70% of Indians agree: "If we fight the PLA again, the Indian army will win". Where does the confidence come from?

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After the outbreak of the epidemic, all countries in the world are busy fighting against the epidemic and maintaining their economies. Only a few countries are "doing nothing" and busy challenging issues at the border.

In addition to the enemies of Russia and Ukraine in Europe, India, China's neighbor, even started a fight in the Himalayas, causing the Galawan estuary incident.

In the summer of 2020, the Indian military took the initiative to provoke, but was repulsed by the PLA border guards at the estuary of Kalwan. This war completely ignited the nationalist sentiment in India.

After that, there was a wave of anti China on the Indian Internet. All kinds of social platforms were fighting and killing to make the Indian army regain face in the Himalayas.

A foreign media has conducted a questionnaire survey. Among the Indians surveyed, more than 70% believe that India's military strength is stronger than China's. If the two countries start a war, India will attack from the west of Xinjiang and win a resounding victory, washing away the humiliation of 1962.

Foreigners were surprised at this statement, and most of them disagreed with it.

However, since the 21st century, Indian people's confidence in the world has not lasted for a day or two India now has several firsts: the world's most populous country, the world's most democratic country, and the world's fastest growing economy.

Admittedly, the rapid growth of Indian economy in recent years is the reason why Indians are so confident. The guard equipment of Indian land, sea and air forces has been in service, which makes Indian netizens look down on China's military strength.

Indian netizens even claimed that the Indian army is the first in Asia, the second is Japan, and the third is China. This ranking makes the outside world feel ridiculous.

However, in the eyes of Chinese netizens, there is no inevitable and irreconcilable conflict between China and India, because China's opponent has always been the world's hegemon, the United States.

As for India's hostility, there are reasons for the 1962 war, but more of them are wishful thinking.

So why do Indian netizens think India has a 70% victory rate over China? What is the intention behind the Indians regarding Kashgar in Xinjiang as a possible attack direction in the future war? Does the Indian government know the gap between China and India?

In India, self-confidence is a national culture

There are many researchers about the Indian's thought world, but most of them can't find the main clue. Foreigners also often find it difficult to understand the Indian's self-confidence.

As one of the famous "Oil Pipeline Five", India has a high sense of presence in the online world, and local netizens are extremely aggressive. It seems that India is the strongest in the world, and India has no friendly country, only rivals.

This mentality of Indians cannot find its source from the national culture, because Indian local culture is very "Buddhist", does not advocate struggle and confrontation, and lies flat.

The issue of India can be completely studied in "sociology", which reflects the psychological state of a small part of Indian society, especially better educated urban and middle and high caste Indians, rather than the real state of Indian folk.

However, until today, India is a country named by the United Nations for the worsening gap between the rich and the poor. There are 1.4 billion people in the country, half of whom are close to poverty, 300 million people are in poverty, and 100 million people are extremely poor and cannot eat.

On the other hand, India also has a modern group of 100 million people, who are the real mainstay of India Most of them are middle to high caste, educated, have stable income, and can speak fluent English.

This group is the top of the pyramid in Indian society and has a sense of superiority. They have a high attitude at home.

On the Internet, they also look down on anyone. They think that India's neighboring countries are not rivals, and Europe and the United States are their own goals, which will be surpassed sooner or later.

At home, the pride of Indian netizens is their social status. For foreigners, their confidence comes from India's so-called world achievements.

Since its independence, India has been expanding for a long time and dominating in South Asia. Only when it collided with China has it met with a wall.

Modern India is still living on its old foundation. These "martial arts" are presented every year for commemoration. Several generations of Indians are immersed in nationalism and "great Hinduism", and they are arrogant.

In addition to nationalism, India's development achievements after the founding of the People's Republic of China are often mentioned. India's development is relatively fast. At least in Asia, it was the second echelon after developed countries such as Japan and South Korea, stronger than surrounding Southeast Asia, South Asia, and even stronger than China.

In the past 20 years, India has entered the top 10 of the world's GDP. In addition to traditional industries such as automobiles and electronics, India's software industry has also achieved curve overtaking.

During this period, a large number of Indians moved from Asia to Europe and the United States, serving as the president of multinational enterprises. Many companies in the Silicon Valley of the United States were even "occupied" by Indians, and all middle and high levels were "curry oriented".

These achievements have been highlighted by Indian patriotic media. In the online war, Indian netizens are naturally confident - Indians do not pay attention to small countries, and Indians are unconvinced by big countries.

Of course, there is an exception to Indian pride, that is, China.

India has been playing with fire for half a century

China is the only country that has defeated India head-on after the founding of the People's Republic of India. China is also one of the few countries in the world that has comprehensively overwhelmed India economically. When Indians talk about China, they always look confused, unconvinced and helpless.

The biggest dispute between China and India was the war half a century ago - in 1962, India sent elite troops to take the initiative to launch an attack, but was defeated by the Chinese border guards in the Himalayas, which can be said to be humiliating.

As for the evaluation of the war, Indians went through two stages.

The first stage is to admit defeat and counsel, admit that there is a problem with their own strength, and change the status quo of India's military in a pragmatic way.

In the second stage, when India's military level improved, some people began to "sleepwalk" again. Both the military and political figures and the literary and artistic circles washed away the war of that year.

For example, the theory of China's sneak attack and the theory of "sea of people" tactics have become very popular in recent decades.

After the second stage of "brainwashing", India is now holding the belief that if there is another war, India will surely win, with a victory rate of 70%. Then China will retreat to the hinterland of the plateau, and the northern threat of India will disappear.

Now when we hear this argument, we must sneer at it, But at the end of last century, Indians did have this confidence.

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