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The plot of Celebrating the Second Anniversary has collapsed! The male leader reduced his intelligence, the supporting actors changed their roles to play more and more, and the main line was a tiger's head and a snake's tail

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After the premiere of Qingyunian 2, it initially showed a trend of high popularity and poor reputation. As the plot unfolds, the voices of the major platforms are becoming louder and louder. The main point of the play is the collapse of the plot, the collapse of the people, the unclear main line, and the chaotic logic.

Among them, Fan Sizhe, played by Guo Qilin, is the most talked about. He opens a brothel to force a prostitute into a prostitute. Although it is described in the play that he does not know the truth, Baoyue Tower is a well-known brothel. Fan Sizhe, as the boss, only cares about making money and does not know the outside world. To some extent, he is grossly negligent in management and connivance. In order to escape responsibility, he is sent to overseas overnight, In this way, Fan Xian and his father also felt that Fan Sizhe was responsible for being far away from home, which made netizens speechless.

Fan Xian also reported the smuggling of the Second Prince and the First Princess to Emperor Qing. The development of the whole plot makes people call it a joke. Without demonstration, Fan Xian opened his mouth in front of the emperor and the princes and said that the second prince and the eldest princess were smuggling with the enemy.

When the emperor asked if there was any evidence, Fan Xian could not produce either personal evidence or material evidence, but also bravely made a gesture of asking for orders for the people. Later, the plot trend was even more absurd. Fan Xian started to check the evidence only after he reported that he had encountered difficulties due to lack of evidence. This story of forced reduction of intelligence made many netizens feel that their level had plummeted.

This family dinner drama of Fan Xian, Emperor Qing and several princes not only didn't show the audience that the male leader had power, but also made people think that the male leader was a bit retarded. To report in front of the Second Prince without taking evidence is to give others a chance to eliminate evidence? Is this what the man who is called the mastermind of the plot drama did?

In short, the audience did not see Fan Xian's intelligence in the play, but saw that the whole play had made illogical designs in order to show Fan Xian's intelligence.

This can not help but remind people that the Biography of Ruyi, which was turned out and repeatedly whipped some time ago, is also designed to make the protagonist "come out of the mud without being contaminated", so it has arranged many illogical and incomprehensible plots. The Biography of Ruyi has been denounced as "Big as Legend" due to the problem of the protagonist. Now, "Qingyunian 2" has also been denounced as "Big Easy Legend" by netizens.

The screenwriter is naturally responsible for the collapse of the plot. Wang Jui, the screenwriter of "Celebrating the Second Anniversary", can be called a "royal screenwriter" with the theme of conspiracy. Its screenwriter is characterized by more reversal, likes to add jokes in the plot, and feels a little light comedy. However, too much is too little. There are a lot of excessive and inappropriate jokes in Qingyunian 2, which will undoubtedly lower the seriousness of the conspiracy.

In addition, the appearance of many new characters in "Qingyunian 2", such as the Third Prince, Fan Wujiu and the Princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty, also more or less scattered the main plot. They all have "stems", which are not about the main line, but also reduce the seriousness of the conspiracy drama.

In his latest interview, Guo Qilin also mentioned the matter of "adding a stem". He said that he changed the last scene of the Baoyueluo scene. The original script was that he woke up the third prince. Instead, he acted in front of the third prince and pretended to sleep. In fact, before and after the change, there was no stem. Guo Qilin added a stem feeling.

In addition, Guo Qilin also mentioned that "we have a lot of brilliant ideas on the spot. The elder brother and sister-in-law have a lot of such ideas. We come to the scene through discussion. Everyone is special nice". The so-called "brilliant ideas" and "such ideas" are probably more complicated, to some extent, more dramatic.

Guo Qilin's revelations made everyone suddenly realize that it is no wonder that the main plot of "Celebrating the Second Anniversary" is not clear because of one stalk after another. It is all because of the "flash of inspiration" of the actors on the scene. Everyone wants to make a splash, so the plot is messed up. It is just that everyone in the play is a wrist and everyone wants to change the script.

A good work can not be separated from the collective wisdom, but the direction of collective wisdom should be the main line of the plot, such as the plot direction of "Qingyunian 2", not the comedy direction. The more comedies, the less machinations. The audience may not laugh because of the more stems, but they will complain because of the collapse of the plot. In this way, it is not unfair that the reputation of "Qingyunian 2" has collapsed.

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