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Su Lin, Minister of Public Security of Vietnam, was elected President of Vietnam! What does this mean?

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It can be said that this wave of high-level reshuffle in Vietnam is basically settled.

In fact, the Vietnamese southerners have been defeated since Nguyen Tan Dung stepped down in 2016. Last year, Nguyen Chunfu stepped down.

At the 9th meeting of the Central Committee of Vietnam, Zhang Shimei resigned as the standing secretary of the Central Secretariat and the head of the Central Organization Department.

The Standing Secretary of the Central Committee ranks fifth in the Vietnamese Party, only second to the "four carriages". (Secretary, Prime Minister, President of the State and President of the National Assembly)

Ruan Chunfu, Wu Wenshang, Wang Tinghui and Zhang Shimei have resigned four heavyweight leaders in Vietnam in just one and a half years. At present, the only heavyweight leaders on the stage are Ruan Fuchong, Premier Fan Mingzheng and Minister of Public Security Su Lin, who have not been seen for a long time due to health problems.

The ultimate winner of this "big escape" has emerged.

Su Lin's previous post in the Ministry of Public Security is a bit special.

Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security is a super ministry system, which is equivalent to the main functions and most departments of our Ministry of Public Security+Ministry of National Security+Ministry of Justice+Emergency Department, similar to the Ministry of Social Affairs before liberation, and also similar to the Soviet KGB.

At present, Vietnam's public security system has about 210000 people, including 100000 policemen (cadres). Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security has an active force. The police shall adopt unified rules and regulations and a system of ranks of general, colonel and lieutenant. The Minister of Public Security is the Senior General.

In short, after this round of shuffling, the southern faction was completely suppressed.

In addition, if Vietnam's political situation is not divided by the north and south, but by the work line, it can be divided into four major systems: ideology, security, economy, and military.

The ideological system (including military political workers) is Nguyen Phu Trong's sphere of influence. The security system is headed by Fan Mingzheng and Su Lin. The representative of the cadres of the economic system is Wang Tingyi, who resigned some time ago. The leader of the military system is Pan Wenjiang.

After this wave of reshuffle, the security system is the biggest winner. Not only Fan Mingzheng is undamaged, but also Su Lin is the president of the country.

The economic system is the biggest loser - even Wang Tinghui, the only child left, is gone.

The military system was basically unchanged, but Liang Qiang's position as the General Political Director of the People's Army, which was vacated after his promotion, probably had to be returned to the military. It was a small win.

(Liang Qiang)

The ideological system was defeated by Wu Wenshang and Zhang Shimei, and Liang Qiang and Chen Qingmin came up. Although the number of people was the same, the position became worse. It was a small loss.

In the ideological system, Nguyen Phu Trong can still slightly suppress the security system by 2+1 (Nguyen, Chen+Liang) versus 2 (Fan, Su). But Nguyen Phu Trong, after all, is very old. When he retires next year, he may become the world of security systems.

Of course, this is a further subdivision. In general, Vietnam is mainly divided into southern and northern groups or conservative and reformist groups (pro American groups).

At present, the Northern School has won a complete victory.

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