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Wang Hao's fall is really related to Luoma Lake?

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Author: Shi Daojun

"The clear Luoma Lake looks endless. Standing on the shore of the lake, you can't see the east from the west. The lake water fattens shrimp and crabs, and blue waves embrace water chestnut and lotus root..."

At the junction of Suqian and Xuzhou in Jiangsu Province, there is a fascinating lake, Luoma Lake, which is called "Little Sanya in Northern Jiangsu". It is the fourth largest freshwater lake in Jiangsu and the clearest lake in the province. The water of Luoma Lake mostly comes from the mountain torrents and natural rainwater in Yimeng. There is no industrial pollution along the lake. The water body is clear and transparent all the year round. There are numerous waterfowl and beautiful scenery.

Luoma Lake is also known as Lema Lake, Luoma Lake and Malehu Lake in history. The Chronicle of Emperor Gaozong in the History of the Song Dynasty records that: "In April of the fifth year of Shaoxing (1131), the general of Jin Dynasty spent time in Huaihe River and settled in Lema Lake in Suqian County." The Annals of Huai'an Prefecture records that "the old works fell down and were merged by the waters of Yimeng." Luo is the homonym of "Le" and "Luo", which is named after the ancient Jin soldiers who settled here.

Unexpectedly, Luoma Lake became popular again these two days due to the fall of an official, which was repeatedly mentioned in the friends' circle and WeChat group of netizens.


The official was Wang Hao, the vice chairman of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee who was the mayor of Suqian and the secretary of the municipal party committee. On the afternoon of May 20, the official declaration was investigated. (For details, please click to read: Just now! Wang Hao, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Jiangsu Committee, was investigated, and four secretaries of Suqian have been defeated!!)

Does Wang Hao's fall really have something to do with Luoma Lake?

For superstitions who pay attention to geomancy, it seems that they are really connected, "Camel", "fall" also, this lake is really ominous?

The name is irregular, the words are not right, and things are unlucky. Is Luoma Lake really an official "killer"?

It is self-evident that Luoma Lake is of great importance to Suqian. Is it really difficult to get out of office and politics in this lakeside city for a long time?

Since July 1996, when the county level Suqian City was abolished and the prefecture level Suqian City was established, Suqian has served 9 municipal party secretaries, and Wang Hao is the eighth.

Before Wang Hao, there had been three successive downfalls of Suqian Municipal Party Secretary, namely Qiu He, Zhang Xinshi and Miao Ruilin.

When every secretary falls, people will mention Luoma Lake, as if Luoma Lake is the "culprit".

Is the silent Luoma Lake really so powerful and magical?

If it has the ability to perceive and understand human discourse, Will you feel extremely aggrieved and set off a wave of anger?

Among the nine secretaries of Suqian Municipal Party Committee, the two who were later appointed as the head of the Jinren Municipal Party Committee have always had a good reputation, haven't they? There are still two vice ministries in office, haven't they been safe and sound?

In Xuzhou, another lakeside city, only one of its successive secretaries seems to have been demoted. Is the "curse of Luoma Lake" only aimed at Suqian officials?


It is worth noting that there was a "name change storm" of Luoma Lake in Suqian a few years ago. Some people changed the name of the lake to "Horse Lake" without authorization, and the reason is said to be that the homonym of "Luoma", "Falling off the horse", is taboo.

The reason was that a netizen saw a huge billboard on the north side of the Canal Bridge on Fazhan Avenue in Suqian City, with the words "Immediately Lake" hanging high.

After learning that someone changed the name of Luoma Lake to "Horse Lake", the netizen "Western Chu Artist" recalled in his blog: "This idea is not now. Some familiar officials told me many years ago that the name of Luoma Lake is unlucky. Especially after leaders from other places came to Suqian, many people were more sensitive to the name."

According to the relevant personnel, the change of Luoma Lake to "Horse Lake" has not been officially recognized by the government, and it has never ended.

And those officials who are concerned about the homonym of "falling off the horse", are they suspicious of what they have done? They associate a thousand year old place name with cause and effect, so they are scared out of a cold sweat and decide to change their luck by changing the name of the lake?

Just think, If you are corrupt, why do you do "lake"? We should not use the lake as an excuse or shield when we fall down due to corruption!

Such corrupt officials may not be able to laugh long even if they serve in places like "Promotion Lake" and "Promotion Mountain", because "the French Open is long and lax", and they will pay back sooner or later, just like Wang Hao and others.

At this point, the official thought of Wu Yinzhi, "the first good official of the Jin Dynasty", who was not easy to laugh and drink.

It is said that during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, less than 20 li away from Guangzhou City, there was a place called Shimen, where there was an eye spring called "Greedy Spring". It is said that people who drink this spring will become insatiable. Those corrupt officials said that they were originally honest, but they became greedy only because they drank the water of "Greedy Spring", which made an excuse for their corruption.

Later, Wu Yinzhi, the newly appointed governor of Guangzhou, did not believe in this evil. When he arrived in Guangzhou, he said to his relatives, "If you don't see what you want, you can keep your mind at ease. I know that when you cross the mountain, you will lose your innocence." To show your determination to be honest, he came to the spring to drink water, and wrote a poem with the ambition: "The ancients said that this water was a tribute to the memory of a thousand gold. If you try to make people drink together, you will never be easy."

It means that people say that they will be greedy for money and treasure after drinking the spring water. If we let people like Boyi Shuqi drink it, I don't think it will change that honest heart after all.

During his tenure in Guangzhou, Wu Yinzhi has always maintained a clean and honest integrity, with simple food, simple clothes and equipment, and increasingly simple folk customs in the Lingnan area. Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty said in his immortal masterpiece Preface to Tengwang Pavilion that "drinking from the spring makes you feel comfortable", and it is Wu Yinzhi who praises it.

In the same way, If you are an honest and upright leading cadre, why should you be afraid of being an official by the Luoma Lake?

And Luoma Lake will also serve as a mirror for his own political career, reminding himself that he must not fall into the mire of "falling off the horse".


Why can't the four secretaries of Suqian Municipal Party Committee walk out of the "curse of Luoma Lake"? In fact, there are other reasons.

Suqian is the youngest city in Jiangsu Province, and also the city with the lowest economic aggregate for years. In Jiangsu, where there are many experts and they are not satisfied with each other, this situation undoubtedly means a kind of pressure. Therefore, the city is always full of anxiety and a strong atmosphere of rapid development.

Under such a situation and pressure, as a city chief official, it is very easy to have the impulse of political achievements, eager to change the status quo, always thinking of taking big steps and shortcuts, eager for success, and overtaking at corners.

In the late developing regions, The top leader is also the most likely to become a "bully". The power is concentrated, saying nothing, being exclusive, and doing what he says.

Take Qiu He, the second secretary of Suqian, as an example. The basic style of the "double competent official" in the administration of power is that he is arbitrary, stormy, demolition and construction, and fishing with all his heart. He pursues the development of compression biscuit, focusing only on the results and not on the process. He can do anything for political achievements and repeatedly collide with the red line of law and discipline.

After the fall of enmity, some media called it the "green forest era" of power. In fact, what enmity used was the "green forest means" that were unregulated, mercenary and lawless.

Zhang Xinshi, Miao Ruilin and Qiu He worked together in Suqian for many years, and were deeply influenced by it. What they did during their tenure in Suqian can see the "legacy" of Qiu He.

Although Wang Hao did not work with Qiu He, his political style was very similar to that of Qiu He, a top student in the philosophy department of Nantah University.

After only one year as the secretary of the county party committee in Peixian County, he built a lot of buildings and turned Peixian County upside down. The "United Nations Building" came into being. When he became the secretary of Suqian Municipal Party Committee, he became even worse, with many negative news.

The development model like Suqian will inevitably bring about large-scale urban development and project construction, thus promoting the rapid change of the city's appearance. Therefore, city officials have been promoted and reused repeatedly.

It is in Wang Hao's hands that Suqian has become the model of a national civilized city, and has also surpassed Lianyungang at one fell swoop, throwing off the hat of the "Thirteen Girls in Jiangsu".

Behind the great development of the city, It is a huge amount of projects and funds, which is undoubtedly a huge temptation and test for the city officials with centralized power.

It is worth mentioning that the judgment of Miao Ruilin case pointed out that he began to accept bribes in project approval, loan acquisition, project contracting and other matters from the time when he was the Deputy Mayor, Mayor and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Suqian. Although Qiu He did not commit corruption during Suqian, Liu Weigao, the object of his bribery in Yunnan, was actually his old acquaintance when he was in charge of Suqian.

During the years when Wang Hao ruled Suqian, He has been called "Suqian General Contracting Foreman" and the new roads in the city are called "Wangjia Avenue".

According to rumours, his son works in a central enterprise. The central enterprise where his son works is responsible for all the big and small projects in Suqian. He eats meat himself without letting others drink soup. His appearance is extremely ugly. At that time, someone asserted that it was an accident that Wang Hao did not have an accident, and that it was normal for an accident to happen.

With the fall of Suqian's fourth municipal party secretary, is it time to seriously reflect on the "Suqian model"?


Finally, Wang Hao's fall may have something to do with Luoma Lake.

In his hands, Suqian Luoma Lake Tourist Resort was successfully established as the first national tourist resort in northern Jiangsu, filling the gap of "national brand" tourist resort in Huaihai Economic Zone.

Suqian Luoma Lake Tourist Resort has 400 square kilometers of Luoma Lake, 12.7 square kilometers of Santai Mountain National Forest Park, two 4A level tourist attractions, two 3A level tourist attractions, one national key cultural relics protection unit, and one national water conservancy scenic spot.

In the process of leading the construction of Suqian Luoma Lake Tourist Resort,

Will Wang Hao be spotless?

When he reached out his black hand,

Would you think of three fallen predecessors,

Would you think of the "Luoma Lake Charm"?

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