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May 18th to 26th

2024 Graduation Works Exhibition of Huashi Academy of Fine Arts

In Shipai Campus Handball Hall and Library

Art Museum of Academy of Fine Arts

Daily exhibition time: 9:00-21:00

Don't miss it

Graduation works exhibition is the name card of Chinese teachers

On the morning of May 20, the 2024 Graduation Works Exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts of South China Normal University opened in the school handball hall, and Wang Binwei, secretary of the University Party Committee, came to the scene to watch the works. Yang Chengwei, member of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee and Vice President of the University, Xu Qinsong, an expert enjoying the special government allowance of the State Council, the former Vice President of the Chinese Artists Association, and the honorary President of the Guangdong Artists Association, Fang Xuchang, the executive planner of the Youth Painters Program, and a member of the Presidium of the Guangzhou Artists Association, and Guan Xuelun, the Vice President of the Art School of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, More than 300 people, including Lian Zechun, Head of the Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee (Graduate Affairs Department of the Party Committee), Zhang Xuebo, Dean of the Undergraduate School, and teachers and students of the Academy of Fine Arts, attended the opening ceremony. Xie Chaoyang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy of Fine Arts, announced the official opening of the 2024 Graduation Works Exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts of South China Normal University.

In the morning of the same day, Wang Binwei came to the handball hall to watch his graduation works, and communicated with the instructors and student authors. After listening to the teachers and students' introduction to the creation ideas, creation duration and application techniques of the works, Wang Binwei fully affirmed the works, and encouraged students to strengthen their cultural self-confidence, continue to inherit and innovate the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and better shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era.

Yang Chengwei said in his speech that the annual graduation exhibition has become a brand window for the Academy of Fine Arts to show the achievements of talent training, creating an active artistic and cultural atmosphere for the school, leaving a deep impression of Chinese teachers for students. He hoped the Academy of Fine Arts would continue to promote the high-quality development of discipline construction and talent training, and show the strength of China, To contribute greater wisdom and strength to the development of national literature and art cause and the construction of a powerful educational country. He said that graduates should be good at discovering and feeling beauty, interpreting and appreciating beauty, expressing and creating beauty.

Xu Qinsong pointed out in his speech that 88 colleges and universities have participated in the selection of "Xu Qinsong Graduation Creation Exhibition Scholarship". Since China Normal Academy of Fine Arts joined in 2015, about 150 national, oil, plate, sculpture and other works have won awards. The graduation creation exhibition scholarship will also continue to lay the foundation for students' future work and creation, and help students build confidence in adhering to creation, It will provide more help for students to create better works when they move to work.

This year coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Students have created excellent works in various forms of artistic expression. This graduation exhibition brought together a total of 317 groups of works by 236 undergraduate and 81 graduate students, including Chinese painting, oil painting, printmaking, lacquer painting, sculpture, film and television animation, digital media art, experimental art, visual communication design, product design, environmental design, clothing design and jewelry design. These works condense the hard work of students, show their pursuit of artistic dreams, and highlight the effectiveness and characteristics of the school's innovative talent training.

The annual graduation exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts has become a bright card of the school. For a long time, the Academy of Fine Arts has adhered to the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating talents, with the help of the "double first-class" construction of the school as the traction, the discipline construction and professional development as the starting point, the cultural education and practical education as the starting point, actively innovated the talent training mode, and constantly consolidated the cornerstone of new normal talent training by taking full advantage of the opportunity of graduation creation and the platform of graduation exhibition, We will strive to build a talent training system for the new era of "three complete education" and "five simultaneous education", cultivate more art talents who are at the forefront of the times and have both integrity and skill, and contribute greater wisdom and strength to the development of the country's literary and artistic cause and the construction of an educational power.


We walked into various pavilions

Go and feast your eyes

Exhibition of some works

Handball Hall

Title: Light of the City

Author: Lai Zixun

Introduction: The work uses the perspective of looking up to describe the relationship between the characters and the city. The characters in the painting are the author and his close friends, as if they are the epitome of the young generation on campus, with their own unique personality. The background is the characteristic urban architecture of Guangzhou, which is full of opportunities and challenges in modern urban life. For the future life, we will be confused and look forward to it. More importantly, we can still face the challenges with full determination, burst out positive energy, and live in this era.

Title: The Dragon Boat Festival

Author: Closed

Introduction: The arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival in Lixiang is full of local feelings, and the world's fireworks are the most popular. The author of The Dragon Boat Festival is from Yangjiang, a coastal city. Seafood, kites and lychees are all elements of Yangjiang. Zongzi, bamboo chairs and Ping'an Fu are all synonymous with home. When the author was thinking about the sketch, he remembered his hometown and the family feast. Just as the Dragon Boat Festival was coming, inspiration suddenly came to his mind. At the center of the picture is a seafood platter with Yangjiang characteristics. Crabs, shrimps, sea fish, pork feet ginger, white cut chicken, zongzi, litchi, etc. are painted around the platter. The Dragon Boat Festival feast in coastal cities is vividly on paper. Under the guidance of the teacher, the idea was constantly improved, and finally the scene was represented mainly by ink color. The green ink and the sumptuous ink were superimposed layer by layer on the top of the Shengxuan, focusing on the combination of smudging and sketching, so that the unique texture of ink and water was blended to show the world's pyrotechnic atmosphere. The picture was touching and delicious.

Title: What Year Is Tonight

Author: Lin Yanxuan

Introduction: With "Kindness" as the emotional support, the work shows the life style of children in the peaceful and warm family space, and uses the form of painting to precipitate their own "Kindness" consciousness, at the same time, it is willing to make the audience resonate, so as to maintain the attention, care and respect for children in life, Give full play to one's own efforts to create a loving living environment and a peaceful and stable living space for the young. In the specific creation process, the author also introduced the concept element of "time" into the picture - time breeds the brilliance of the new show, and also accumulates the charm of the old things, so the work is named "What year is this night?".

Title: The Evening Breeze of Reeds

Author: Jiang Li

Introduction: The work takes reeds and grey crowned cranes as subjects, and the composition retains the form of top, middle and bottom. The scenery in the painting is not a simple copy of the real scene, but on the basis of sketching, through self ingenious ideas, the images are reassembled and constructed. This combination follows the law and order of art, thus creating a new whole that is both contradictory and harmonious. In the reeds mainly depicted, there are still complete and incomplete primary and secondary contrast, creating a visual effect of imaginative space. In addition, two gray crowned cranes are added below the reeds. In the treatment of gray crowned cranes, one stands proudly and the other lowers its head, making the picture more vivid and interesting. There is also room under the crane, so that the blank space of the picture can balance the density of the picture, and also highlight the theme and create an atmosphere. The yellow and red warm colors are mainly used to form a sharp contrast with the cold colors of the main object crane. The color is more gorgeous, emphasizing color contrast and unity, creating a warm atmosphere and a sense of shock to life.

Title: Taste in the World

Author: Core closing

Introduction: This work selects materials from the food stalls that can be seen everywhere in life, as well as the busy but happy people who shuttle among them, and creates a lively fireworks atmosphere in the streets with the combination of group figures and street scenes. Different techniques of Chinese painting are used in the picture. They are combined with each other, such as line drawing or boneless painting, which makes the picture more layered and interesting. It is a simple and exquisite freehand brushwork of Chinese painting. "Taste in the World" is not only a collection of happy scenes in life, but also an idea of the author's ideal life state: to do something, have fun, and "eat" is to have taste in the world. Music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, hops, firewood, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, hope that the fireworks in the world can bring the warmest power to everyone.

Title: Sangzi Kunling

Author: Zhang Xinpei

Introduction: The name of the work means "Hometown · Land". The author selects jackfruit, myrtle and plantain trees from the Lingnan area as the main creative elements. As common fruit trees in Lingnan area, jackfruit and plantain are rich, symbolizing happiness and richness. However, Chongyangmu, with its unique shape, especially its clinging roots, shows its unyielding vitality and upward vitality. In the process of creation, the author did not use colors according to reality, but used the technique of "random color", and the color of each piece of color has been repeatedly studied. At the same time, I also listened to the advice of my tutor Pan Yinglian, and added pearlescent color to the work to create a harmonious and layered visual effect. Through this painting, the author expresses his attachment and gratitude to his hometown, and hopes to stimulate more people's curiosity about nature and different cultures through mysterious colors.

Title: Go! Go! Go

Author: nono

Introduction: Located in the north gate of Chengdu, Chengdu Hehuachi Wholesale Market is a large comprehensive wholesale market with diversified business forms, business modes, business categories, management and service functions and the coexistence of merchants in many regions. Its scale and efficiency rank first in the western market. The Hehuachi region is located near the city's North Railway Station, This geographical location brings it unique transportation convenience. Moreover, the once busy Chengdu East Freight Station is also located around it, further enhancing the logistics advantages of the region. Therefore, for business travelers from other places, both the flow of people and the transportation of goods are particularly convenient.

Such geographical and transportation advantages make the Lotus Pond area, especially the area near the Second Ring Road, a dynamic commercial hotspot. Every day, from three or four o'clock in the morning, it is already a busy scene here. Vendors began to prepare for the day's business busily. Trucks and tricycles shuttled ceaselessly to transport goods to all corners. This lively scene lasted until six or seven o'clock in the evening, and then gradually subsided.

Against this background, the archetypes of the characters in the work "Go! Go! Go!" draw inspiration from this busy area. When you stand at the roadside of the lotus pool in the evening, you can feel the different emotions of the characters here. Some people are happy after work with a smile, as if they have taken off the fatigue of the day; Some people are smoking, enjoying the rare leisure time with a pleasant look; Others are eager to finish the last delivery of goods so as to finish the day's work as soon as possible; In this busy scene, there are also some warm pictures, such as children who are tired all day and lean on their mothers and fall into sweet dreams. This unique atmosphere in the Lotus Pond area is not only a concentrated reflection of commercial activities, but also a microcosm of urban life, showing people's different living conditions and emotional experiences in this busy city.

Title: The Crowd of Crowds

Author: Hu Zhaojun

Introduction: The inspiration of the work comes from the patchwork lights placed in the college. The picture uses lights to describe people, refers to ordinary fill lights as the most common people, and lights to describe people's line of sight and energy. Five lights in different states and types represent people in different states and positions. In the crowd, some people are independent, some people fish in troubled waters, some people swim upstream, some people are silent, some people make sounds, just like each lamp has different shapes, and each lamp has a strong light and a weak light. But the lamp can't decide what kind of lamp you are. People can decide what kind of person you are.

Title: Out of Paradise

Author: Liu Qixuan

Introduction: The work is a series of woodcut printmaking works of Mukou, which is made by leaving traces on the wood and then rubbing. This work reflects the illusion of the author's childhood. The picture depicts a fantasy night playground, but the scene that should be happy has an absurd atmosphere, just like the childhood in the author's memory, like a continuous rain, which still leaves endless damp after the rain. Therefore, the author's pictures also show a continuity of time, and a tension of longing to break out of bondage.

Title: It has rained for four years, November and two days

Author: Lv Yuetian

Introduction: The title of the work is derived from a passage in Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude, which adopts a surrealist style. The main body of the picture is three people in a crouching state. Their inspiration is derived from Freud's "ego, id and superego". They respectively adhere to a principle of "happiness, reason and morality", They alluded to the author himself, a person who mixed many emotions, but exposed a calm and slightly hesitant tone. There are also images like horses, mirrors, mandala flowers in the paintings... The author does not want to explain the works too frankly. During the creation process, he has experienced many emotional states, and the contents of the paintings have also been affected. There are 1000 Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people. How others interpret the works, the author thinks that this is the most interesting part of the works.

Title: Alzheimer's Disease

Author: Zhang Zhongqi

Introduction: The main materials of the work are oil paint, charcoal ash, cement ash, sand and charcoal bars. The figures and scenes in the painting are all from the author's relatives and hometown. The whole work is to describe the author's understanding and experience of life, life, love and responsibility in the past ten years of life.

Title: Environmental Art Micro Green Space

Author: Zhang Rui, He Yutong, Lu Shuting

Introduction: The authors drew on the classic concept of 'folding mountains and managing water' in Lingnan gardens, and at the same time incorporated the idea of new naturalism plant flower border. Taking acrylic box as rockery and folding stones, the shape of rockery and folding stones is ingeniously simulated to create a kind of artistic conception of natural landscape. At the same time, the mirror is used as a symbol of running water, reflecting the reflection of mountains, water, plants and mosses. In the simulation of natural landscape, flowers fly and butterflies dance, set off with flowing water and rocks, forming a natural and harmonious picture, creating a quiet and dynamic natural atmosphere. This combination not only retains the traditional gardening techniques, but also injects the innovative elements of modern design to form a small ecological green space.

Art never ends

Come back to the library for exhibition

Library exhibition hall

Title: Aliens

Author: Li Min

Introduction: Taking seawater molecules as the prototype, abstract food design expression is made for various types of marine pollution (overfishing, oil pollution, metal pollution, nuclear waste water pollution). In the process of tasting, people cause thinking and discussion, and feel the severity of marine pollution caused by human behavior, so as to reduce such pollution behavior and protect the marine ecological environment.

Title: ESLA Morning and Evening

Author: Zhang Zixian

Introduction: This design starts from the goal of creating a better life for the elderly, based on the research and exploration of active aging theory and interactive experience design, and develops intelligent interactive products suitable for the elderly. The product is divided into two parts: the smart assistant part mainly used in the home scene and the smart watch part used when going out. This product is designed to help the elderly overcome the problem of disconnection with intelligent life, make them feel the care and attention of society and family, actively participate in social activities, and pay attention to their physical and mental health. By using this product specially designed for them, the elderly can realize their self-worth and pursue the wish of a happy life.

Title: Yi Wind Is Not Cool

Author: Gu Siping

Introduction: The theme inspiration comes from the general environment under the wave of technology, and new scientific and technological means are constantly emerging, which is in sharp contrast to the silence of the Yi traditional culture. From the perspective of fashion design, designers combed the current development trend of science and technology in the fashion field, and explored how to use digital intelligent technology to drive the recovery, inheritance and promotion of traditional clothing culture. In terms of structural design, through combing the Yi costumes, analyzing and summing up the structural characteristics of the Yi style, we extracted elements such as the "rub tile" felt and half sleeve overalls from them, and through structural disassembly, restructuring, transfer and other tailoring experiments, we combined traditional styles with modern aesthetics and fashion trends to make the Yi elements more fashionable and personalized. In the series design and development, the innovative application of digital intelligent design in traditional clothing is explored based on the style extension and the existing AIGC platform. Through the intervention of traditional clothing images, the decorative elements of clothing as a whole are weakened, and the extension is carried out in combination with the cultural map, pad map, overlay map and other modes under the AIGC platform, which provides rich inspiration materials for the subsequent ready to wear design. In terms of fabric selection, jeans and leather fabrics with strong plasticity and youthful vitality were selected, and the fabrics were washed, bleached, silvered, burnt out, hand color wiping, laser cutting and other processes were tried, combined with the traditional element enriched material effect, to create a mottled texture and highlight the effect of clothing structure. While adding the overall retro atmosphere of clothing and conveying the traditional charm, it also meets the pursuit of individuality of contemporary young people.

The green shoots of art grow vigorously

Stop at each exhibition hall

Give the soul a moment to rest

Normal University Art Gallery

Title: The Time of Counting Seconds

Author: Guo Yongchang

Introduction: This is a 3D animation short film. It tells the story of Logan, a boxer, who was depressed due to injury and was about to retire. But at this time, he found that his boxing companion robot box was taken away by the robot manufacturing company and was upgraded. Logan knew that this matter was not so simple, and chose to go to the robot factory to rescue the boxing companion robot box. During the rescue, many difficulties were encountered, including meeting the guards of the robot company and choosing to fight with them. There are a lot of action scenes and quite a lot of wonderful fights in the film, which makes the story more attractive, and also expresses the author's attitude towards difficulties. At the end of the film, he also paid tribute to the boxing film Rocky.

Title: Catching Dreams

Author: Cao Yue

Introduction: The work is an artistic representation of a dream, interwoven with dream catcher, wooden windows and AI generated photos and videos. Each photo seems to be picked up from the depths of time, telling the glorious years of my twenty something aunt, fixed in the memory of my family and my childhood. A fire took most of her photos, leaving only vague images. Through modern technology, I reproduce these lost moments and try to capture the lost beauty.

Title: Huai Lock

Author: Zhang Jiamin

Introduction: The works are inspired by locks, keys and old objects. Unconsciously, the locks in my memory have become old padlocks since I was young. The locks of every door have become intelligent password locks. We are pushed forward by the times, and the keys are no longer the necessary items for us to take when we go out. Each lock and key is unique, and the door it locks is also irreplaceable. I once saw a saying "Behind every old door, there are endless stories of the past". What is locked is not only the door but also the story behind it. The unique lock is like everyone's memory, and the key is the key to trigger memories. It is hoped that we can always remember the unique keywords in our memories and remember the stories behind those old door locks in the intelligent era.

Title: Silk Road New Port Busy

Author: Wang Haiwen

Introduction: The work shows modern freighters and their containers, showing the transportation and trade pulse of the Maritime Silk Road in the context of industrialization and globalization. Colorful color blocks, such as red, green and blue, are used in the container part of the picture, which breaks the monotony of the main tone, increases the visual sense of the picture, and shows the dynamics and vitality in the process of industrialization. It is hoped that through the works, the audience can feel the importance of logistics and trade in modern society, as well as their profound impact on the global economy and human life.

Title: Aesthetic Education - Viewing Exhibition

Author: Huang Xinyan

Introduction: This is a narrative and concrete painting work, which is based on the real scene of Shenzhen Dafen Art Museum. It adopts the technique of light and shadow realism, and tries to create a realistic image. The picture space has a sense of living scene. The composition of the work is rigorous, the brushwork is exquisite, and the portrayal is rational. When you look closely, you can feel my intention. The characters depicted in the painting have vivid expressions, natural wrinkles of clothing patterns, shape shaping, and full realism, which makes people feel almost real. These seemingly casual fragments in the works are dynamic and fleeting. Capturing a typical moment of movement, after refining, it forms a picture with a sense of permanence, making it reach a frozen silence. The main image of the picture is a moment in the movement, but suddenly it is caught by silence, falling into silent solitude. This accidental, random movement is very harmonious with the eternal silence.

I can feel it after watching the exhibition

Artistic atmosphere

Behind the works

Listen to their stories

Experience artistic life

Express emotion with art

Zhou Yaowei, vice president of the Academy of Fine Arts, said that he hoped that the future development of the graduation exhibition would give full play to its important role in the construction of the aesthetic education campus, and at the same time, show the society the comprehensive quality training achievements of teachers' comprehensive universities. He also hopes that graduates can continue to move forward on the basis of this learning stage, strive to improve their artistic works, and better demonstrate innovative and creative thinking. In addition, students should be good at creating a creative environment for themselves after graduation, cherish their creative ability, and leave time and space for creation after the tedious daily life in the future. "When you finish a work carefully, you will forget the pain you experienced during the work, and your heart will be filled with a sense of achievement."

"At the time of great prosperity and development of fine brushwork, the few large freehand brushwork works are worthy of our attention." Liu Yushan, associate professor of the Academy of Fine Arts, introduced the methods of appreciating and grasping the large freehand brushwork and small freehand brushwork. The big freehand brushwork can be understood from three aspects: the "big" is the big weather, the broad pen is wielded, and the picture is opened; Those who "write" use calligraphy to draw, and pay attention to the texture and strength of lines; "Meaning" refers to image expression, artistic conception creation and direct expression of feelings. Unlike fine brushwork, which is refined and studied slowly, as a cathartic artistic technique, freehand brushwork is swift, carefree and incisive, which tests the author's skill. While the small freehand brushwork is larger, freehand brushwork is more realistic, the pen is more delicate, and the image is more concrete, which is real and vivid. In addition, the characteristics of big freehand brushwork and small freehand brushwork highlight that in summary, simplicity and conciseness are essential both in modeling and in writing methods, so as to express infinite meanings in every word.

Liu Yushan said that the Red Flame, Growing in the Sun and Going to Summer in Spring on display are all freehand works. Among them, Growing in the Sun was created by her student Zhang Tengda in a sketch of the botanical garden. The stout cactus grows in the sun with great momentum, which perfectly represents the "big" of freehand brushwork. In the process of writing, they are all broad strokes, vividly showing the charm of cactus. In Li Lin's "Spring Goes to Summer Still Clear", the sparrows with simple shapes, the blue jacaranda flowers with crisp and dripping patterns, and the branches full of strength and texture have successfully constructed the artistic conception of the transition between spring and summer, and the vitality is vividly on the paper. "I hope that students can continue to adhere to and carry forward the traditional Chinese freehand brushwork spirit!" Liu Yushan sincerely wishes graduates to continue to maintain and develop the accumulated calligraphy foundation and freehand brushwork foundation at a new starting point, carry forward the fine tradition of the Chinese Teachers College of Fine Arts, not forget the original intention, not lose sight of the future.

Xing Penghua, a teacher of the Academy of Fine Arts, said that whether students choose to become a people's teacher who builds moral integrity, or a designer and artist who creates a better life for people, they hope that students can maintain this tenacious character, meet the baptism of life, and become the best themselves. In the future, no matter how difficult you encounter or how much progress you make, please look back at your original intention, believe in yourself, courageously pursue your dreams, and constantly surpass yourself. Students are also welcome to return to their alma mater at any time to share everything with teachers.

Crystallization of thinking and emotion

Cen Chenghong, a postgraduate majoring in fine arts (teacher training) in the Academy of Fine Arts, looked back on the most precious seven years of his life in the Academy of Fine Arts. He was grateful for the cultivation of the school and college, the earnest teachings of his teachers and the mutual help of his classmates. On the way of learning and exploration, he and his classmates have been actively trying and benefited from it, from classroom theory to professional practice, from industry practice to academic research, and have obtained national, provincial and ministerial achievements for many times.

Zeng Qiuyu, an undergraduate majoring in fine arts (teacher training) at the Academy of Fine Arts, said that graduation creation, as the final work of college career, is not only the display of skills and knowledge, but also the crystallization of four years of thinking and emotion. Some of these works are modern interpretations of traditional culture, some are profound reflections on social phenomena, and some are innovative explorations of future education. They are not only visual arts, but also the spark of thought, which is a loud voice to the world. Although college life is coming to an end, the journey of art and the dream of education have just begun. Students will continue to use art to light their hearts, use education to enlighten their wisdom, and contribute to society.

Zheng Yiman, a 2020 undergraduate majoring in traditional Chinese painting in the Academy of Fine Arts, created The Departure with the idea that when graduating, everyone will face many choices, but no matter which direction, they will move forward. Her creative inspiration comes from her two years of military experience. She was originally a student of Grade 2018. Because she yearned for the army life, she joined the army without hesitation. For her, the scene of painting farewell before joining the army is not only a memorial to her two years of military life, but also a reminder of her "don't forget the original intention when setting out". This self portrait depicts the scene when she joined the army and said goodbye. Her mother took a photo of her with her mobile phone, and she waved and smiled in her military uniform. During the creation process, the emotional support from her family, instructors and roommates is also an integral part of the work.

Tang Zimeng, a 2023 graduate student majoring in special education from the College of Education and Science, watched the graduation works exhibition in the handball hall. Among them, her favorite work was "Bulbs". This design work related to the theme of "social standards" touched her very much. Not only this work, Tang Zimeng thought the whole exhibition was very interesting. He also wanted to be a student of the Academy of Fine Arts and create beautiful works. "Students of the Academy of Fine Arts can use art to express their feelings and thoughts, and in this way, draw a full stop to their undergraduate or graduate stage, which is very meaningful."

What are you waiting for

Come and see the graduation exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts

14:20-18:00 tomorrow afternoon

And live broadcast activities

Enjoy the works together

Common perception of life

"Double Hundred Actions"

Chinese Normal University

Guangdong Young College Students' "Ten Million Project" Commando

Huashi · Fengkai Workstation was inaugurated

In order to solidly promote the "Double Hundred Action" and deepen the action of Guangdong young college students' "Ten Million Project" commando, on May 15, the South China Normal University · Fengkai Workstation of Guangdong young college students' "Ten Million Project" commando was inaugurated in Fengkai County Administrative Center. Representatives of the Youth League Committee of South China Normal University and Fengkai County Party Committee jointly unveiled the nameplate for the workstation and presented the flag to the representatives of the commando of the "Ten Million Project". The School Youth League Committee, Fengkai County Party Committee, Fengkai County Youth League Committee, Fengkai County Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Fengkai County Education Bureau, Fengkai County Middle School, etc., held a symposium to promote the work of "Double Hundred Actions", and reached consensus on education, social governance, industry, talent cultivation and other fields. The two sides will take the establishment of the commando workstation as an opportunity to work together with the government, Chinese teachers and enterprises to promote the implementation of high-quality projects jointly built by schools and cities, so as to achieve the same frequency resonance between practical education and rural revitalization. Next, the Youth League Committee of the University will deepen the all-round and multi-dimensional cooperation with the local community, jointly explore a new path to rural revitalization, rely on workstations to contact, support and guarantee the commando team, better carry out the "Ten Million Project" practice service activities, and contribute youth strength to the "Double Hundred Action".

You can choose to buy the most innovative teacher, cultural and creative

Cultural and creative shop of South China Normal University

source Academy of Fine Arts

Writing Wu Shujing, Zhang Yixi, Wu Jiaming, Zhu Jiayi

Photography Wu Jianguo, Luo Hao, Peng Yuxian, Lu Qianhua

Chen Yuting, Liu Xiaoqing, Zhao Ting, Huang Junwei

Execute Edit | Duan Buwen, Zhu Xiaowei

Responsible editor Lu Jiayu, Wu Jianguo, Chen Jing

Preliminary examination | Zheng Yuyun

to review a case Forest Coast

final judgment Zhou Xian

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