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My Altay is so popular that many people do not want to get involved. "Do the necessary work and earn the necessary money. Life is calm and busy."

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Viewpoint | Uncle Qiu Ye Editor | Nan Shannan Editor in chief | Morning

This is Uncle Qiu Ye's first two thousand three hundred and sixty Original articles

Shh! Don't talk, follow me and look down:

Just ask if you are beautiful? Do you want to travel there right away?

In fact, these beautiful scenes are all from the recent fire drama My Altay.

This drama was not only shortlisted in the main unit of the 7th Cannes TV drama competition, but also more than 120000 people scored 8.8 high points in Douban after the broadcast.

The audience who saw it said, "The stamina is so great that they would like to use every screenshot as wallpaper".

Of course, "My Altay" not only has the beauty of film texture, but also its plot is very excellent.

Let's introduce Lao Tie, who has not seen it yet. This play mainly tells the story of a young girl Li Wenxiu (Zhou Huan) who struggles to pursue her literary dream in a big city but fails, and has no choice but to return to his hometown Altay and his mother Zhang Fengxia (Ma Yili) to guard a small shop and live together.

It seems that Li Wenxiu and Zhang Fengxia's mother and daughter only get along on a daily basis, but the dialogue between them is worth repeating.

For example, Li Wenxiu was frustrated in pursuing his literary dream. When he returned to his mother, he tried to show that he was very useful, so he took the initiative to help her claim the money.

Want to be recognized by my mother when I get to the account: you see, although I'm clumsy, I'm still a useful person, right?

Mother said:“ What is useful? You were born to serve others

Look at the trees and grass on the grassland. Some people eat and others use them. They are useful. If no one uses them, they are useful It's also good to stay on the grassland like this. It's free, isn't it ?”

Another example is Li Wenxiu, who is angry and beats and kicks on the bed, but the bed suddenly collapses. With the fear of making mistakes, she weakly asks her mother for help: Mom, the bed collapses

Mother turned over and said:“ It's not that the sky has collapsed, but it can also affect my sleep?

Many netizens envy Li Wenxiu for having such a "treasure mother" as Zhang Fengxia: when a child is discouraged, he encourages her, and when she makes a mistake, she does not criticize her, but downplays it

After the popularity of My Altay, the audience had doubts about why it became popular?

It is obvious that there are a lot of TV dramas. The film quality pictures are filmed in Altay, Xinjiang. The production team strives for perfection

But it can't really explode without a person, Xinjiang writer Li Juan.

Because My Altay is based on her collection of essays of the same name, Li Wenxiu is more like Li Juan's incarnation, and her story seems to be about Li Juan herself.

Li Juan was born in an ordinary family in Xinjiang. Her mother is an agricultural technician of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

Until she was 5 years old, Li Juan still spoke poorly and was often laughed at by her friends. Slowly, she became an unsocial child and liked to stay at home alone and look at the outside world through the window.

Li Juan happened to see an old newspaper when she was just in primary school. She barely read the words she knew once, but unexpectedly formed a sentence that she could understand.

It seems that the person who wrote the words is infinitely close to me, only whispering to me ”。

From then on, Li Juan fell in love with reading. She read all the words in her family. After extensive reading, her Chinese composition was very good.

Once, her composition was read aloud in class by the teacher as a model, and she was praised "Li Juan, you can be a writer in the future."

Perhaps this was just a kind encouragement from the teacher, but Li Juan deeply remembered that she had become a girl pursuing the literary dream.

In the third grade of primary school, my mother had the idea of remarriage. She had two suitors, so she asked Li Juan to give her advice.

But a child didn't know about adults. She saw one of them had a whole shelf of books at home. In order to read more books, she encouraged her mother to choose the other one.

As a result, Li Juan got what she wanted, but her mother's marriage became a mess. Her stepfather was addicted to alcohol, and he also loved to brush wine crazily.

But reading did not bring any change to Li Juan as a child. She had poor grades when she entered high school and was treated differently by teachers; Don't like talking, being pushed and bullied by classmates; When I got home, my stepfather took the opportunity to make me drunk again

When it came to an English exam in senior three, Li Juan, as a poor student, made a short copy in advance, but accidentally landed on the classroom platform in the last few minutes before the exam.

Afraid of facing the teacher, she fled back to the dormitory and ran home with a roll of bedding.

In this way, Li Juan became a girl who dropped out of school, but she did not study but worried the family. What should the child do in the future.

But Li Juan herself is indifferent. She works with her mother. She still studies in her spare time and occasionally practices writing in her diary:

"Looking out of the window, the blue sky was heartbreaking. I couldn't help putting down the cloth, pinning the needle on the skirt, locking the door and going out."

When she was a little older, Li Juan left her mother and went to work in big cities to earn money. She worked as an assembly line worker, salesperson, cleaner

The working days were very hard, but she also did not forget her literary dream. She tried to take her own articles to contribute to Western China Literature.

Unexpectedly, I met Liu Liangcheng, a writer from Xinjiang. He admired Li Juan's writing very much.

The editor of the magazine questioned that Li Juan's article was copied, and Liu Liangcheng was Li Juan's platform:

"It can only be wild. Who does she want to copy? There is no such model in Chinese literature for her to copy."

Although the article was not published successfully, it was recognized by Liu Liangcheng, and Li Juan had greater confidence in writing.

Just as it happened, her mother asked the local night bus driver to find out about Li Juan's whereabouts and took her back to Altay.

After returning home, Li Juan finished the work assigned by her mother and spent the rest of her time reading and writing.

In 2000, Li Juan took care of her grandmother who fell down due to a stroke accident and completed the prose "Nine Snows" in front of her grandmother's hospital bed.

She tried to submit this article, but it was unexpectedly published in the mainstream literary magazine People's Literature.

Now, Li Juan became famous. In 2003, she was recommended to work in the propaganda department of Altay, Xinjiang.

With enough food and clothing, Li Juan was able to concentrate on creation. She recorded her family's daily life in Altay and wrote two collections of essays, "Altay Corner" and "My Altay".

This is the story of Li Wenxiu and the words that touched countless people:

Do the necessary work and earn the necessary money. Life is quiet and busy. But I know what I am holding back in the calm and busy... Such a body is not for fatigue, aging and hiding! Maybe once you really put yourself into the infinite freedom, what you get will not be "infinite freedom", but timidity and bewilderment. I am no longer young, but far from old. Thousands of hairs are growing and several wounds are healing.

In 2010, Li Juan's My Altay was successfully published and won the "Moutai Cup" People's Literature Award.

Although the work of Altay's propaganda department is easy and comfortable, Li Juan prefers to go around. After five years of work, she left the system and went to the south to wander.

By chance, Li Juan saw the recruitment of a non fiction creation plan of the People's Daily, and she resolutely signed up to participate.

Relying on her previous works, Li Juan successfully got creative sponsorship and returned to Xinjiang to experience life.

She first followed Kazakh herdsmen to the pastures of Siji, and then followed Juma's family to the winter pastures. She lived in a cave one meter deep underground for more than three months.

During this journey, Li Juan began to re-examine her hometown, and successively created Winter Pasture, Sheep Path, and Distant Sunflower Field

In 2018, Li Juan's The Distant Sunflower Field won the Lu Xun Literature Prize.

Later, her work was noticed by the film and television industry, which led to the popular drama My Altay that we see now.

This year, Li Juan is 44 years old and no longer lives in Xinjiang. However, many people still fall in love with Xinjiang after reading her works and want to visit Altay.

After My Altay became popular, some people said the reasons why they liked it:“ In the age of material desires, reading their stories, let us who are busy with the night road also find that the moon is really beautiful.

Is this the charm of Li Juan's works?

From "The Distant Sunflower Field", "The Winter Pasture", "The Summer Pasture" to "The Corner of Altay", Li Juan wrote not only the harsh and monotonous life of grassland people, but also the self struggling to pursue the literary dream.

But in her writing, there is no coldness, no depression, but with the beauty of life and love of life, which is what we lack at the moment

From a girl who dropped out of school to a writer who won the Lu Xun Prize for Literature, although Li Juan has written many works, she has actually been writing about herself. She is also known to more people by adapting My Altay.

In fact, in our private class of autumn leaf book writing, many students are By writing their own life experience, write their own professional accumulation and successful book, and then expand their influence.

For example, teacher Liu Yiyi, a lawyer, fights in court during the day, takes care of children at night, and can persist in writing in her spare time.

Some time ago, she wrote her years of experience in time management into a book called "Becoming a Time Management Expert", and won the first place in the five lists as soon as she was listed.

Chen Qianxun, a teacher, loved reading when she was young, and she never stopped growing up. Not long ago, she wrote her reading experience into Let Children Love Reading, and won the first good result in the third ranking of Dangdang when she was listed. She was also invited to share by the kindergarten head.

There is also teacher Wang Jing. She recognized that the new media industry is the wind, and worked hard to improve her writing ability. She wrote many 10w+and 100w+articles on the 10 o'clock reading platform.

Some time ago, she turned her new media writing experience into New Media Copywriting, and got the first place in the fourth list when she was listed. She was also invited by her peers to share her experience in the community.

In our private class of writing books in Autumn Leaf, many students turned the accumulation of the past 10 years into a book. They did not need to chase traffic, but still made a brand in their familiar fields. This is the path that ordinary people can control.

You must remember this time ——In our private class of writing books in autumn, we have helped 225+ Ordinary people have successfully published books. The results are in front of us, so don't talk big. If you have any doubts, please scan the code for details~

Title: Li Wenxiu in a trance

a literary creation: Produced by Qiuye AI Design and Realization Camp (Midjourney5.2)

Prompt (AI prompt word): In the spring of Xizang, there is snowcapped mountain in background and green grassland with yellow wildflowers on ground nearby. A beautiful girl sits quietly among flowers, enjoying warm sunshine. The distant forested mountains create an endless scenery that adds to its beauty., --ar 86:57

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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