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Can't handle it? American media: Biden underestimated China

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In recent years, there has been a major crisis in China US relations, and the situation is not optimistic.

Since Huawei 5G has achieved "curve overtaking", the United States has taken advantage of chip technology to launch a series of crackdowns on Chinese enterprises such as Huawei, such as issuing bans, amending bills, forming alliances, reaching tripartite agreements, etc. In order to comprehensively contain Chinese enterprises, Biden has taken the stance of "never giving up until the goal is reached" and left no room for it.

However, after more than three years of "entanglement", the Sino US chip debate has also come to an end. Although China may not be the final winner in terms of cards, the Western countries are also having a hard time. In addition to the suffering of Meixin, the global chip industry has suffered economic losses and is struggling.

Maybe it was too much to bear. The US revised the "lifting clause" again to find a way to reach reconciliation with China. According to foreign media, the new "lifting clause" clearly states that as long as Chinese technology no longer enters the international market and no longer sells end products, it can be "lifted".

Simply understood, China's science and technology can no longer be targeted if its influence in the international market and its position in the United States are not improved. Accepting this clause is equivalent to agreeing to the United States that China's science and technology will not go to sea in the future, and will continue to maintain the scientific and technological gap between China and the Western countries. It cannot achieve anti surpassing and accept the fact that China will always lag behind.

Obviously, the "lifting clause" proposed by the US is equivalent to tearing down the "shame cloth" of western science and technology. There is competition in any field, but fear of being surpassed will prevent the progress of other countries, which is ridiculous. One thing to say is that to be able to propose such a "lifting clause" would have insulted the IQ. Obviously, China will not agree to this clause. As the US media said, Biden underestimated China.

In fact, when the US proposed a new "lifting clause", it had already revealed its own cards, and Biden had no idea. In this case, China's science and technology should be more focused and more determined to follow the path of scientific and technological research and development. The practice of "breaking the chain" by the United States and the United States is not feasible. In addition to isolating themselves, it will also harm the interests of other allies. In the long run, it will certainly fall.

In the past few years when "China Core" was suppressed, the life of Meixin was also very difficult. Qualcomm, Intel, Micron, NVIDIA and AMD all encountered operating problems, and Biden also received complaints and complaints from many enterprises. Perhaps it is to restore support and trust that Biden will make concessions to China.

But Biden's so-called concession only "touched" his own behavior, and the content of the "lifting clause" proposed by Biden is impossible for China to accept. In the short term, the lifting of the ban from the United States can give Chinese enterprises a chance to breathe, but in the long term, building a car behind closed doors will only make China's science and technology lose its international competitiveness completely, and eventually be abandoned by the world, without any voice. In the end, the United States can achieve its goal and completely solve China, a dangerous competitor.

In general, the science and technology debate between China and the United States will continue, and for a long time to come, China will still face a variety of "sugar coated bullets" thrown by Western countries, which cannot be taken lightly. The "ambition" of the United States has been completely exposed. China needs to speed up its independent research and development. Only by mastering more core technologies can it have more confidence. What do you think about this? Welcome to comment!

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