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How is Wang Ji, whose son is mentally retarded and whose daughter is unmarried, who was cheated out of her savings by her friends

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In August 2011, her husband Gao Feng and daughter Gao Liwen finally found Wang Ji in a hotel with a high fever and blisters,

After seeing her husband and daughter, Wang Ji broke down and cried, constantly blaming herself:

"It's all my fault. All my money has been cheated out. What will my son do in the future?"

For Wang Ji, this money is not only her lifelong savings, but also her "survival fund" for her son Gao Xiaofei,

When his son Gao Xiaofei was more than one year old, he was diagnosed with mental retardation, epilepsy and autism, and needed care all his life,

This money is the living guarantee that Wang Ji left for her son. She hopes that after a hundred years, her son can still live well with this money.

But as she was cheated, all her efforts were wasted. For her son, Wang Ji made a difficult decision,

That is to make up for her by asking her to sign an agreement and confiscate her daughter Gao Liwen's 10 year income.

Now that Wang Ji is 62 years old, she still dares not rest and still insists on saving money for her son,

Daughter Gao Liwen is also 33 years old, but she has not heard of her marriage yet,

As her own child, has Wang Ji ever regretted such a result?


Speaking of Wang Ji, I have to mention her famous works

Beijingers in New York,

With this play, Wang Ji won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress, which started the peak of her career,

But it was in this play that she lived in regret for the rest of her life.

At the end of 1992, 30-year-old Wang Ji returned to China with her husband to visit relatives, holding her daughter Gao Liwen,

By this time, she had retired from her profession and ran a company in the United States with her husband,

Although her career is mediocre, she is more happy than her family. Wang Ji is also very satisfied with her current life.

However, just after getting off the plane, Wang Ji met her good friend Chen Daoming,

Chen Daoming admired Wang Ji so much that he couldn't bear to see her disappear, so he recommended her to the cast of Peking Man to New York,

After reading the script, Wang Ji couldn't help thinking of her own experience of wandering alone in the United States, which aroused her resonance,

And she also realized that this is a very good opportunity to return.

So in this way, Wang Ji ignored her husband's feelings and her daughter's reluctant eyes, and stayed alone in China to film,

The blunder was made.

At that time, the production team had limited funds. In order to hurry up, Zheng Xiaolong and Feng Xiaogang discussed that they would take a team and shoot separately at the same time,

This can greatly reduce the shooting time.

As the heroine of the play, Wang Ji is undoubtedly the busiest person. She often has to rush to another group to continue shooting just after finishing shooting in this group,

At the busiest time, she didn't sleep well for three or four consecutive days.

After shooting for more than 20 days, Wang Ji suddenly felt unwell and often felt dizzy and vomited,

Jiang Wen found out and joked with her, saying that she must be pregnant.

At the beginning, Wang Ji didn't take it seriously. She just thought she was too tired. But a few days later, her condition still didn't improve,

It was not until she went to the hospital for examination that she found out that Jiang Wen was right.

But the production of the play has started, and it is too late to change the heroine. Moreover, Wang Ji doesn't want to miss the opportunity to return,

So she decided to shoot the play anyway.

When her husband, who was far away in the United States, learned that she was pregnant, he did not bother to get angry with her. He often called her to ask her about her health,

But she always said with a smile that she was OK and could persist.

But when the play was finished, Wang Ji felt uneasy.


This is China's first movie set abroad. After filming the scenes in China, the crew went abroad to continue filming,

In addition, many scenes are shot in restaurants. In order not to affect the restaurant business, the crew can only shoot after the restaurant closes,

Under such circumstances, Wang Ji was often busy until dawn to rest, and her body soon lost its support.

But for her dream of acting, Wang Ji had to bite her teeth and insist. When her stomach hurt, she sat on a high stool,

Touch your stomach and say:

"Child, I don't care whether you are a boy or a girl, but this time, you must carry it with your mother."

Finally, four months later, the play was finally completed, but what made Wang Ji uneasy was that,

In the past four months, her stomach has not changed at all.

Once when she crossed the road, she walked slowly because of her discomfort. Seeing the red light, she had not crossed the road yet,

So the police immediately ran over and questioned her.

Wang Ji explained that she was pregnant, so she didn't dare to walk too fast, but the police looked at her stomach and said it was impossible,

In the end, Wang Ji had to show her own prenatal examination results, and the police let her go.

When she returned home after filming, Wang Ji began to concentrate on raising her baby. She spent most of those months in fear,

It was not until September 1993, when her son Gao Xiaofei was born, that Wang Ji's heart sank,

Although his son is very thin and light, his physical indicators are normal,

At this moment, Wang Ji wept with joy and thought her persistence was worth it.

However, this was the beginning of her pain.

In 1994, "Peking Man to New York" caused a warm response once it was broadcast, which made Wang Ji famous,

He also won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress.

After she became famous, Wang Ji followed her lead and gave her newborn son to her mother to take care of,

The husband is also busy with his own business. Both of them have little concern for their children.

Under such circumstances, the tragedy happened.

His son Gao Xiaofei had a high fever when he was more than one year old,

However, Gao Xiaofei's convulsions and foaming at the mouth occurred during his illness, which made Wang Ji and her husband afraid,

When the results of the hospital examination came out, Wang Ji collapsed instantly. She couldn't believe it,

His son has an epilepsy, which not only causes autism, but also affects his intellectual development,

And the doctor also said that this was mainly due to his son's congenital underdevelopment.

After listening to the doctor's words, Wang Ji sat down on the ground. Her career, which she had always been proud of, went out of style in an instant,

In order to cure her son, Wang Ji and her husband went to all hospitals at home and abroad, but the results were the same,

That is, the son's intellectual impairment is irreversible. If he wants to live, he must take medicine and receive treatment all his life.

In order to cure her son, Wang Ji can be said to have lost all her money. After spending all her savings, she had to go back to China alone to film,

Earn medical expenses and future living expenses for his son.


Fortunately, Wang Ji has a very good husband and mother. Even if this happens to her son,

Neither her husband nor her mother blamed her, but they comforted her all the time,

Therefore, Wang Ji has always felt guilty about her husband and mother.

Wang Ji was born into an ordinary family in Beijing in 1962. Her father worked abroad all the year round. Her mother brought her up,

At the age of 14, Wang Ji disregarded her mother's objection and entered the Arts and Crafts Troupe, becoming a dancer in the troupe,

Also here, she met her husband Gao Feng.

Gao Feng, like Wang Ji, is a dancer in the group, and they are also dance partners on the stage,

Gao Feng is not only tall and handsome, but also gentle and considerate. His character is just the opposite of that of Wang Ji,

No matter what kind of quarrel happens, he can always tolerate Wang Ji's bad temper.

At the age of 18, the beautiful Wangji was taken care of by a director and made her first movie in her life

Treasure Seizing Beyond the Great Wall,

She also liked acting and had the idea of becoming an actress.

With the support of her boyfriend Gao Feng, Wang Ji was admitted to the Beijing People's Art Theatre and became a classmate and colleague with Song Dandan,

Long Tao, who has been running in the People's Art Theatre together for 7 years, can be said to be a friend in need. Song Dandan once said:

"Wang Ji was so beautiful at that time."

Full of envy.

However, in the People's Art Theatre, it is useless to be beautiful. No matter how beautiful you are, you can only start with a dragon suit. Moreover, the People's Art Theatre has very strict regulations,

Actors are not allowed to go out to pick up scenes.

In the past seven years, because of these regulations, Wang Ji has stubbornly missed more than 40 films and TV plays,

She also missed the opportunity to host the Spring Festival Gala twice, which made her dissatisfied.

In the 1980s, there was a craze to go abroad in the performing arts circle. Many famous actors chose to go abroad for development,

Under the influence of the trend of the times, Wang Ji, unwilling to be mediocre, also had the idea of going abroad.

So in 1987, Wang Ji gave up her iron rice bowl and resigned from the People's Art Theatre, and then went to the United States to study with less than 100 dollars,

On the eve of separation, Wang Ji and her boyfriend Gao Feng parted with each other. Gao Feng was still in college. He said to Wang Ji:

"You take good care of yourself. When I wait, I will find you."

In this way, Wang Ji went to the United States alone. In order to complete her studies, she did all kinds of work,

I was very embarrassed to deliver newspapers, babysit for white people, and work on night shift in hotels.

At that time, what Wang Ji missed most was that her boyfriend Gao Feng was good, but Gao Feng repeatedly ran into difficulties when applying for a visa,

It was not until three years later that the peak came to the United States smoothly, and the two people embraced closely in the crowd outside the airport.

In order to improve her life, Gao Feng started his own business and founded a small company. Wang Ji got rid of the dilemma of living by working,

At this time, she also realized that it was too difficult to develop her acting career in the United States,

So after getting married in 1991, Wang Ji gave up her dream of acting and began to help her husband manage the company,

In the same year, their daughter Gao Liwen was born.

After her daughter was born, Wang Ji sent her mother to the United States to take care of their children,

For this reason, my mother retired early, not only giving up her pension, but also giving up the welfare of housing distribution.

The family was happy to live together, but with his son Gao Xiaofei's illness, the whole family fell into a painful abyss,

My mother's old age was even more severely dragged down.


After 1997, Wang Ji returned to China to film for her son to earn medical expenses, so the responsibility of taking care of the two children fell on the mother.

Although Wang Ji's mother is over sixty, she has to adapt to life abroad for her grandson and granddaughter,

Not only learned to drive a car, but also took Gao Xiaofei to and from hospitals at home and abroad,

Seeing that her mother is still on the run at such an old age, Wang Ji is deeply remorseful.

Besides being indebted to her mother, Wang Ji feels most guilty about her daughter Gao Liwen,

Because I really didn't have time to take care of my daughter, I had to send her to boarding school,

So my daughter's childhood is basically spent in solitude.

After she was a teenager, Gao Liwen had a certain ability to take care of herself, so she returned to her own home. Every afternoon after school,

She wanted to heat the food, wash the dishes and clothes by herself, while Grandma was busy coaxing her brother to take medicine,

Sometimes Gao Liwen would lose her temper and complain about Grandma's partiality. Grandma could only say:

"I can't take care of your brother, where can I take care of you?"

After a long time, Gao Liwen felt sad. Once she said to Wang Ji:

"Mom, would you live better without me?"

After listening to her daughter's words, Wang Ji felt so sad that she didn't know what to say. She could only explain to her daughter again and again, saying:

"Mother's love for you is the same as her brother's, but her brother's situation is special. Mother can only wronged you."

Under this kind of education, Gao Liwen is also very sensible. As a teenager, she learned to bathe her younger brother and amuse him,

Gao Xiaofei is very emotional because of his illness. Sometimes when he gets angry, he will hit Gao Liwen, even bite her with his teeth,

In order to stabilize her brother's mood, Gao Liwen had to endure in silence.

Later, after treatment, Gao Xiaofei's epilepsy was cured, but his IQ is still only equivalent to that of a child aged four or five, which is irreversible,

So Wang Ji began to save money for her son again to consider his future life.

In 2003, when Wang Ji, 41, was filming Deep Strike, she needed to jump off the fourth floor in one scene,

The director advised her to use a double, but she insisted on shooting by herself and said:

"I must shoot by myself. What if I use a double and they don't want to shoot with me in the future?"

As a result, Wang Ji broke three ribs in this jump because she was inexperienced, but two days later, she limped to the production team again.

People who do not know her family only think that she is dedicated, but only those who know her situation know that,

The reason why she works so hard is for her son Gao Xiaofei.

In 2010, after years of hard work, Wang Ji finally saved a "survival fund" of 6 million yuan for her son,

At this time, she is almost 50 years old, and has already passed the golden age of actress. She can only play some supporting roles in films and TV dramas, and has become a professional mom.

When her income decreased, Wang Ji was encouraged by her friends to lend all her savings,

The friend promised to give her 15% high interest and return it with interest a year later.

But a year later, Wang Ji not only didn't ask for the interest, but also the principal, and her friends also disappeared,

After realizing that she was cheated, Wang Ji's first reaction was:

"It's over, it's all over."


Also in this year, Gao Liwen, who majored in sociology at New York University, participated in

Miss Chinese in New York,

And got“

Miss Photogenic

”Therefore, many entertainment companies offered her an olive branch to develop in the entertainment industry.

However, Gao Liwen is not only beautiful, but also a good learner and proficient in many foreign languages,

Her ambition was to be a heroic diplomat, so she refused these invitations.

But later, as Wang Ji was cheated, Gao Liwen also changed her mind. After returning home, she became an actress and filmed with her mother.

Although Wang Ji helped her daughter in her career, she also signed a contract with her daughter. She required her daughter to pay 10 years' income,

In the first year, all of them will be handed in, 90% in the second year, 80% in the third year, and so on,

She saved all this money as a living security fund for her son Gao Xiaofei.

Over the years, Gao Liwen has relied on

Young Marshal, My Three Mothers and Two Dads, Female Soldier Assault, Migrating Birds and other films and TV dramas,

She has also become a little famous actress, loved by many fans,

Regrettably, she is now 33 years old, but she has never been married.

Wang Ji's confiscation of her daughter's 10-year salary is unfair, but it is also a helpless act,

But she was pleased that her daughter not only didn't hate her for it, but also understood her very well,

He took the initiative to take care of his younger brother, and changed from sister to "little mother".

Now that Wang Ji is 62 years old, she still insists on filming and does not dare to rest. Although her practice has attracted a lot of controversy,

But there is no denying that Wang Ji is also a great mother, who has spent her whole life running for her son.

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