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Money is depreciating rapidly. What is the best way to keep the value? Expert: These three may not depreciate in 10 years

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Every time we go shopping, we can find that the prices in the supermarket are getting more and more expensive, and the money in our hands is becoming less and less durable.

In the past, 100 yuan could buy a shopping cart full of things, but now it costs more than 100 yuan to buy some fruits and vegetables at the casual bar.

These phenomena are all caused by the devaluation of the currency due to inflation. In today's society, the money in our hands is accelerating the devaluation even if we do nothing.

Although money is becoming less and less valuable, our wages have not increased with it.

It is difficult to earn money, so everyone is thinking about what to exchange money for to maximize the value of the value.

Some experts said that buying these three things can guarantee that they will not depreciate in value for at least 10 years. What exactly is it?

1、 Gold

As the saying goes, "hoard antiques in times of prosperity and gold in times of chaos". In the case of inflation, money is becoming less and less valuable, but gold can maintain its value.

Gold has a very high stability. Under normal temperature, it hardly reacts with other substances, so gold is not easy to be corroded.

In other words, no matter under any circumstances, gold will not lose weight, and its natural attribute is to maintain its value.

Gold is a very rare substance, which is special in the world and even the whole universe. The biggest difference between gold and other elements is that it cannot be artificially synthesized.

Moreover, the earth itself will not produce gold. Even in the whole universe, no planet will naturally form gold.

Gold is formed under special conditions when supernovae collide with neutron stars.

The gold element on the earth was the material splashed out when the two collided during the formation of the earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and flew down to the earth in the form of meteorite.

However, during the formation of the earth, the gold continued to sink in the lava. In addition to the earth's repeated crustal movements, less than one ten thousandth of the gold remained on the earth's surface.

In addition, the mining cost of gold is very high, and there is very little gold that can be developed by humans.

As the saying goes, rare is valuable, and the physical gold that can be circulated on the market is extremely valuable.

For thousands of years, gold has been very precious in any country, regardless of the dynasty in office.

The value of gold will not be affected by any business or restricted by any country.

Gold is a hard currency. It is not too bad to say that it is an international currency. Gold has a high risk aversion attribute, far more than any country's paper currency.

We should know that the paper money of any country will be affected by the national economy and social stability. Once a country's economy shrinks, or war breaks out, the country's paper currency will be the first to be affected.

Paper money will depreciate rapidly, and the wallet of people who hold national paper money will shrink rapidly, and their purchasing power will decline significantly.

Gold is completely unaffected by these factors. No matter at any time, in any country, its value is high and its purchasing power is almost unaffected.

Therefore, compared with other assets such as paper money, gold is more stable in value and maintains its value.

Globally, most governments, including China, will reserve gold.

Internationally, a country's wealth is often measured by its gold reserves.

Countries with high gold reserves have a strong ability to pay, and can enjoy a higher status in the world and obtain credit protection.

The reason why the government reserves gold is not very different from that of ordinary people. It is to protect the value of national assets.

In addition, gold is also the last means of settlement in national trade and the embodiment of a country's economic strength.

It can be seen that to fight against the risk of currency depreciation caused by inflation, buying gold is a better choice. Within ten years, we can effectively preserve the value of the money in our pockets.

Gold itself is a kind of currency, which can be realized quickly, so the saying of "hoarding gold in troubled times" is reasonable

It is difficult to measure the value of antiques and it is difficult to realize them, so what is the basis for the statement of "hoarding antiques in a flourishing age"?

2、 Antiques and other art collections

Ma Weidu once said, "The only thing I've seen depreciate in collecting for so many years is the RMB.".

In the international market, the performance of artworks in the investment market is not only the preservation of value, but also the return rate of high value, which is just not affordable for ordinary people.

During the Second World War, Germany plundered most of the works of art from many countries by taking advantage of the chaos of war.

If gold is a value preserving product, then artworks are value-added products.

Bellini of Italy said that the appreciation rate of artworks is 95%, which is far more than that of stocks whose appreciation rate is only 40%. The most valuable product in the world is artworks.

Buying stocks requires a high risk, while collecting artworks rarely loses money, because the price is lower than the purchase price, you can choose not to sell them and continue to wait for appreciation.

In 1983, Xu Hua, the founder of Peace Painting Shop, spent more than 200000 yuan to buy more than 9000 works of Qi Baishi, Wu Zuoren, Zhang Daqian and other painters.

Xu Huachi's behavior in those years was regarded as madness.

Now, more than 30 years later, Xu Huachi bought more than 9000 paintings that no one cared about that year, and put one of them on the market at random. They are all hot works, and their value has also increased dozens of times.

With the boom in stocks and real estate over, more and more investors believe that antiques and other artworks are a golden mountain in the current investment world, which has not yet been developed by the public.

More and more rich people in the world are eager to buy antiques and other works of art for collection. We can often see on the news that a rich person has auctioned an old vase or a painting of a master at an auction.

Are these rich people keen on buying these works of art really just for collection?

In ancient China, there is a saying that "poverty cannot last for three generations and wealth cannot last for three generations", which means that people will not always be poor or rich.

These rich people are very worried that their descendants will not be able to keep their wealth and live in poverty.

In order to avoid this risk, the rich choose to buy art collections. The space for art value appreciation is very large, and the risk of holding is relatively low.

The holding period of artworks is generally long, ranging from three to five years to decades. The value of artworks is not itself, but its historical value and artistic value.

Although the value of artworks will fluctuate with the market environment, compared with other assets such as stock funds, the price fluctuation is relatively small and stable.

The price that a good artwork can sell can often exceed the price of a house, so these collections are the best wealth that the rich can leave to their descendants.

It can be seen that antiques and other artworks will have a high appreciation space in the next decade or even longer, which can far exceed the speed of currency depreciation, and are a better choice for wealth preservation.

3、 Real estate

Many people may not agree with this.

Although house prices have fallen, houses in good locations are still increasing in value, and real estate will remain the pillar industry of the country for a long time in the future.

Also, this is not a game that ordinary people can afford now. It belongs to the rich.

After all, this is not the time when real estate just entered the golden age. It is not cost-effective to borrow money to buy a house for investment. Most people now live.

Since ancient times, real estate has been regarded as a relatively stable investment channel by the public. Although the house price will be affected by the socio-economic impact, it will also be affected by the supporting facilities around the house, but the fluctuations are relatively small.

The income mode of the house is not only reflected in the fluctuation of the house price. The house can be used for self occupancy or rent.

Because houses are largely linked to people's emotional needs, the demand for houses is relatively stable and will not fluctuate greatly.

In any economic market, as long as the supply and demand relationship can maintain a long-term balance, the value of this commodity will steadily increase and maintain its value.

In recent years, many people have said that house prices are getting cheaper and cheaper, but they seldom heard that the price of renting a house is getting lower and even higher.

This is also an important factor for the house to maintain its value. In the real estate market, the supply and demand relationship of houses is generally relatively stable. The economic prosperity of a city generally leads to the rise of house prices.

In addition, the housing price has been subject to the regulation and intervention of government policies. When the housing price shows a downward trend, the government will often introduce policies such as purchase restriction and control of real estate supply, thus limiting the housing price in a short period of time without significant price decline.

Therefore, in the next ten years, real estate will still have a certain investment value. It is a relatively conservative commodity that can be purchased to resist currency depreciation.

As the saying goes, "All eggs cannot be put in one basket." Even though the real estate has a certain value preservation function, its liquidity is relatively weak, especially in places and apartments with poor location. If it is not easy to change hands, it will depreciate.

Don't invest all your money in real estate. You may lose your money.


Recall that more than 20 years ago, anyone who had 10000 yuan in his family was already a famous "10000 yuan household". At that time, 10000 yuan could buy the latest car. In today's society, 10000 yuan is not enough to buy a car.

Some experts predict that in the next few years, the 1000 yuan in our hands will only have the purchasing power of 700 yuan, which will depreciate by 30%.

Imagine that the money we saved painstakingly was neither stolen nor bought fakes, just because we didn't do anything in our hands. Soon, it quietly shrunk.

This is such a terrible thing, so we must learn how to better manage our finances.

Don't let your savings appreciate, or at least don't depreciate, and don't let your years of hard work flow to the east.

Finally, any financial management is risky, and investment should be cautious. In this dazzling market, no matter what you do, you must identify risks in advance and protect your wallet.

What would you choose to buy to protect your wallet?

Reference source: 1 A serious cultural account 2023-08-29 - to fight against currency depreciation, antiques and artworks collection is the best hedging tool 2 Real pineapple 999 2023-05-21 - why gold is rare 3 Dragonfly Finance 2024-05-11 - Money is depreciating faster. What is the best way to keep the value? Insider: These three items will not depreciate in 10 years


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