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At the beginning of 2021, the 2 million yuan I pledged for my friend has caused my wife and son to break up. How can I help myself?

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Article | White Horse Sky Surprising Sword

At the beginning of 2021, I guaranteed 2 million yuan for a friend, who went to Italy. From then on, my life started a tragic prologue. My family was no longer in Wuhan, and I took refuge alone in Wuhan.

I often wander around like a homeless dog in a strange place. My heart is full of confusion in the face of the future and fear of survival. One night, a WeChat friend named Bai Xue sent me a greeting, and we started talking.

Bai Xue is from Shanghai, and we have been friends for many years. Before I got married, I tried to visit her in Shanghai again and again, but she refused. Unexpectedly, she insisted on coming to Wuhan to see me after knowing my experience. I also refused, but I was very moved.

Snow white said that she would look for a job, in case I could not survive, she would not let me starve to death. Facing such a girl who has nothing to ask for and has something to do, I believe I have found true love.

I am determined to cheer up for the future of Snow White and me. In less than half a year, I had a firm foothold in Wuhan and made several very good friends: Mu Dong, the chairman of a real estate company in Wuhan and a famous suit export company in Shanghai; Jian Guo, general manager of a real estate company in Hong Kong and chairman of a demolition company in Wuhan; Wu Jin, Chairman of a company and celebrity advertising company under Hubei Media Group; Zhang Yuan, President of Wuhan Branch of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce and "Leading Brother" of Wuhan Entertainment City.

In addition to them, I also know many bosses engaged in wholesale and retail of cotton, clothing, small commodities and steel parts in Huzhou, Yiwu, Taizhou and Wenzhou. These network resources have brought me unique conditions for survival and entrepreneurship. I am optimistic that within two years, I will be able to repay 2 million yuan of unjustified debts, and then I will be able to start a new life with Snow White.

Previously, I wanted to see her. But Snow White said that as long as I live well, I don't need to meet now, let alone two years, even twenty years, she will always wait for me. I asked her mother if she would agree. She said that she would persuade her mother in her own way and told me not to worry.

I have no doubt about Snow White's feelings for me, but I don't understand why she wanted to see me when I was down, but now she refuses to meet me. I know Bai Xue's stubbornness very well, and her words can't be pulled back by nine cows; I have to wait. Fortunately, I have so many friends that time is easy to pass.

It is a kind of almost unchangeable life: get up at about one o'clock in the afternoon, then have various recreational activities, go to the hotel for dinner in the evening, go to the box to sing or dance in the bar after dinner, and finally go to midnight. I'm happy to follow the crowd. I don't want to sing or dance except to go to bars and boxes. More importantly, I have Snow White and don't want to have any contact with other women.

Whenever dazzling colored lights shake, harsh music rings, and friends spin around with their partners, I get into the corner of the sofa and try to sleep with my eyes closed. Some people say that the crowd is the loneliest. I think of my snow in the crowd, and I really feel lonely and empty, as well as a kind of penetrating pain.

My friends noticed my loneliness and asked me to find someone for me. I thanked them one by one. They play with women more actively than eating, as if only women can verify their value as men. Zhang Yuanlai won't refuse. When he was 42 years old, there were thousands of people, including "San Pei", "Ice Girl", "Hair salon Miss" and "Wild Grass".

The sword country is picky. The woman they are looking for must have a face and a body. He is an expert in love. He can reach the woman's white chest with a word and a gesture. These two friends regard women as clothes. After one year of exciting qing, they became strangers and made many women sad.

Mu Dong is particular about going with the flow. I know more than 20 of his lovers outside. They are all famous ladies and ladies. They wear famous brands and drive sports cars. It is said that most of the money is given by Mu Dong. Mu Dong's practice of feeding people with money only failed once. He fell in love with a college student and bought her clothes and rings, rings and pianos, and pianos and houses. Even if Mu Dong was rich and patient, he would be afraid of it. As a result, he would not have eaten meat and would have been tainted by it. He only told me about it.

Wu Jin, after all, is a scholar. He pursues spiritual love. Gou has attracted many of his women. As a result, he only recognizes them as sisters. He had a female client who owed him a debt and tried her best to coax him into sleeping, but he remained unmoved. Fortunately, she did not move. The female client installed photographic recording equipment in her room. His disorderly behavior became evidence of the other party's threat, and the debt could not be returned. Wu Jin and I are similar in temperament, so we often get together to drink tea and chat, or go to a beauty salon called Fountainhead for recreation.

Wu Jin often orders No. 6 at the Yuanyuan Beauty Salon. The No. 6 is called Chen Lin. She is 27 years old. She is not beautiful, but she can beat her back very well, so the o'clock rate is always high. Wu Jin's special preference for Chen Lin is that she looks like his first lover and should be regarded as the first choice for spiritual love. I also have an object of spiritual love. Unfortunately, as far away as Shanghai, I don't even know her appearance. It is impossible to have a shadow like Wu Jin's spiritual love. I treat every beautician equally, casually and without any criticism. I have become familiar with more than 40 beauticians of "Fountainhead".

One day, I was alone in the "fountainhead" digging out my ears, and the agitated cotton swab could not stop a man's roar: "If you stare again, I will cut out your eyes. The girl is No. 2 of "Fountainhead". Her name is Li Ting. She is filial and touching. She is 20 years old. She is pure and beautiful. It is said that many rich people paid a lot of money to buy her as a "situation". She always sticks to the fortress and is not eroded by money.

I got up and walked over. It was only then that I realized that it was the man who touched Li Ting's chest on the pretext of appreciating the necklace on her neck and was slapped by Li Ting. I stepped forward a few more steps, stood in front of the man, and said: "Is it a man that you frighten a little girl like this?" He finally found the target with his half empty fist and swung it at my forehead, but only half way, he was blocked by two companions, whispered in his ear: "You can't afford to offend him, this man is the brother of the sword country." Then he pulled him out of the beauty salon.

The next day, Li Ting invited me to dinner and said that she would thank me for fighting against injustice. I said this is what a real man should do, and declined. A few days later, Wu Jin called to ask me to go to dinner. I went there. Chen Lin and Li Ting were also there. There was only one empty seat at the whole table, on the right side of Li Ting, so I sat down next to her. It was Chen Lin's birthday.

After dinner, Wu Jin asked me to go to the box, but I didn't go, neither did Li Ting.

Two days later, Wu Jin's birthday arrived. I ordered him one of the few mass selling KTVs in Wuhan, and there was no Miss Tai in it. This is a subsidiary of Zhang Yuan's Entertainment City. I had planned to have a good drink and chat with several brothers, but Chen Lin came after Wu Jin. Mu Dong still took the famous ladies I knew, and there were still strange beauties around Sword Country. Only Zhang Yuan didn't pick "weeds" for a while, so he had to pick "home flowers" - came in with the female manager of KTV.

The friends reached a consensus: since it is a birthday party for relatives and friends, it is necessary to drink good wine and sing good songs. If you can't sing well yourself, a female partner can sing for you. If you can't sing well and no one sings for you, you will be fined 5 bottles of beer.

I can't sing, and I don't have a female partner. As a result, after a round, I was fined 10 bottles of beer. I vomited in the bathroom and thought of Snow White again.

Bai Xue said many times that she sang very well and danced very well. She often worked as a singing and dancing coach for her colleagues in the unit. If snow were here, why would I be so depressed today.

So thinking about passing through the lane, I caught a glimpse of Li Ting and asked her, "Can you sing?" She nodded, and I asked, "Can you help me sing some songs?" She nodded again and followed me into the box.

Li Ting turned the corner for me. Her singing is as beautiful as nightingale singing, and a song "Flying Free" makes my heart fly to the lonely singing. My friends repeatedly raised their thumbs and praised that I had found a girlfriend with both artistic skills and facial features. Vanity prevented me from correcting this misunderstanding.

The next day, the whole beauty salon knew that I was Li Ting's boyfriend. In fact, we didn't even hold hands.

On the evening of June 24, Li Ting suddenly sent a WeChat message asking me what I was busy with. I said I was not busy, and she replied with four words: Happy birthday. It occurred to me that it was my 35th birthday. I never had a birthday. It's normal to forget the time. In previous years, snow is remembered, this year also forgot. When I asked Li Ting how she knew my birthday, she said: "You handled the VIP card input and kept your ID card in the beauty salon, and I asked someone to help me find it." I was so moved that I didn't know what to say, and she said: "Let's go to celebrate together, OK?" I knew I could never refuse.

Li Ting's rental house is on the eighth floor. Slow down and I will wait for her in the square below her. A pair of tender white hands covered my eyes from behind, then slid down, crossed their fingers and stuck to my chest. When I saw that flower like smiling face, she had already turned to embrace me tightly. My heart was pounding wildly, my face was red and hot, and I quickly broke free.

That night we got up, ate and drank well, ran to the box to sing enough songs, went to Wanda Plaza to see a movie, and finally got drunk in the bar.

Every week after that, we will have such an activity. Previously, people who saw couples dancing always felt that they were puppets held by invisible hands, with stiff and funny expressions; Now we are holding hands with Li Ting and rotating, but we feel that there is no contradiction. It is like grasping the straw of happiness. It is not secure, but it is a hope.

Only sometimes, when you imagine the beautiful singing and graceful dancing of Snow White in the light and music, your heart will suddenly ache. Why didn't Snow White sing and dance with me? When can we be together.

Mu Dong is going to chair the board of directors of his famous brand suit export company in Shanghai, and let me accompany him. On the last train to Shanghai, he met a beautiful woman whose husband was studying abroad. He opened a trademark company near Mudong's company.

I don't know whether it is because her business needs Mudong's help or because Mudong is manly and went to open a room with Mudong that night. After Mu Dong returned to Wuhan, she called him almost every day to go to Shanghai to stay warm again. Mu Dong said, "I'll be two next time." She said, "Yes, come on. I just have a close friend in my boudoir..."

I called Bai Xue to see her. She said that she had Meineier syndrome and it was inconvenient to meet people. I said I would go there even more. She refused to live or die. I gave the opportunity to meet the "intimate friend" of Mu Dong's lover to Sword State.

I immediately checked the root cause and harm of Meineier syndrome on the Internet. It is reassuring to know that although the disease is troublesome, it will not endanger life. Later, I asked many western and traditional Chinese doctors, and learned the benefits of aloe for alleviating Meineier syndrome. I will tell the good news to Snow White face to face.

Li Ting still dates me frequently. She is a happy and contented girl with a sunny smile on her face. And I, because of too rough experience and too sad fate, more or less backlog of some dark heart. Now, the gloom is slowly melting into Li Ting's warm smile.

One day, we were still talking and laughing in the pedestrian street. She squatted down and covered her left leg with her hands. I rushed her to the hospital to register, see a doctor and take photos. The doctor said that this was a recurrence of osteomyelitis in Li Ting's left leg, which should be a persistent disease for many years. Antiinflammatory injections and painkillers can cure symptoms but not root causes. The effect of the operation is not good, which worsens the possibility of amputation.

I go to the hospital to get the number before dawn every day, and then go to Li Ting's house to carry her from the eighth floor to the first floor, and take care of her illness and then carry her from the first floor to the eighth floor. I asked her to ask her parents to take care of her from her hometown. She said no, I won't take care of her when they come.

This is really troublesome. It was not long before we adopted the combination of internal treatment and external application of traditional Chinese medicine, which made it more troublesome. The external medicine should be bandaged. It is too hot, and the bandage is easy to loosen when sweating; There is no refrigerator in her house, nor can she store the boiled liquid medicine.

I have never rented a house. I live in a star rated hotel. The hotel has an elevator, and the room has air conditioners, refrigerators and computers. In order to reduce the trouble, they took her to live together, but slept in two beds.

One night, I searched the hospital for osteomyelitis on the Internet and decided to take her to Beijing Xiangshan Hospital for treatment. Then Bai Xue sent a WeChat message and asked me what I was doing. I said that I would choose a hospital for a friend. She said that I would only care about others and never check her illness. I didn't say a word. I thought to myself, I was going to tell you about aloe. You never let me see you, but you blamed me.

Snow white then asked whether it was a man or a woman. I was afraid that I could not explain the truth clearly, so I said it was a man. At this time, Li Ting saw my face was ugly and asked me what was wrong. I gave a general account of my relationship with Snow White. She said, does Snow White love you very much? I said yes, I love her too. She stopped talking after a while.

The curative effect of Chinese medicine is good. Half a month later, Li Ting can walk. She asked me to go to a movie, and I went to play cards because a friend had three or one card games.

Li Ting came back and said that she had chosen to watch an old film, Painted Skin, which was very touching. The theme song, Painted Heart, was also very pleasant and she liked it very much. She asked me to watch it tomorrow, but the next day, I chose another old movie, Butterfly Sword.

I have seen the poster of Painted Skin before, and I know that the general fell in love with the witch and abandoned the woman who loved him more than life; I know that Li Ting likes me and doesn't want her to think of herself when she sees the movie.

The film, as its name suggests, is a reproduction of the legend of "Butterfly Lovers". I fell into the plot and imagined myself and Bai Xue as the protagonist: Bai Xue was in a coma because of Meniere syndrome, and I mistakenly thought that I had died, so I didn't live alone. When Bai Xue woke up, she found that I was no longer there, and she didn't want to wake up again.

Thinking about it, I burst into tears.

Li Ting's hand waved in front of me, but I was like a fly trapped in syrup, unable to extricate itself, suffocating in the sweet.

When Li Ting took out a tissue to dry my tears, I saw her own eyes full of tears. Back in the room, I fell asleep. Li Ting suddenly threw herself on my quilt, touched my hair in front of my forehead, and asked in a trembling voice, "Do you love me?"

I didn't expect her to ask this question, so I opened my eyes and said, "I don't know whether I love you or not; I only know that I can't love you." Her eyes lit up and she asked, "Is it because of snow? Would you love me without her?"

I immediately felt like a snake coiled in my mind and said loudly, "I don't know, don't ask, I don't know anything!" Without saying a word, she silently returned to her bed and covered her head with a quilt.

After that, the smile on Li Ting's face disappeared. She did not want to eat or sleep, but sang the song "Painting Heart" over and over again. She sang in tears, as if she were the general's wife. I was a general, and she wanted to draw my heart, but my heart was poisoned by snow, and she could not draw my skeleton.

The mood and diet will have a great impact on osteomyelitis, which will recur soon and become more serious than last time. It is a double whammy. My friends and I have invested in various industries. We cannot withstand the impact of the epidemic in some areas, and we have no money to lose. I don't even have enough money for food and accommodation, let alone take her to Beijing to see a doctor.

Li Ting secretly took her necklace worth 9000 yuan to the pawnshop and pawned it for 3000 yuan to pay my room fee. She went back to Xiaogan's hometown to recuperate that day. I know, she just doesn't want to drag me down.

In the first ten days of November, friends went back to their hometown because of something. Lying alone in the hotel, I thought of Li Ting who was ill and Bai Xue who was far away. The 3000 yuan room fee paid by Li Ting soon disappeared. Thanks to Zhang Yuan's shield of "Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce", she was not driven out of the room.

Li Ting called me many times to ask about my recent situation, and I said it was very good, but she insisted on calling me money, and I didn't give the account number. A few days later, I had been hungry for two days. I called Bai Xue and borrowed money from her. She may think that I need a lot of money, and she will say that she doesn't.

I understand that love cannot be tested deliberately, but I still ambivalent tempted. Thinking that Bai Xue said she wouldn't let me starve, she didn't even lend me the emergency money. Li Ting was so ill that she pawned her necklace in order to give me money. This huge contrast discouraged me.

I refuse everything like a hedgehog, time, environment, pain, loneliness and all the factors that hurt people.

On that day, watching the weather forecast on the mobile phone, the first snow of this year began to fall in Wuhan. The doorbell rings and opens. Li Ting stands at the door. The white down jacket and beautiful black hair are covered with snow. Shuilingling's big eyes are filled with tears and smiles. When the luggage was still outside the door, she threw herself into my arms and murmured, "Look at you, I won't come again. Aren't you really hungry?"

My lethargy and insensibility had already been taken away by her and turned into a kind of pain in the pupil. We hold each other tightly, as if once we let go, we will leave each other's lives forever.

Li Ting gave me a bank card with 20000 yuan saved by her mother for her treatment. I can't, I have to wait for the last news of Snow White. But she asked me to live in her house, and I didn't refuse. Every day we go to the vegetable market, go to the supermarket, go home to cook and wash dishes together, lie in bed together at night, watch TV and listen to music... everything is the life of a couple.

It's just that we haven't done what the "couple" should do. Li Ting doesn't want to, neither do I. Li Ting said that she must marry me and let the most beautiful flowers bloom at the most beautiful moment. I said that I still have 2 million debts. She said that she was not afraid. The debt would always be less and less, and love was endless. As long as you can stay with me, the bitter is sweet, and the earth can become gold.

I didn't think she could have such an idea at the age of 20. That night, all the vows proved the love between a man who has gone through vicissitudes of life and a girl who is passionate and pure. Yes, if I want to love, I will use my whole life to love.

Snow white finally failed to persuade her mother to accept me. She said that she only loved me and could not love others. She would wait for me until her mother agreed. I said I would go to see your mother myself. She told me not to go. She loved me so much that she was afraid she would leave her mother and elope with me.

I really want to ask her if she has told her mother these thoughts. I think there are many doubts in her words, and I think she really loves me, just like I really love her. If I leave her because of misunderstanding, I can never forgive myself. If she is really so helpless and helpless, I will fly moths to the fire and burn beside her even if she turns into ashes. As for Li Ting, I let her down, but it's better to let her suffer alone than to let three people suffer.

I decided to raid Shanghai. Yes, Bai Xue is really missing. It's not my fault. I quickly booked a ticket for the next first weekend. Snow white should be at home that day.

Weekends came one after another. I said to Li Ting, "I have something to do in Hangzhou tomorrow, and I will be back soon." She wanted to go with me. I said that her feet were bad, and I would not go out early this morning. Li Ting insisted on seeing me off.

She was speechless all the way to the station. She asked, "Are you really going to Hangzhou?" I nodded, and she said, "No! Shanghai?" I didn't speak. She said, "Sorry, I saw your ticket when you were asleep."

An unknown anger flared up in my heart, and Li Ting still said quietly: "Is she really so good? She hasn't let you see her, has she? Otherwise, you will not be with me, will you? What kind of poison has she put on you, so that you are willing to powder your body and bone for her?"

I raised my hand and hit her hard on the face, shouting: "Who are you? Why is Snow White bad?" She was motionless, her eyes filled with tears, her lips trembling, choked and said: "Yes, I shouldn't say Snow White is bad, I just want to treat you better and love you more, but I can't..." She could not go on, twisted and left.

I watched her limping back tumble in the street, a stagger, I also fell to the ground. When she got up, she had disappeared. "Is she really so good?" I sent a message to Bai Xue to cheat that I was already in Shanghai. After a while, she sent a reply: "Who asked you to come? I won't see you! You go, I won't see you!"

I staggered home. When Li Ting left, I opened the drawer to see her album. It seems that I can keep her image.

I saw a strange medical record, not the orthopedic hospital but the Union Medical College Hospital. One page reads: "Li Ting, suffering from brain tumor for 8 years." The other page reads: "Li Ting, fallopian tube blockage."

My head boomed and I collapsed on the floor. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth like a fish on the beach.

If I can cry, if I can regret, I will not stand up. That fall, I lost everything.

This article was written by Baima Jingtian Sword based on the real experience of others. Both the text and Chinese objects are pseudonyms. If there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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