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The ten richest people from Hunan in Shenzhen have a total worth of more than 200 billion, and the youngest is only 33 years old

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Shenzhen is the largest gathering place of Hunan people except Hunan natives. According to relevant statistics, the total number of Hunan people living in Shenzhen has exceeded 4 million. Since the beginning of reform and opening up in the early 1980s, a large number of young people from Hunan with dreams have come out of their homes to this entrepreneurial capital. Over the past 40 years, with the entrepreneurial spirit and excellent business mind of "eating hard and dominating savagely", Hunan people have written many well-known business legends and become the main force in the development of Shenzhen's private economy.

In the Hurun Research Institute's latest Hurun Global Rich List in 2024, we found six people from Hunan in Shenzhen. In addition, according to the relevant data in the A-share market, we also found several other Hunan entrepreneurs who were not on the list, but whose worth was more than 5 billion yuan. We selected four of the top ranked people, along with the six people on the list, The“ Top Ten Hunan Rich Merchants in Shenzhen in 2024 ”。 The ten finalists have a total wealth of 205.5 billion yuan, of which four are worth more than 10 billion yuan, and one has a wealth of more than 100 billion yuan. Then, Lao Xu will lead everyone to enjoy the demeanor of these ten Hunan born business tycoons working in Shenzhen.

Wealth statistics rules: we give priority to the data in Hurun Global Rich List in 2024; For unlisted entrepreneurs, we adopt the method of (the latest market value of the enterprise * shareholding ratio+deserved net profit dividends over the years+accumulated profits from reduction of holdings in history) to calculate their value.
No.10 Convinced Chairman He Chaoxi

He Chaoxi, born in 1974 in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, is 50 years old and graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a bachelor's degree. After graduating from China University of Science and Technology in 1998, He Zhaoxi was recruited by Huawei and became a research and development worker. In 2000, the reorganization of the three major domestic operators led to a sharp decline in broadband tariffs and an explosive growth in the popularity of the Internet. The accompanying IT service industry became the most cutting-edge outlet at that time. He Zhaoxi, who smelled the business opportunities, left Huawei and enlisted several old students from China University of Science and Technology to establish Shenxinfu.

At first, Shenxin Trust mainly operated VPN services. In 2005, He Chaoxi led Shenxin Trust to transform into the field of network security. With the self-developed online behavior management system, Shenxin Trust quickly gained the favor of many B-end customers. Shenxin Trust also took this opportunity to rapidly develop into a leading domestic enterprise level network security and cloud computing service provider. In 2021, He Zhaoxi's worth once exceeded 20 billion yuan. However, as he became convinced of his poor performance in the stock market in the past two years, his wealth also declined significantly. Mr. He Chaoxi's current value is about 5.5 billion yuan.

No.9 Chairman of Daotong Technology - Li Hongjing

Li Hongjing, 56 years old, was born in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province in 1968. His first education is unknown. Later, he was admitted to Carnegie Mellon University for his MBA degree. After graduating from college, Li Hongjing was assigned to the Sinochem Company in Hainan to start sales in the late 1990s. Reluctant to the status quo, Li Hongjing went to the United States to study further and learned financial knowledge. After finishing his master's degree, he stayed in the United States to become a financial analyst. While working in the United States, Li Hongjing came into contact with the automobile inspection industry. Although the domestic automobile industry was still in its infancy at that time, it had a rapid development momentum and huge market potential.

In 2004, Li Hongjing returned to China. After half a year's work at Yuanzheng Technology, he set up Daotong Technology. After 20 years of development, Daotong Technology has become the world's leading provider of automotive diagnostic solutions and equipment suppliers. In addition, another enterprise he founded, Daotong Intelligent, has also developed into a first-class UAV manufacturer in the industry. At present, Mr. Li Hongjing is worth about 5.8 billion yuan.

No. 8 Chairman of Aoshikang Cheng Yong

Cheng Yong, born in 1974 in Yuanjiang City, Yiyang, Hunan Province, is 50 years old and has a high school diploma. Cheng Yong was very rebellious when he was a teenager. At the age of 17, he had an argument with his father. Cheng Yong ran away from home angrily and came to Shenzhen to work alone. Finally, through a small recruitment advertisement on the street, he was recruited to work as a material handler in a PCB factory. Because he worked hard, he was deeply appreciated by his boss. After working for several years, Cheng Yong starts to have the idea of doing business himself, but he has no capital. So he goes to the boss and hopes to get some goods on credit. For the sake of his years of hard work, the boss agreed to Cheng Yong's request.

With these goods on credit, Cheng Yong has earned the first bucket of gold in his life. In 2005, Cheng Yong, who has been in the industry for many years, founded Oskon Technology and built his own plant and production line. After years of development, Oskon Technology has now grown into a world-class PCB manufacturer. Mr. Cheng Yong and his family members are currently worth about 7 billion yuan.

No.7 President of Yahuilong - Hu Xuanhui

Hu Xuanhui, born in Lengshuijiang, Loudi, Hunan Province in 1991, is 33 years old. He graduated from the Royal Melbourne University of Technology and the University of Melbourne in Australia, with a master's degree. He is a "second generation". His father, Hu Deming, was a public official in Leng Shuijiang. In the mid-1990s, he resigned and went overseas to Shenzhen to start the business of importing IVD products as an agent. After completing the original capital accumulation, he founded Yahuilong Technology in 2008.

In 2012, Hu Deming was sentenced for bribery. In order to avoid negative impact on the enterprise, in the same year, he transferred all his shares to Hu Zhihui, who was still studying in Australia at that time and was only 21 years old. The latter became the actual controller of Aphron. In 2018, after completing his master's degree in electrical engineering at the University of Melbourne, Hu Zhihui returned to his family and officially took the post of the chairman of APHL. In 2021, Hu Zhihui led APHL to go public on the science and technology innovation board, which made him a rare A-share post-90s leader in China. Mr. Hu Zhihui's current value is about 7.2 billion yuan.

No.6 Xu Shaochun, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kingdee International

Xu Shaochun, 61 years old, was born in Yuanjiang City, Yiyang, Hunan Province in 1963. He graduated from Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University) and later obtained a master's degree from the Institute of Financial Science. In 1983, Xu Shaochun was assigned to work in a state-owned enterprise located in Wuhan, Hubei Province after graduating from the undergraduate program. When he entered the company, he found many management loopholes, so he volunteered to apply to the higher authorities to be the factory director. As a result, he was labeled "ambitious, not knowing where the sky is and where the earth is", and received a lot of criticism.

In 1985, Xu Shaochun, fed up with sarcasm, returned to school to study for graduate school. After graduation, he entered the tax system and worked in an iron rice bowl that everyone envied at that time. In 1990, in the wave of entrepreneurship sweeping across the country, Xu Shaochun quit his stable job and went south to Shenzhen. With a second-hand computer in the rental house, he wrote a set of financial management software based on the programming knowledge he learned in college. Due to his excellent experience, Xu Shaochun soon became a hot commodity on the market. In 1993, Xu Shaochun founded Kingdee Software Company. Today, more than 30 years later, Kingdee International has become a world leading online management and e-commerce service provider. Mr. Xu Shaochun ranked 2573 in Hurun's 2024 World Rich List with a value of 9.5 billion yuan.

No. 5 founder of Huitai Medical - Cheng Zhenghui

Cheng Zhenghui, born in Xiangxiang City, Xiangtan, Hunan Province in 1964, is 60 years old. He has graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of Sciences with a master's degree. He used to do real estate sales for a period of time. In 1999, Cheng Zhenghui started a small company called "Xianjian Technology" in partnership with others, and began to set foot in the medical device industry. In 2002, the partners parted ways, and Cheng Zhenghui set up Huitai Medical and gradually built it into a world-class manufacturer of cardiac electrophysiology and vascular interventional medical devices.

In January this year, Mindray Medical acquired 21.12% of the shares of Huitai Medical at a price of 6.65 billion yuan. Cheng Zhenghui lost control of the company. At present, he and his son Cheng Ling continue to hold 18.72% and 7.48% of the shares of Huitai Medical. On April 15, Cheng Zhenghui announced that he would step down as chairman of the board of directors, and he was officially eliminated from Huitai Medical. Since then, he has retired from Huitai Medical. Mr. Cheng Zhenghui ranked 2573 in Hurun's 2024 World Rich List with a value of 9.5 billion yuan.

No. 4 Chen Zhiping, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Smaller International

Chen Zhiping, 49 years old, was born in Taojiang County, Yiyang, Hunan Province in 1975. He graduated from Tongji University with a bachelor's degree, and later received a master's degree in business administration from China Europe International Business School. After leaving the campus, Chen Zhiping entered a computer company to do sales, and got rich commissions and bonuses based on good performance. Later, he followed others to Sichuan to do coal business. As a result, he lost all his money and owed millions of foreign debts.

In order to repay the debt, Chen Zhiping came to Shenzhen to work. At that time, electronic cigarettes were very popular in European and American countries, and most of them were purchased from Shenzhen. Chen Zhiping, who smelled the business opportunity, also opened an electronic cigarette company, mainly engaged in export business, and specially named it Macwell (the predecessor of Smaller International). In order to reduce costs and make his own products stand out, Chen Zhiping found Huizhou Yiwei Lithium Energy, signed a wager agreement, and got the miniature lithium battery used in electronic cigarettes at the lowest price. Relying on the cost advantage, Simore quickly emerged as a world leading electronic cigarette manufacturer. Mr. Chen Zhiping ranked 2038 on the Hurun Global Rich List in 2024 with a value of 12 billion yuan.

It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of the listing of Simore International in 2021, the stock price once soared to more than 500 billion Hong Kong dollars, so Chen Zhiping also briefly became the "richest man in Hunan" with a price of more than 150 billion yuan.

No.3 Chairman of Huichuan Technology - Zhu Xingming

Zhu Xingming, 57 years old, was born in Huarong County, Yueyang, Hunan Province in 1967. He graduated from Northeast Heavy Machinery College (now Yanshan University) with a master's degree. He worked in Shenzhen Huaneng Group for several years, and then moved to Huawei Electric Company under Huawei. In 2001, due to the obstruction of PHS business, Huawei suffered an unprecedented capital chain crisis. In order to save himself, Ren Zhengfei packaged Huawei Electric and sold it to Emerson Group in the United States. Due to the inconsistency in culture and philosophy, the executives sent by the United States pushed Zhu Xingming out of his place. In 2003, Zhu Xingming led a group of brothers to leave their jobs and set up Huichuan Technology on their own.

He seized the golden age of rapid development of domestic real estate, led Huichuan Technology to focus on elevator integration technology and achieved great success, and broke the monopoly position of foreign enterprises in this field for many years. With this as the starting point, Huichuan Technology has gradually grown into a world leading manufacturer of high-end industrial control equipment, Learn more about the local entrepreneurs and rich in your hometown, and search "BOSS Research Society" by satellite Mr. Zhu Xingming ranked 1632 on the Hurun Global Rich List in 2024 with a value of 16 billion yuan.

No.2 Wang Jian, Chairman of Huada Group and Huada Intelligent Manufacturing

Wang Jian, born in 1954 in Yuanling County, Huaihua, Hunan Province, is 70 years old. He has graduated from Hunan Medical University (now Xiangya Medical College of Central South University), Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Texas State University in the United States. In 1994, after completing her doctoral studies in the United States, Wang Jianwan rejected the high salaries of many well-known pharmaceutical enterprises and institutions, returned to the motherland with the original intention of developing China's gene industry, and founded Gibby Love Biology in Beijing.

In 1999, in order to participate in the then international human genome project, Wang Jian founded BGI and undertook the sequencing work in China. In 2003, BGI took the lead in deciphering the SARS virus sequence in the world and developing corresponding detection products, which started to make a figure in the industry. Up to now, BGI has become the world's largest genomics research and development institution. In addition, Huada Intelligent Manufacturing, a downstream medical device enterprise he founded in 2016, has now developed into a manufacturer of instruments, equipment and reagent consumables in the field of life science and biotechnology. Mr. Wang Jian ranks 1091 in Hurun's 2024 World Rich List with a value of 23 billion yuan.

Xu Hang, Founder of No.1 Mindray Medical

Xu Hang, born in 1962 in Guangzhou, from Linli County, Changde, Hunan Province, is 62 years old. He graduated from Tsinghua University with a master's degree. He is the famous "father of Chinese color B-ultrasound". After graduating from Tsinghua University, Xu Hang entered Shenzhen Anke Medical Company to engage in research and development work, and during this time, he met his later partner Li Xiting. At that time, the domestic medium and high-end medical device market was monopolized by foreign enterprises, which stole a lot of profits from China every year, including the security medical service they worked for. In fact, it was also a Sino foreign joint venture, and the Chinese side only accounted for a small part of the shares.

In order to break this unequal industry pattern, Xu Hang, Li Xiting and others left Anke Medical in 1991 and founded Mindray Medical on their own. Today, Mindray Medical has become the largest medical device manufacturer in China. In 2001, when Mindray Medical was on the right track, Xu Hang founded Pengrui Group and turned his attention to real estate, investment and other fields. Mr. Xu Hang ranked 128 in Hurun's 2024 World Rich List with a value of 110 billion yuan.

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