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Aunt paddled the luxury car with her key. Unexpectedly, the owner was in the car and knelt down to beg for mercy after being caught

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Well said, It is not the old people who have become bad, but the bad people who have become old. We have been taught the good virtue of respecting the old and loving the young since childhood. However, many cases show that, The old people are not all kind, and there are many people who do bad things.

A case like this happened somewhere in Jiangsu, An aunt was wandering on the road. Somehow, she used her key to scratch a luxury car on the roadside.

Unexpectedly, the owner was in the car, and the aunt was so frightened that she knelt down to beg for mercy: "I can't afford it!" What the hell is going on here?

« ------ [· Case situation] ------

I tried my best to make money to buy a Mercedes Benz, but I didn't want to be watched by my aunt

Xiao Wu is an employee of a sales company, After graduation, Xiao Wu joined the company and worked hard thereafter, rising to the position of project manager.

The first thing Xiao Wu did to make money was not to buy a house, but to buy a valuable Mercedes Benz. Both parents think that the car at home is economical enough, and there is no need to buy it so expensive, but Xiao Wu has his own ideas.

The reason is still to mention the previous entertainment. Once, I went out with a boss on an occasion to discuss business, and the boss could not drive after drinking, so I worked as a driver for him.

On the same day, Xiao Wu drove a Mercedes Benz to the meeting place, and felt that when he got off the bus, everyone looked at him with admiration.

Xiao Wu thought it was his illusion. Unexpectedly, when talking with another boss about business, he was praised in an appreciative tone: "Xiao Wu is good. He is young and promising. I really like the car I drove today. He has good taste!"

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that the other party had misunderstood him, but instead of retorting in a hurry, he smiled and pretended not to care.

Sure enough, The next two people's dialogue progress Of It was also very pleasant. The project was won by myself soon.

Xiao Wu, who succeeded in getting the project, felt both happy and depressed. It turns out that a luxury car can give you so many impressions.

But today's event is a black dragon. If you can really own a good car, can you also contribute to your career and make your progress?

With this idea, Xiao Wu made up his mind to buy a good car, preferably a Mercedes Benz. Sometimes people can give everything for their own obsession, and Xiao Wu keeps working hard for this dream.

Finally, a few years later, I have my own Mercedes Benz car. Xiao Wu's feelings for this car are very complicated. It is not only a means of transportation, but also the driving force of his efforts for so many years.

However, what Xiao Wu did not expect was that the car he attached so much importance to would be destroyed by an aunt.

Aunt rowed around in the car and was found kneeling to beg for mercy: I can't afford it!

that day, Xiao Wu drove to a parking space at the gate of a community, His friends made an appointment with him to go to a restaurant for dinner and asked Xiao Wu to pick them up. Xiao Wu quickly agreed.

When he arrived at the gate of the community, his friend said that he would wait for a while before coming down, so he asked Xiao Wu to take a rest in the car.

Xiao Wu didn't think there was anything wrong, so he closed the window and lay in the car playing with his mobile phone. Xiao Wu attaches great importance to privacy, He stuck a one-way anti camera film on his window, so that he could see the outside of the car from the inside, People outside the car can't see inside.

Xiao Wu is sitting on the driver's seat, brushing a short video to kill time, Suddenly, I noticed an aunt sneaking outside the car, looking around beside my car.

Xiao Wu doesn't know what the aunt is doing. She is going to ignore her cell phone, Unexpectedly, the aunt went around the back of the car, took out a bunch of keys, and rowed with one of the keys facing Xiao Wu!

Xiao Wu is scared. What is the aunt doing! He immediately opened the door and got out of the car. When Aunt saw someone in the car, she was very frightened and immediately stopped her action.

However, Xiao Wu's car has been partially scratched by her. Not only the paintwork has been damaged, but also the laser film has been scratched. The cost of repair alone may be tens of thousands.

Xiao Wu couldn't bear it. He had to call the police on the spot, When Aunt saw that Xiao Wu was going to call the police, she turned to run away, but her legs were no longer in order, so she had to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy, Ask Xiao Wu not to call the police. He can't afford it.

Xiao Wu said: "I was playing with my mobile phone in my car, and you suddenly came up to row my car. I don't know you, and I didn't provoke you myself.".

My good car was scratched by you with the key. This is a quality problem. You must wait for 110 to solve it. What should we do then? "

Aunt realized that Xiao Wu was determined to call the police, and no matter how much she begged for mercy, she started "remedial measures". She began to spit on her hands and put saliva on the scratches on the car body, thinking that this would eliminate the scratches.

Of course, this is no good. Xiao Wu felt sorry when he saw her. Should he forgive her? But on second thought, Poor aunt, don't you pity yourself?

My car didn't fall from the sky, but I earned it little by little. I was rowed for no reason. Where can I go to seek justice?

So Xiao Wu finally chose to call the police to deal with the matter. Because Aunt is older, the police finally asked her children to pay 3500 yuan for Xiao Wu in consideration of her physical condition and repentance attitude, He also criticized and educated Aunt on the spot.

This matter spread to the Internet, and netizens also expressed many opinions on it. Everyone said that, An ignorant person does not mean innocence, not to mention that she doesn't understand what she says. Who knows if she is intentional?

Some netizens said that, Now the word "vulnerable groups" can't be casually taken out of the pot. Young people who are not under pressure today are not as busy all day, and their physical quality may not be as good as that of the elderly.

There were several cases before. The old people shouted insults at the young people on the bus for not giving up their seats. It seems that they don't need special care from others!

Men row seven cars in a row: to revenge a 10-year-old child

When it comes to paddling others' cars, this aunt is really not the first. Such an ironic case occurred in Wuhan. A 40 year old man had seven cars downstairs in Lianhua Community. The police asked him why, but he wanted to revenge a 10-year-old child!

During the Spring Festival, the Hongshan Branch of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau received a report that several of their cars parked downstairs had been rowed.

The police rushed to the scene to get the surveillance, It was found that a man in white was walking around these cars, looking back and forth, acting suspiciously. This man even stopped for a moment near the cars that were zoned, which was very suspicious.

However, the monitoring is relatively vague, and it's really hard to see who did it. The police asked them if they had any revenge with anyone. They all denied it, He said that he only lives in one building, but some of them don't know each other, and now it is a society ruled by law, where can we get revenge?

There was no way to confirm the identity of the man, so the police had to start with his clothes.

The man wrapped his body tightly and tied his head with his hat, It is like knowing the location of the monitoring in the community, In addition to the slippers he wears, it can be basically determined that he is a resident in the community.

So the police began to look for the monitoring of other places in the community to see where he ran. Sure enough, The man walked into a residential building, proving that he was a resident in the community.

The next step was to wait. The police seized the authority of the nearest surveillance camera in the residential building and planned to stay for a few days to see if they could find the man.

Two days later, the police found out the man: A man wears the same clothes as in the surveillance, and his height and body shape are very similar, so he is the most likely one.

Soon, the police caught him. According to the inquiry, the man's name is Zhou, As for why he did so, the reason he gave made the police in charge of questioning speechless.

Zhou said, A few days ago, I quarreled with a 10-year-old boy in the community because of something. Unexpectedly, the boy is so eloquent that he can't argue with him.

Not only that, the boy also found his mother, and they both blamed Zhou. Zhou did not fight with anger. When he returned home, he became more and more frustrated. He felt that his man's self-esteem had been destroyed.

therefore, Under the impulse, Zhou decided to do something to revenge the little boy, and thought of the way to scratch someone's car.

But Zhou only knew what building they lived in, and there were so many cars parked downstairs, Which is the car of the boy's parents? Zhou simply stopped looking for them and tried to row all these cars. One of them was always the boy's home.

That's it. Zhou rowed all the seven cars parked downstairs. At present, Mr. Zhou has been detained by Wuhan Hongshan Police according to law due to his suspicion of causing trouble, and the case is being further handled.

« ------ [· Interpretation by case] ------

What laws did Aunt's rowing violate?

In this case, Aunt deliberately scratched the paint of Xiao Wu's car with her key, which is suspected of intentionally destroying property, Considering the specific situation, the police, For example, it is also reasonable to ask her children to compensate for her age, reconciliation or not.

Everyone is equal before the law, and any status is not a fig leaf for breaking the law. No matter how old you are, you should be responsible for your own behavior. Abiding by laws and regulations is the basic requirement of our law-abiding citizens.

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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