Welding 5000 years ago? New archaeological discoveries in Sanxingdui reveal that human history has been destroyed many times

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Along the winding and beautiful Fujiang River, the ancient Yueliangwan Village is bathed in the sunset quietly. The farmers sweated heavily and returned home from work. One of the old farmers, Uncle Wu, was walking on the path with a lot of worries. This year's rice was attacked by insects again. I'm afraid the weather will be tight.
Suddenly, a strange light came into Uncle Wu's eyes. The light came from the ditch on the roadside, flashing like silver. Curiosity drove him to stumble into the ditch. Reach out and touch a cold hard object. When I picked it up, it turned out to be a piece of jade. The jade is as slender as jade, bright and exquisite.
Uncle Wu, his eyes shining, put the jade into his wallet and continued to grope in the ditch. After a while, he got something: a jade axe, a jade cong, and a jade man. Although it is wrapped in sand, it is hard to hide its treasures.
Looking at the jade articles in his hand, Uncle Wu was excited. How many nights he tossed and turned, he never dreamed that there was such a treasure hidden in ordinary ditches. They have been buried in the earth for thousands of years, just waiting for this moment to see the sun again and tell stories of a long time.
The news spread like wildfire. Jade articles were transported to the other side of the ocean and fell into the hands of American scholars. They marveled at the beauty of jade, and even more at their age.
In the spring of 1934, an archaeological team set foot on the land of Yueliangwan for the first time. When the spring wind blows, it turns the mountain green, softens the soil, and dispels the fog that has enveloped the thousand years. They began a journey of exploration in the direction of jade. The location is around Uncle Wu picking up jade. They named it Sanxingdui.
Sanxingdui, a name that has never been heard of, has been recorded in history since then. It is like a key, slowly opening a dusty door. Behind the door, there is a brilliant and mysterious world waiting for people to interpret it.
The handful of jade jade buried for thousands of years awakened the sleeping ancient Shu civilization. Since then, an ancient legend has unfolded before people's eyes.

Sanxingdui, the ancient name, first appeared in front of the world in the spring of 1934. With curiosity and longing, the archaeological team led by American scholars set up a tent on this mysterious land. They sifted through every pile of soil, hoping to find those hidden treasures for thousands of years.
However, this land does not seem willing to hand over its secrets easily. No matter how deep the shovels of the archaeological team dig, they get very little. Sanxingdui, like a silent elder, is silent.
As the years passed, the archaeological enthusiasm gradually cooled. Sanxingdui fell into a long silence again. Until 1986, the gears of fate turned again.
In that year, archaeological students from Sichuan University came to Sanxingdui. Their young eyes sparkled with enthusiasm for exploring the unknown. Teachers and students work side by side in this land.
Everything comes to him who waits. The No.1 sacrificial pit gradually showed its outline under their shovels. Excavated layer by layer, the pit is full of bright: thousands of gold and jade articles, countless bronze and stone articles, a dazzling array of people.
The young heart was pounding, and every heartbeat was a tremor across time and space. Holding treasures thousands of years ago, they seemed to hear the ancient call.
The more surprising discovery is still to come. The answer to the mystery was revealed in the sacrificial pit No. 2, and the earth shaking treasure was once again unveiled: thousands of ivory, more than 400 bronze figures, more than 50 gold masks, countless jade jade, jade cong... The golden splendor of the ancient Shu Kingdom reappeared in the dust.
Two sacrificial pits opened a time tunnel to ancient civilization. Those exquisite objects are like riddles waiting to be solved. They tell of a long forgotten kingdom, where there is incredible wisdom and skills.
The news spread like wildfire. The discovery of Sanxingdui, like a thunderbolt, exploded in the archaeological world. Scholars flocked to see the ancient kingdom.
However, surprise and doubt coexist. Why did this famous ancient country disappear from history? Why does it bury the most precious treasure, together with its glory, deep underground?
Sanxingdui stood silent amid all the conjectures. It uses silence to cover itself with a mysterious veil. The long past is indistinct in the clouds of time. Sanxingdui is still a mystery.

Among the many surprises of Sanxingdui, one discovery is particularly striking. Those are the 8 giant bronze trees unearthed from No.1 and No.2 sacrificial pits. They are up to 4 meters high, with thick trunks, nine strong branches and mysterious fruits hanging on their branches. Twisting and winding on the tree is a bronze dragon with its teeth flapping.
The archaeologists were lost in thought. These giant bronze trees are quite different from ordinary bronzes. They seem to tell an ancient legend, a dream of communication between man and God.
The Classic of Mountains and Seas, a wonderful ancient book, also records a magical tree. It is called "Jianmu". It grows in Jieshi Mountain in the north, up to 800 zhang high, with branches up to nine feet long and no leaves. According to legend, this giant tree connects the heaven and the earth, and is the channel for gods to come.
The bronze trees in Sanxingdui are so similar to the description in the Book of Mountains and Seas! They are all towering into the clouds, with strange branches, like a ladder to the sky, which makes people can't help thinking.
As far away as West Asia, the ancestors of ancient Babylon also dreamed of the dream of connecting to the sky. In their legend, the ancestors worked together to build the Babel Tower, a tower to the sky. They hope to take this opportunity to ascend to the heaven and stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods. However, this dream finally came to nothing, and the Babel Tower collapsed. Since then, human beings have spoken different languages and can no longer understand each other.
These similar myths seem to tell a common desire of human beings: in ancient times, people seemed closer to God. The ancestors tried to build a ladder to the sky to touch the clothes of the gods.
The bronze sacred tree in Sanxingdui is the portrayal of this dream. The ancestors of ancient Shu cast their imagination into bronze. Trees were their bridges to the heaven, and dragons were their gods.
However, the seeds of dreams were finally dispersed by the torrent of time. With the decline of Sanxingdui, the bronze tree was also buried underground, becoming a forgotten symbol. Thousands of years later, when they see the sun again, the meaning of the past has become blurred.
From generation to generation, human beings have looked up at the stars and kept asking questions. Those ancient legends are the ancients' exploration of the unknown and their thinking of their own existence.
The bronze trees in Sanxingdui witnessed this spiritual journey spanning thousands of years. Although they disappeared, the dream they once represented never stopped. On the way of exploration, mankind never stops.

The bronzes unearthed at Sanxingdui are not only in an astonishing number, but also in superb workmanship. Among them, the most amazing thing for modern people is the superb skill behind these bronzes - welding.
When archaeologists carefully examined these bronzes with X-ray scanning, an incredible fact emerged: the craftsmen of ancient Shu thousands of years ago had mastered the welding technology!

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