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People with bad stomachs should stop "eating less and eating more"! Secrets of proper feeding and stomach nourishing

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Nowadays, most people pay great attention to health preservation. "Eat less and eat more" has become popular as a way to nourish the stomach. People believe that eating less and eating more at each meal can reduce the burden on the stomach caused by overeating and is beneficial to the health of the stomach. Is this idea correct?

According to relevant research, eating less and more meals can not nourish the stomach, which is a wrong way to nourish the stomach. Eating less and more will lead to the disruption of the normal eating pattern, which will make gastric acid secrete when it should not, causing disorder and damaging the gastric mucosa.

Others will be hungry at night because they eat less than three meals a day, and they will count the midnight snack into multiple meals, which will affect their sleep. In addition, the stomach will have to digest breakfast soon after the midnight snack. The interval between meals is short, and the stomach can't have a good rest, virtually prolonging the working time of the stomach, but causing a burden on the stomach.

For patients with gastric ulcer and gastritis, eating less and more meals is not conducive to the recovery of the disease. More meals will repeatedly stimulate the gastric mucosa, resulting in excessive gastric acid secretion, which will aggravate the disease.

Therefore, eating less and more meals cannot nourish the stomach. If you want to nourish the stomach, you should eat three meals a day on time.

In addition, irregular diet and uneven hunger and satiety can also lead to the disorder of gastric acid secretion, damage to the gastric mucosa, trigger the gastric emptying function, or allow bile to flow back into the stomach, further damage the gastric barrier, and induce gastritis or gastric ulcer.

Irregular meals are the most common bad habit that causes stomach disease, and it is not advisable to eat less and eat more meals.

The correct way of eating should be to have a full breakfast and eat some light liquid food. At noon, the stomach has a strong digestive ability and can eat better. At dinner, because it is close to sleep time, and the amount of activity is less than in the daytime, it is necessary to eat less.

If you want to alleviate gastritis, you can maintain it through dietotherapy, eat more fruits and vegetables, and thoroughly clean them before eating, so as to prevent the residual pesticides on fruits and vegetables from irritating the stomach and causing discomfort. For example, tofu, pumpkin, carrot, milk, millet, lean meat, chicken, pig tripe, red dates, green tea and other foods are conducive to alleviating gastritis and supplementing nutrition.

The invasion of external evils, the gradual accumulation of cold in the body, drinking and eating more, and staying up late frequently will cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the body, the decline of gallbladder contraction function, the decrease of bile secretion, and the food staying in the intestines and stomach for too long. As the heart and small intestine interact, the heart provides energy for the intestinal transportation. If the intestinal tract bears more, the heart load will increase, so there will be gastric distention, Hiccuping, belching, arrhythmia and other symptoms are rooted in the gallbladder

Now that we know the root cause of the symptoms, we don't need to be so nervous. We are afraid that being ignorant will delay our health and lead to deterioration. When we have nothing to do, we go to the countryside to pick some laver and bitter herbs, take some soup, and put some brown sugar as a supplement. We should try our best to control our diet. If we have little water, we can add some in the future, The secret of the gallbladder is rarely known, and can also be told to people around. In fact, this is just a secret.

People's emotions will also affect the stomach. Negative emotions will affect the spleen and stomach function, causing autonomic nervous disorder, resulting in gastric acid secretion disorder, insufficient blood supply to the gastric mucosa and other gastric symptoms. So it is also very important to maintain good mood if you want to nourish your stomach.

People with stomach disease also need to pay attention to food hygiene. In order to have a good stomach, they should not go outside to eat barbecue. The hygiene of these foods is difficult to guarantee, and too many spices are added in the food, which will make the disease worse. Maybe you just have ordinary stomach discomfort. If you eat roadside stalls for a long time, your stomach disease may develop into gastric ulcer, It will torture you for decades, so when the stomach disease first shows signs, we should pay enough attention to it, take care of it early, and it is easier to cure.

So does it mean that eating less and having more meals is no good? No, it is applicable to the elderly and diabetics. Because the digestive function of such people is weak, eating too much at one time is not conducive to digestion, so this way of eating less and more meals can be adopted. Eat less each meal, and increase the number of meals appropriately, so that the body will not be unable to absorb enough nutrition, and can also reduce the burden on the intestines and stomach.

The key to stomach disease is to keep healthy. Good eating habits are conducive to the recovery of the disease. Attention to food conditioning can maintain the stomach and provide sufficient energy for the body. In addition, keep good living habits. Remember to be cheerful and cheerful, then your stomach will recover as soon as possible and serve you well.

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