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appeasement brings disaster! Camilla is happy too early. She supports Ross. The next step is to deal with her

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Kate has disappeared for five months. Now the media are not as enthusiastic about the Princess as they were, and they gradually give up pursuing the truth. This result was expected by William and the whole British royal family, because the Crown Princess was quietly withdrawing from the stage of history, leaving no trace, which was the best for them. First, the British royal family has maintained honor and reputation. Second, William can succeed to the throne and marry his favorite woman.

Kate is not the only loser in this royal infighting that has lasted for several months, and she can only say that the best play will come later. Camilla's plan and thoughts are known to all. She supports Rose all the way to the top, so that this noble woman can feel her sincerity. But after she ascends to the top, the first thing to deal with is the little girl, the queen.

Rose, who has been growing up in the aristocratic circle, is not simple. Her seemingly simple appearance is just an illusion. Otherwise, how can she let Kate down her guard and become a friend with her? It is not expected that she will lead the wolf into the house and make her become the third party between her and William. The dove occupies the nest of the magpie, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is her true face.

A pair of melancholy eyes, a face without ambition, and an aristocrat who is not familiar with the world, she let everyone down, including the scheming Camilla. When the public opinion subsided, she began to return to the front of the stage, starting her appearance and social journey. For her, these jobs are easy to handle without any pressure. Of course, she also took advantage of Camilla's east wind to brush off her sense of existence.

At the Marseille event site, she intentionally or unintentionally began to imitate Kate's style, wearing a blue suit and shirt of the same color, which seemed lazy and luxurious, and her ambition was self-evident.

This is exactly what Camilla wants to see. She wants to let Rose enter the royal circle early. She has two purposes. One is to give face to her future daughter-in-law and let her remember her well. Second, always remind Ross that she has the ability to understand the sky, and don't play tricks in front of her. After all, the direction of public opinion is in her hands.

Ross, who is ostensibly respectful to Camilla, actually doesn't like Camilla at heart. Although both of them are junior high, Camilla is far inferior to her in family background and glory. What's more, she and William are still young. The leader of the royal family will soon change his position, just sooner or later.

The moment Rose defeated Princess Kate, she did not intend to hide her desire for power. She was as gentle as ever to William, and did not give him any pressure, so that he had enough space and strength to deal with family chores. Externally, she followed the advice and consideration of the British royal family. After Kate disappeared, she also disappeared into the public's view immediately, completely without being sloppy.

The British royal family and William are very satisfied with her style and cleverness, which also confirms that she is the candidate for the future princess. Charles certainly does not care that she is a married woman. After all, he was the same in the past, and it seems not appropriate to stop her son.

Camilla doesn't mind much more. For her, if Rose really enters the door, it is William and Rose who will be blamed most by the public opinion, not her and Charles, because their extramarital affair is known all over the world. It is obvious that they are united to make Kate out of the game. If she adds more fuel to the story, even if Rose can be promoted, it will be a curse, Can't turn over for a long time.

When Camilla married Charles, she had been scolded by the public for more than 20 years, and hasn't won back her reputation until now?

Camilla's goal now is very simple. She can continue to support Rose and let her enter the door of the British royal family. She can use this opportunity to continue to hold her position as queen, because she knows that only when Rose blocks her in front, can she shift her eyes perfectly and become the biggest beneficiary.

It's a pity that Ross didn't follow her rhythm. Kate's influence is still there. She can't fall head on and be attacked maliciously for no reason. She has children and status. Why can't she wait more? It's not perfect that she will appear at the right time when Prince William has settled the royal family and made Kate disappear perfectly. In this way, her reputation will not be affected, and she will not be criticized in words and in writing. It does not take much time to get the throne of queen, which is not easy.

Why should she accept those innocent disasters and help Camilla to be a gun messenger? In fact, she has seen through the queen's mind, and with the spirit of not offending, she still has to try her best to cooperate with her official duties. There are many appearances and interactions.

In this process, Rose still got the help of her ex husband. Although their marriage had come to an end, the count husband loved her in every way and cooperated with her in all her activities. This is a classic scene. Rose and her husband joined hands to attend the Royal Family's activities, and their son was Charles Tolsto.

Camilla must be extremely dissatisfied with her failure to follow her own pace. She may have realized Rose's means, but what she did not know is that Kate does not have Rose's government. It is much harder than expected to deal with her daughter-in-law in the future.

It can only be said that the British royal family has never been short of gossip, and is full of bloody plots everywhere. I wonder who the next protagonist will be?

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