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My 83 year old father wants my 82 year old second aunt to come home to provide for the elderly and my 81 year old mother to serve him. I: don't agree

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The sun is warm on the balcony, and the breeze is blowing, bringing the breath of summer. I picked up the tea cup in my hand, smelled the tea fragrance, and looked out at the park outside the community, feeling very comfortable. It is a peaceful scene with trees, birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Life after retirement is very leisurely. Although I occasionally miss the excitement and challenges at work, I mostly appreciate the quiet life now. The reunion of my family is my greatest happiness. I am very pleased to see the children get married and start a career. At present, the greatest wish is to often reunite with my family and spend my old age together.

In this pleasant time, my father's phone call came in.

"Hello, son, it's me." Father's sincere voice came from the phone

"I was thinking that maybe we could move to your house, I live with your second aunt, and your mother can concentrate on serving us. In this way, you can always take care of our daily life, and our old couple can also take care of each other. What do you think of this idea?"

Hearing my father's proposal, I couldn't help frowning. Of course, I love my parents and my second aunt deeply, and I understand their difficulties in their old age. But I was really embarrassed to have them all live in my house.

I thought about it and said, "Dad, I understand your kindness, but I still hope that you three can live separately. You and your second aunt take care of each other, and my mother can also share some things within her power. We go to visit and help regularly. I'm afraid that if you live together, the difference in life and rest will increase your physical burden."

Father seemed disappointed, but he didn't say anything more.

A few days later, my mother offered to meet me alone. She took my hand and said firmly with her eyes: "Son, you should understand my father's hard work. He looked at us as we got older and weaker. Naturally, he hoped to live together and you would take good care of us."

"However, I think your idea is more reasonable." Mother continued, "I live with your father and your second aunt, and the lifestyle difference is too big, which will increase the trouble. Why don't we continue to live separately, and you should visit regularly to help do housework and buy vegetables. I'm still healthy, and I can cope with daily life."

I nodded, my mother's idea was very reasonable. If several old people live together, they are afraid that the ups and downs in life will make them physically and mentally exhausted.

Mother's words set me thinking. So I made an appointment with my second aunt, hoping to hear her thoughts.

"You're right." The second aunt nodded after hearing my doubts. "Your parents and I really have different life styles. If we live together, we may quarrel every day."

"But what worries me most is that your mother takes care of the two of us alone, which is really too heavy work." The second aunt frowned and said, "You say if you hire a nanny to share some housework, your mother is only responsible for taking care of our food, drink and daily life, is it feasible?"

The second aunt's idea gave me new inspiration. Indeed, if you can hire a reliable nanny to share some housework, you may be able to reduce the burden on your mother. So, I began to inquire about reliable nanny agencies on the Internet, and solicited opinions everywhere to understand the market.

Soon, we found an experienced and popular aunt. She is not only agile, hardworking and conscientious, but also mild tempered, which is very popular with the elderly in our family. With her help, her mother's daily work is much easier, and she almost only needs to focus on taking care of her father and second aunt's daily life.

"Auntie, thank you so much!" Mother said happily, "I feel much relieved to have you here. I used to work too hard alone."

With the help of nanny aunt, our family's life became orderly and enjoyable. My father and my second aunt live in their own home. My mother will take care of them every day, and I will take time to help. The aunt is fully responsible for housework, creating a clean and comfortable living environment for us. We hate to see each other late, and think this arrangement is the most reasonable.

Everything seemed to be improving until one day, my father's health was in serious condition. That day we received an emergency call from my second aunt. She said in a flustered voice, "Come on, come on! Your father suddenly has severe chest pain and breathing difficulties. I have called an ambulance."

When we arrived at the scene, my father had been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. In the hospital, we were told that my father suffered from serious heart disease, and the small problems that had occurred finally broke out this time. The doctor said gravely, "Considering your father's age, we will try our best to treat him, but I'm afraid there is little hope of survival."

In the corridor of the hospital, my mother held my hand tightly with tears streaming down her face: "Son, your father is the most loved person in my life. From knowing each other to loving each other, to starting a family and raising you, he has always been my biggest support and dependence. Now his life is in danger, and my heart seems to have been torn apart."

I wiped the tears from my mother's eyes, and my heart was full of mixed feelings. Looking at my once heroic and strong father's weak appearance now, my heart is very sad.

"Mom, you should be patient." I hugged my mother gently. "Dad will survive. He has always been a tough person. We should all be strong and cheer him up."

With the careful care of the whole family and the dedicated treatment of doctors, my father's condition finally improved. About a month later, he miraculously got out of the danger period and began to eat and go down to the ground.

"Dad, you've finally survived!" Every time I visited, I was genuinely happy to see my father gradually recovering.

Both mother and second aunt had red eyes, and they expressed their deep love for their father with their actions.

"Dad, the most important thing for you now is to take a rest and cultivate yourself." I patted my father on the shoulder and said, "When you are completely recovered, our whole family will celebrate together."

"Well, let's wait and see." Father nodded, his eyes firm and alert, "I will recover soon and live up to your expectations of me."

We were all heartily happy to see my father gradually regaining his fighting spirit. With the love and care of the whole family, my father will surely recover as soon as possible and regain his vitality.

Although his father's condition has improved, there is still a long way to go. In this process, our family always accompany him and give him endless care and support.

Mother cooks in person every day to prepare nutritious food for her father, hoping to help him recover his strength as soon as possible. The second aunt always asked her father's needs carefully and thoughtfully, patted his back and rubbed his shoulders to ease his discomfort.

My wife and I will also come to accompany my father to chat, read and play chess, so that he can keep a happy mood. Sometimes we also bring our children. Their childlike appearance always brings joy to our father.

"Thank you, my good sons and daughters." Whenever he saw our filial piety and consideration, his father would smile with gratitude. "With your company, I feel better every day. You are my biggest motivation."

"Children, remember to respect and tolerate each other between husband and wife. You should understand that the road to marriage is one of darkness and brightness, and there will inevitably be some bumps. The key is to resolve differences with love, rather than care about right and wrong. As long as you understand each other, your feelings will become deeper and deeper."

After listening to my father's instruction, my wife and I could not help but look at each other and smile at each other. The trivial matters that were originally unimportant suddenly became insignificant with the help of my father.

After my father's life and death, I have a new understanding of the value of life. Life is so fragile, but so precious. We should cherish the moment and enjoy every moment with our family.

One day, I brought my children to visit my father. Looking at their innocent smiles, my eyes could not help moistening. I realized that everyone's life is short, and we should use love to nourish each other's hearts rather than waste time.

"Grandpa, look, I've brought you some fresh flowers, and I hope you can recover soon!" The children happily presented the flowers to their father, who teased them with a happy smile.

Looking at this warm scene, I made a decision to give my family the greatest love in any case. The road of life is long. Only by caring for each other and walking hand in hand can we overcome all difficulties.

Through this experience, I have a new understanding of the word "family". Family is not only a simple concept of blood relationship, but also a deep emotional bond.

It is because of the love and support of his family that his father survived the ordeal of illness. It is because of the encouragement and care of his family that he can regain the hope and courage of life.

Family members are our most solid backing in adversity; Family is our most reliable dependence on the road of life. As long as we cherish each other with love and care for this family happiness with heart, our family will become extremely warm and happy.

The definition of home does not lie in the size of the residence or the richness of the conditions, but in the thick kinship flowing through it. With the mutual support of our families, we have everything.

After a few months, my father finally recovered completely and regained his vitality. In order to celebrate this memorable day, we gathered together and prepared a grand party.

On that day, my father walked into the meeting with a happy smile on his face. We were all heartily happy to see him regain his healthy appearance.

"Dad, you have finally recovered completely, and we are all proud and happy for you!" I went forward to embrace my father, and my voice was full of joy.

"Yes, thanks to your careful care." My father looked at our whole family affectionately. "Without your care and encouragement, I would never have survived. You are my greatest motivation and my greatest pride."

Then, our family gathered together and toasted happily. My father was seldom happy and cheered us one by one kindly. The atmosphere is harmonious, full of endless warmth and joy.

"In the future, our family should always get together, care for each other and support each other." Father said earnestly, "because only our family is our most reliable attachment. As long as our feelings never die out, we will be able to work together to overcome the difficulties of life and any storms."

We nodded in succession, deeply touched. Yes, the definition of family lies in the thick kinship flowing in it. With the mutual support of our families, we have everything.

In this way, we joyfully celebrated our father's recovery and our happy and warm family. In this evening, all of us are filled with good expectations for the future. As long as we cherish each other forever and use love to nourish life, we will be able to be happy and healthy forever.

"Children, through this life and death, I have a new understanding of life." My father said solemnly, "Life is so fragile, but so precious. Each of us has only one life, so we should cherish the present and enjoy every moment with our families."

"The greatest significance of life is to use love to nourish people around us." Father said earnestly, "Only by using love to contain and care for others will our life become rich and valuable. On the contrary, if we are selfish and alienate from others, it will be a waste of our precious life."

My father's words had just dropped, and all my family were deeply touched by his words. Yes, the meaning of life is to love and support each other. Only in this way can we overcome all difficulties and live a wonderful life.

My father's teachings made me realize that filial piety is our greatest love and care for our parents. It was because of our family's filial piety that my father survived the ordeal of illness; It is because of our filial piety that father can regain his hope and courage.

"Dad, you can rest assured that we will always serve you and your mother with filial piety." I said sincerely, "Your old age will be happy and healthy, and we will repay you with our actions."

After listening to this, father nodded slightly, and his face showed a pleased look. The mother and the second aunt also looked at each other and smiled, deeply understanding our filial piety.

Yes, filial piety is our greatest love for our parents. As long as we always cherish a filial piety and care for our parents with love, they will be happy in their old age.

Father not only taught us how to treat our parents, but also taught us how to cherish our children and nourish their hearts with love.

"You should know that children are the key point of our care." Father said gently, "They are like young plants. We need to irrigate and fertilize them with love to thrive."

"Look, when you were young, how did I teach you with love?" Father said, taking out an old photo album. "Whenever you do something wrong, I never punish you severely, but guide you patiently; whenever you encounter difficulties, I will encourage you to face them bravely. I will protect you all the way with love until you grow up."

I looked through the album and saw my father's meticulous care for us. Yes, it is because of my father's kindness and love that we can grow healthily and happily.

"In the future, you should use the same love to take care of your children," said the father affectionately. "Only in this way can they thrive and live a wonderful life."

I was deeply touched by my father's teachings. The meaning of life lies in passing on love and moistening everyone around with love.

I am determined to treat my parents with filial piety and care for my wife and children with love. I will impart the love that my father taught me to the next generation selflessly.

With this determination, my life becomes more fulfilling and meaningful. Whenever I see my parents healthy and my wife and children happy, my heart will be filled with joy. I realized that the gift of life lies in this, to warm others with love, and to repay others with action.

Yes, life should be such a gift. As long as we warm everyone around us with love and repay others' love with action, our life will become rich and valuable, and we will live out the true meaning of life.

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