In 1976, Chairman Mao was critically ill. The Central Committee informed Jiang Qing to return to Beijing quickly. Jiang Qing shivered when he received the telegram

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One day in early November 1975, Meng Jinyun proposed to Chairman Mao that more nurses should be added to take care of him and make his side a little more lively, so as not to appear too lonely.

Chairman Mao seemed to have considered this problem, and he quickly said, "Silence has its advantages, while movement has its troubles. As the old saying goes, sugar cane is rarely sweet at both ends."

At this time, Chairman Mao was leaning against the back of the sofa with his eyes slightly closed. Meng Jinyun saw that the chairman was silent and asked with concern: "Chairman, are you not feeling well?"

Chairman Mao sighed: "If you want to say uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable every day these days. Many things can't help themselves. The body is the capital of revolution. It seems that my capital is not much."

After answering this question, Chairman Mao fell silent again.

After a dozen minutes, Chairman Mao spoke slowly and repeated what he had just said: "There is a saying in my hometown that sugar cane is not sweet at both ends, and it is difficult to have both good things in the world."

Chairman Mao

This season is approaching winter, Chairman Mao said that he really wanted to see the Kunqu Opera actor Hou Yongkui perform the excerpt "Lin Chong Runs at Night".

The staff member said regretfully, "Hou Yongkui is ill and cannot play again." Chairman Mao's eyes were lost and he muttered to himself, "Who can play?"

Later, under the careful guidance of director Mo Xuan, Hou Shaokui, Hou Yongkui's son, performed "Lin Chong Running at Night" for his father, and sent the filmed video to Chairman Mao, fulfilling his concern.

In this play, Hou Shaokui, 36 years old, seemed to devote himself to Lin Chong's life, performing the tragic color of Lin Chong's great frustration. Chairman Mao sincerely appreciated after watching it: "There are successors."

Lin Chong, played by Hou Shaokui

In early November, Su Zhenhua planned to inspect the troops and submitted a report to Chairman Mao. In the report, Su Zhenhua wrote: Comrade Xiao Jinguang and I, as well as several deputy commanders in charge of the specialty, plan to go to the southeast coast recently to study the 10-year construction plan of the harbor and dock, and check the maintenance and training of the military equipment. "

Chairman Mao made a comment after reviewing: "Pay attention to the combination of old, middle-aged and young."

Su Zhenhua

Turning to December, December 26, 1975 was Chairman Mao's 82nd birthday.

As early as a few years ago, Chairman Mao once said: "As a birthday party, the birthday star will grow by one year. In fact, it is one year less. It is better to let time sneak by."

Therefore, when some leaders of the Central Committee and staff around him proposed to hold a birthday party for Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao declined their favor.

On December 26, 1975, there was no grand atmosphere of birthday celebration in Zhongnanhai, but Li Min and Li Na both came back to visit Chairman Mao. Their arrival broke the original silence of Fengze Garden, and the whole garden looked very lively. On his birthday, Chairman Mao was accompanied by his family. His aged soul was a little comforted and his face was a bit more radiant.

In the morning, Li Min, Li Ne and the staff gathered around Chairman Mao eagerly to wish him good health. Chairman Mao's eyes were full of love and warmth, and his face wore a kind smile, which made everyone present feel very satisfied.

At noon, after receiving a call from the General Office of the Central Committee, the staff came to ask Chairman Mao: "There was a rural woman who wanted to see you and said that she would send a birthday gift to the Chairman. No matter how we explained it, she would not leave."

Chairman Mao was surprised: "Rural women?" Then he said: "Go and thank her on behalf of me. You can't accept gifts. You'd better persuade her to leave."

A few minutes later, the staff came back and said to Chairman Mao, "She didn't leave after many reasons, but said her father was an old secretary of Xibaipo. Early in the morning of December 26, 1948, she sent birthday gifts to you on behalf of her father and the whole village. At the founding ceremony, the chairman also sent a special bus to pick her up to the Tiananmen Tower to watch the ceremony. She said her name was Sakura."

Chairman Mao in Xibaipo

When Chairman Mao heard the name, he immediately responded: "Sakura, I think of her, I remember. Go and ask her to come in to see me. Be polite. I invite her, go."

Before long, "Sakura" came in under the guidance of the staff.

On May 26, 1948, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China moved to Xibaipo, so Chairman Mao got to know the secretary of the Xibaipo Village Party branch, whose daughter is Xiao Ying.

The last time the two met was in 1949. Chairman Mao remembered Sakura as a 13-year-old girl with pigtails and innocent faces. But now standing in front of Chairman Mao is a middle-aged woman with wrinkles on her face.

As time goes by, Chairman Mao has mixed feelings. He painstakingly moved his body close to the bed, affectionately took Sakura's hand and asked her to sit down.

Chairman Mao's bedroom

Seeing Chairman Mao again after 26 years, Sakura couldn't stop crying. She sat at the edge of the bed, looking down, almost choking with tears. When Chairman Mao saw the appearance of Sakura, he was also very upset, and his eyes turned red.

When Sakura's mood calmed down, Chairman Mao gently asked, "How is your life in the village these years?"

Sakura introduced the situation of his hometown Xibaipo in detail. Chairman Mao listened carefully and said happily: "Today, I will make an exception. On my 82nd birthday, I will entertain you. Stay here and send a car to take you back tomorrow."

Sakura repeatedly refused: "Don't bother the chairman, I... thank the chairman..."

Chairman Mao repeatedly asked Sakura to stay and told Zhang Yufeng, "Go and inform them to prepare guest rooms and meals."

Zhang Yufeng said, "Everything is ready. Tonight we have a birthday party for the chairman."

However, Sakura wanted to leave whatever she said. Chairman Mao could not beat her and had to give up.

Before leaving, Sakura did not forget the purpose of this trip. She gave Chairman Mao a birthday gift of the mountain red she had brought from her home, and said with emotion: "I wish you a long and healthy life!"

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