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The suggestions for 0~3 years old early education training have been sorted out, and they are free for 3 days!

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The paper is torn everywhere. Put it away quickly and don't make trouble If you don't eat carefully, you always like to play with food. If it is too dirty, stop it immediately The building blocks were all knocked down when they were not well built. How bad tempered Shoes must be neatly placed. I've been obsessive-compulsive since childhood Toys can't be touched by others. It's too arrogant to share

When you see the baby has these "bad" behaviors, does your first reaction be the same? In fact, this is the normal performance of the baby in the "development sensitive period" of a specific month, not the so-called bad habit.

If parents can master the development law, make reasonable use of it and guide it correctly, it will be very helpful to the early enlightenment, concentration cultivation, habit formation, etc. of the baby. Improper handling may damage the baby's focus and exploration interest.

In order to help parents do more scientific early education enlightenment, we combine with the baby Developmental characteristics of 0~3 years old at each month Point, carefully made this Suggestions on the Training of Early Childhood Education at the Age of 0~3 by Month Hope that more babies can get more scientific and age appropriate early education enlightenment.

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"Suggestions on early education training of 0~3 years old by month"

What are the ages of different months

What about development characteristics and suggestions for early education?

The baby is 0 to 3 months old

When the baby is 3 months old, he starts to show his social skills, and the most typical performance is [stranger recognition]. Seeing a stranger can be very cautious or even unhappy, but it is easy to be laughed at by people who are familiar and close, and sometimes it can send out a voice response.

At this stage, talk and interact with the baby more, so that the baby can feel care through your voice, expression, state, etc., which can better cultivate the baby's sense of security, enhance parent-child attachment, and promote language development.

However, if the baby is still unable to laugh, babble, lie on his or her back more than 45 degrees away from the bed and follow the object 180 degrees after 3 months, attention should be paid and further professional development assessment should be carried out.

The baby is 4-6 months old

Babies can not only learn to turn and sit, but also are particularly keen on tearing, throwing, throwing and slapping objects at the stage of April to June. This shows that we have entered the hand sensitive period. Under the premise of safety, parents need not stop but also provide sufficient space to explore.

So when the baby tears the tissue everywhere, not only do not be angry to stop it, but also praise the baby's great work.

At the stage of hand sensitivity, it is suggested to arrange more game training such as paper pulling, hand reaching and grasping training, which can not only promote the development of brain development and hand eye coordination, but also be one of the important basic abilities of independent eating in the future complementary feeding period.

If the baby is 6 months old and still can't laugh, take things on his own initiative, take care of his own people, and it is difficult to pick up things and put them in his mouth, he needs to pay attention to them and make further development assessment.

Babies 6 to 12 months old

In the period of 6~12 months, the baby will not only unlock sitting alone, crawling, holding the station, but also walk independently. Learn to pinch small things such as dissolved beans with the thumb of your index finger, and can take and place building blocks from containers.

At the same time, they also show a high interest in common sense cognition, like to observe objects or find hidden things, and will selectively focus on the objects of interest. In terms of social adaptation, they can cooperate with adults to complete simple actions. Language can also imitate adults to issue monosyllables.

At this stage, more picture books can be read, more age appropriate nursery rhymes can be played, ball games can be played, and games can be put together. When the baby is focused on exploration, don't be too eager to interrupt. First observe and wait until the baby finds you or the exploration is interrupted before joining the interaction, so as not to damage the baby's concentration.

If the baby is 6 months old and still can't laugh, take things on his own initiative, take care of his own people, and it is difficult to pick up things and put them in his mouth, he needs to pay attention to them and make further development assessment.

We have carefully prepared this Suggestions on the Training of Early Childhood Education at the Age of 0~3 by Month We hope that this training manual will enable more babies to get more scientific and age appropriate early education enlightenment.

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"Suggestions on early education training of 0~3 years old by month"

Babies 1 to 3 years old

At the age of 1~3, the baby will have a new outbreak of big sports, fine movements, cognition, language, intelligence, and social interaction, as well as some special performances in the sensitive period.

For example, if the building blocks are not built properly, they must be pushed down and started again, shoes must be placed neatly, father's slippers can only be worn by father, mother's mobile phone must be taken by mother, and the order of placing things must be in a specific order. This is not an expression of obsessive-compulsive disorder or cleanliness, but a sensitive period of order.

Parents do not need to be anxious. They can use the characteristics of the sensitive period to play age appropriate games or draw books to enlighten and cultivate habits. It should be noted that if the baby appears:

At the age of 15 months: If you can't hold the station, call your parents consciously, put food in your mouth with a spoon, or complete simple actions as instructed, you need to pay attention to it and make professional development assessment in a timely manner.

At the age of 18 months: Can't walk, or can only walk on tiptoe for a few months after learning to walk, can't point to people or things as required, and can't speak 5 words; Can't imitate actions or sounds, and have no eye contact with others.

At the age of 21 months: Can't walk up stairs or steps on the railing, can't run, can't point to people or things as required, can't speak five words, can't imitate actions or sounds, has no meaningful language, can't look at others, can't eat with a spoon.

At the age of 24 months: No meaningful language, can't walk up the stairs or steps on the railing, can't run, can't eat with a spoon.

After reaching the age of 30 months : Single interest, rigid behavior, unable to say 2~3 words, and unable to signal adults to urinate and defecate.

We need to pay attention to it and make further professional development assessment. If parents understand the baby's development law and development warning, they can give age appropriate training and guidance in time, greatly reducing the risk of early warning signals.

In order to enable more babies to get more scientific and age appropriate early education enlightenment, we have carefully prepared this Construction of Early Childhood Education Training for 0~3 Years Old by Month Discussion You can scan the code to add a small assistant and join the welfare group for free.

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"Suggestions on early education training of 0~3 years old by month"

In the process of raising a baby, in addition to early education training, we will also encounter various problems such as complementary food, feeding, sleep, breast milk, nutrition, vaccines, early education and so on. Often due to lack of Practical experience in child rearing , step on the pit carelessly. It costs money and time, and babies and adults suffer more together.

But if there is Experienced and talented mother Share experiences and solve problems , and there will be a group Baby's age Parody Practice scientific child rearing Our parents communicate with each other. I believe that when encountering problems, I don't have to worry myself.

If you also expect to have such a communication circle, welcome to join our [Clove vermicelli group]

Join the clove fan group

How can it help?

Free child care information and benefits

Join the clove fan group, you can Free collection of practical dry goods for childcare The content is jointly produced by professional pediatricians, early education experts, nutritionists, child care instructors, psychological consultants, etc., which is worthy of reference. We will also open special pet powder welfare from time to time, which is more convenient to participate in the group.

Accompanied by a talented mother

Join the clove fan group, you can Zero distance and experienced talented mother Communication and sharing. It may be easy to communicate good solutions to the parenting and life problems that confuse you.

At the same time, the talented mother will verify herself Real and effective parenting and healthy life experience Share in the group. It is convenient for everyone to make reference and avoid unnecessary trial and error costs.

Efficient link to same frequency parents

By joining the clove fan group, you can quickly link a group of friends: My baby is about the same age , efforts Practice scientific child rearing At the same time Pursue a healthy lifestyle

Here, you can share real and effective parenting experience, and also put forward your own parenting confusion. You can share healthy, effective and interesting life experiences, and also seek practical suggestions.

Exchange with each other, share knowledge, and exchange information. I believe that by joining the clove fan group, you will be able to have more ways to start a different way of scientific breeding and healthy life.

The fan group is open for participation in a limited time, and the top 300 can also receive the Classic Picture Book Lecture for free The course selected five classic picture books, such as Pupupupu, Good Night Gorilla, Hungry Caterpillar, Busy Little Bear - Tree House Architect, Diandian, for demonstration. The welfare is limited to the top 300, and you can receive it first if you join the group.

Scan code and add small assistants to join the group for free

Classic Picture Book Reading Course

Finally, let me remind you again, Fans and benefits are free for a limited time, Interested parents please hurry Scan the code and add a small assistant to join the group to compete for the number of welfare places!

Planning and production

Planner: Zhang Yuanyuan

Photo source: Lilac design team

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of "Netease" on our media platform, and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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