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The EU is worried: the United States has not communicated with us in advance, we will not do it!

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It's getting hotter recently. Just try it Ice Dragon and Phoenix Covenant When, The entrance is cool, The wine is mellow and delicious, and the taste is wonderful! What the comrades in arms said most about the agreement between dragon and phoenix is Unique Two words. Such as comrade in arms Ma Zhigong : Good wine. It has a very unique taste. It has the fragrance of national wine and the aftertaste of foreign wine. The experience of comrades in arms is very accurate and real, because the agreement between dragon and phoenix is a new fragrance—— Berry flavor , which is Brewing of 7 kinds of natural organic berries , using Two brewing methods of red wine and white wine It has both the style of traditional liquor and the flavor of berries. Limited 100% rebate+25% deduction, Exclusive gifts+2 bottles of wine tasting+1 set of blessing bags for the whole case+ A coupon worth 850 yuan! Purchase Prepaid Card place an order There are generous gifts for opening VIP , new people are polite, Point below buy

According to a report on the website of the US Foreign Policy magazine on May 16, Josep Borrell is reflecting on Europe's role in the world - in the past few years, as the head of EU foreign policy, he has been shaping the answer to this question. As Borrell does not intend to participate in the upcoming EU elections, he will leave office at a time when this issue is more prominent than ever before.

This week, Borrell visited leaders of the scientific and technological community and California officials in Silicon Valley. He has realized the growing importance of technology for geopolitics, and Europe is trying to avoid being excluded from dialogue. At the headquarters of artificial intelligence giant Nvidia, Borrell talked with reporters from Foreign Policy on science and technology regulation, EU US relations, China, Ukraine and Gaza conflicts and other issues.

When asked whether Brussels and Washington agree on the so-called "China threat", Borrelli said, "We are allies, but we do not agree".

He pointed out that this does not mean confrontation, but "in some cases, we obviously have different interests".

He said: "Our relationship with Washington is always closer than that with Beijing. We have the same economic and political model. But this does not mean that we are 100% consistent on all issues, because we have different methods and different interests."

Borrell believes that the United States and Europe should better coordinate their actions on technology and trade relations with China, which is the reason for the establishment of the US EU Trade and Technology Commission.

He said: "But in the end, the United States introduced the Inflation Reduction Act without any prior consultation, notification and discussion with us. This is their own decision. In fact, from the perspective of trade and technology, it has caused us a lot of impact."

He said: "Now, it is also the decision of the United States to impose a 100% tariff on electric vehicles without any coordination with us."

Borrell said: "I think this is very important, because in this triangular relationship, side effects are very important. In addition, I think Europe should not become a moderating variable in the confrontation between China and the United States. At least this is something we should try to avoid." (Content source: reference information)

Zhanhao's comment: The United States warns the European Union that you will be forced to die by China sooner or later. The European Union retaliates against the United States. As you said, we must die now!

The characteristics of the agreement between dragon and phoenix are very clear, Soft in the mouth, but it is obviously a high wine, because it is very mellow, and has a strong smell of berries, sweet, elegant and strong liquor The aroma of berries from the cup is refreshing and can be felt in the mouth "Front thick, middle clear, rear berry fragrance" One mouthful of three spices is wonderful. Moreover, after the wine is drunk, the berry aroma will stay in the mouth for a long time, and the aftertaste will be leisurely. Now the weather is hot, the comrades in arms can try to drink it after freezing it. The cool feeling in the mouth fills the mouth instantly, the wine is mellow, and the aftertaste is long. Limited 100% rebate+25% deduction, as well as good gifts, Point below buy

The key to a good wine appointment is the good materials , pick the best from all real estate areas in the country Raspberry, hundred year old mulberry, Ningxia medlar, cranberry, blackberry, purple berry, seabuckthorn They are all expensive fruits. Only 25 jin of berries can distill 1 jin of compound raspberry distilled wine, and every drop is essence.

On the other hand, high-quality production technology is indispensable. before Chinese red wine is made from the essence of seven kinds of natural and organic berries, and then the Chinese red wine is distilled five times. The distilled liquor in the liquor will be stored for more than five years to obtain the wonderful "agar" that has been precipitated over time The whole production process is strictly controlled, Never use any additives A bottle of "berry flavor" Shanggong Liquor takes nearly 6-10 years This is not only a respect for time, but also a way of quality and ingenuity. Champaign custom wines are all excellent wines, with a body quality of more than 1000 yuan, advanced packaging and exquisite design, suitable for entertaining and collecting distinguished guests! Limited 100% rebate+25% deduction, And good gifts , cost-effective Click the figure below to purchase

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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