his ability to shoot suddenly. Fernando played a commendable role on behalf of Shenhua in the Football Association Cup. It is hoped that Zhou Junchen and Fernando will make their debut in the next round of the Chinese Super League against Shenzhen Xinpeng City, bringing wonderful performances to the fans, and that Ma Lailai can rest on the bench.

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