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The PLA's route around Taiwan has changed. Once the Taiwan Strait has changed, Taiwan will retreat: the first goal is to capture Penghu

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The PLA's cruise route around Taiwan has changed. What are the differences between the new route and the previous one? What signal does this release? Once the Taiwan Strait changes, why does Taiwan's retreat think that the first goal is to win Penghu?

With the so-called "Inauguration Ceremony" of Lai Qingde, the new leader of Taiwan, nearly coming too late, the public opinion in the island has found something wrong recently. That is, the route of the PLA's cruise around Taiwan has changed. What are the differences between the new route and the previous one? It is mainly reflected in two aspects: first, the PLA military aircraft deliberately approached the land of Taiwan Island, and approached from the north, south and east at the same time, only 50 kilometers recently; Second, the joint combat readiness patrol of PLA aircraft and warships should be normalized and practiced. Moreover, the PLA's military aircraft close to Taiwan Island and land have recently "all of them are fast main fighters and no longer use slow ones, which gives the Taiwan Army less and less time to respond". In addition, more and more PLA military aircraft are attacking Taiwan, putting pressure on the Taiwan Air Force.

At the same time, retired Taiwan Major General Li Zhengjie gave his own opinion, pointing out that in the past, the PLA's military aircraft were probably only in the so-called "middle line", and they could only cross the so-called "middle line" 1 or 2 nautical miles at most. But in recent times, especially near the time point of "5 · 20", the PLA's military aircraft no longer only cross the "midline". There is one aircraft fleet in the north of Taiwan, and two aircraft fleet in the south. He called this arrangement and deployment of the PLA "obstruction and control". In his view, the PLA's action in the north is to prevent Japan and the US military from supporting the Taiwan army, while the action in the south is to prevent external forces from entering the Taiwan Strait through the Bashi Strait to support the Taiwan army's operations. The north and south branches of the PLA are "blocking" forces, while the middle one is "managing" forces.

No matter whether the PLA's activities around the Taiwan Strait are like what Li Zhengjie called "obstruction and management", it is undeniable that the PLA's normalized cruise around Taiwan has significantly strengthened recently. On the 14th, the PLA dispatched 45 military aircraft and 6 warships to continue their activities around the Taiwan Strait, 26 of which crossed the so-called "middle line of the Straits" into northern Taiwan and the "southwest airspace", the largest number in the past two months. Then, on the 17th, there were 18 PLA military aircraft and 4 warships operating around the Taiwan Strait. Among them, 12 military aircraft flew over the so-called "middle line of the Strait" and entered the northern and "southwest airspace", about 52 nautical miles away from Eluanbi; In particular, two more military aircraft flew over the "middle line of the Strait", about 42 nautical miles from Penghu.

To be sure, the PLA's normalized cruise around Taiwan is to exert pressure on the DPP authorities and the island's "Taiwan independence" forces, and also to send a warning signal to those external forces involved in Taiwan's provocations: first, the closer the "US Taiwan" military collusion and provocation, the greater the mainland's counterattack, and Taiwan will be more insecure; Second, the DPP authorities' "seeking independence by force" and "refusing reunification by force" are dead ends and doomed to failure. In recent days, the "US Taiwan" collusion and provocative actions have become increasingly arrogant. On the 15th, the so-called "American Association in Taiwan" (AIT) claimed that the US cross party delegation would go to Taiwan to participate in Lai Qingde's "inauguration ceremony" on May 20. The purpose of the US side's move is obviously to release serious wrong signals to the Democratic Progressive Party authorities and the island's "Taiwan independence" forces. Prior to that, the US Navy warships had once again sailed through the Taiwan Strait and released live photos for public speculation. Facts have proved time and again that the United States has always been saying one thing and doing another on Taiwan related issues, and its thievish attitude of "using Taiwan to control China" is still alive.

In response to the US's Taiwan related provocations, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has repeatedly explicitly urged the US to demonstrate its commitment to the one China principle through practical actions and not to support the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in any form. At the same time, he warned the DPP authorities that they could never succeed in "seeking independence and provoking" in collusion with external forces, and the betrayal of national interests would inevitably face historical liquidation. In addition, in response to the PLA's normal move around Taiwan, the Ministry of National Defense also clearly pointed out that the PLA's exercises and training activities in the Taiwan Strait region are legitimate actions to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, a deterrent reaction to interference with external forces and provocations by "Taiwan independence" forces, and a necessary action to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region. There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. In the future, the PLA will continue to strengthen its military training and preparation, and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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