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The last days of Liu Shaoqi's imprisonment in Kaifeng

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Source: Home of the Old Educated Youth

Lawyer Jing Lai's Guide

Li Yonghu, a retired cadre of Hubei No.2 Electric Machinery Factory, once participated in the famous Shangganling Campaign. After returning to China after the War of Resistance against American Aggression and Aid for Korea, he successively served as platoon leader of a reserve division in Henan, vice captain, captain and instructor of the 7th Squadron of the 3rd Detachment of Henan Public Security Corps, and returned to his hometown in Xianning, Hubei Province in 1978.

During his tenure as instructor of the 7th Squadron of the 3rd Detachment of Henan Public Security Corps, Li Yonghu was once ordered to guard Chairman Liu Shaoqi who was imprisoned in Kaifeng. When talking about this past event, the old man Li Yonghu, who is now faltering, looked helpless. With a complex mood, he told a sad story that was rarely known in that special era. (Jlls)

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My heart is in tears when I execute the "urgent task"

On the afternoon of October 17, 1969, we received a task: one of the "key objects" under the central government's review will be transferred to Kaifeng that night, and the local public security will be asked to assist in escorting and guarding after getting off the plane.

The order came in a hurry. At that time, we did not know who the "key review object" was, but vaguely felt that this person might be unusual. At that time, I led several police officers to get ready, and soon came to Kaifeng Airport to wait.

At about 9:30 p.m., an Il-14 aircraft landed quietly on the apron of Kaifeng Airport. After waiting for a long time, we and several medical staff hurriedly boarded the gangway of the aircraft, entered the aircraft and came to the rear of the engine room. There was a stretcher in the back cabin, on which lay a white haired, skinny old man.

For some reason, the old man in front of him did not wear clothes, even trousers, shoes and socks, but was wrapped in a pink quilt with a white sheet outside. The old man had a nasal feeding tube in his nose, a sputum aspirator in his throat, and an infusion tube on his arm. His thin face was very pale, without a trace of blood. He lay quietly on the stretcher, as if without much energy, but from his weak breath, he was still alive.

We carried the stretcher off the plane with the medical staff, and then I looked at the old man on the stretcher carefully by moonlight. Looking at it, I suddenly felt that I had seen this face somewhere before. I suddenly found: Isn't this our chairman Liu Shaoqi? I was stunned, and all the people who accepted the "task" were stunned, but no one made a sound, and everyone just looked at the old man in front with questioning eyes.

At that time, we knew that Chairman Liu Shaoqi had been defeated, but we did not expect that he would become like this. A burst of sadness came to everyone's heart. Soon, the stretcher was carried onto the prepared ambulance. Three doctors and nurses from Beijing and Li Taihe, the former guard chief of Liu Shaoqi, joined us in the ambulance. On the dark night road, the ambulance rushed to the city.

The place where Liu Shaoqi was imprisoned in Kaifeng, Henan

We have lost our "freedom" due to the heavy security

The ambulance was arranged by one of Lin Biao's cronies in Henan at that time, crossed Nanshi Street and drove into the small courtyard of the first building of Kaifeng "Revolutionary Committee". During the Kuomintang period, the Tongheyu Bank in Kaifeng was located in this small courtyard. The yard is secluded and gloomy, completely isolated from the outside. Chairman Liu Shaoqi was placed in the inner room of a suite on the ground floor of the West Building near the south end. At that time, there was nothing in the room except a small bed and a table.

From that night on, inside and outside the small yard, "as if facing a big enemy", the security was tight. The fence of the yard is tall and solid, and is covered with rows of power grids. Only one channel with an iron gate can enter and exit. There are watchtowers at the gate, sentries outside, and guards inside. The guard task we performed is called "Task 17" (because Liu Shaoqi arrived in Kaifeng on October 17). At that time, while carrying out our tasks, we also lost our "freedom" - not allowed to go out, not allowed to write letters, not allowed to have any form of contact with family members, relatives and friends, and all of them were guaranteed by party spirit and life.

In fact, we are also under house arrest and cannot contact the outside world. There, all the staff were in a low mood. The repressed atmosphere made everyone's faces smile less. There was no talk between us anymore, but only silent care and defense. We have no contact with the outside, and the guard outside the wall is also ignorant of the situation inside the wall. They would not have thought that the President of the People's Republic of China was the one who guarded them every day.

At that time, we had a platoon of personnel working in this special "prison" to guard. Two warning lines were set up at the entrance of the passageway equipped with iron doors and Liu Shaoqi's bedroom, as well as double sentry beds for monitoring 24 hours a day and night. The security was really tight. On the first night, I participated in the nursing. I remember that after everything was settled, Chairman Liu Shaoqi slowly opened his eyes. He glanced around as if he were wondering where this was.

He may not know that this is the ancient city of Kaifeng, which he visited with enthusiasm 11 years ago. However, this time to Kaifeng, things have changed. Chairman Liu Shaoqi looked around, said nothing and slowly closed his eyes. The pain and weakness had left the old man with little strength to think. What was ridiculous was that the guarding measures at that time were just for such a dying old man who was seriously ill! In retrospect, it is really meaningless.

All the people in Beijing were withdrawn, and we took over the custody

There was no glass in the house where Chairman Liu Shaoqi lived, and the cold wind in late autumn blew on Liu Shaoqi's weak body. On the night of his arrival in Kaifeng, Liu Shaoqi had a relapse of pneumonia. His fever was 39 degrees Celsius and he vomited badly. However, Lin Biao's partner in Henan reported that "everything is fine and there is no abnormal change in his condition."

Liu Shaoqi, who was ill, needed medicine, but was instructed not to use all the medicine brought by Beijing; Some of those prepared by Henan will be returned; It is forbidden to buy outside. As a result, the medical team equipped for Liu Shaoqi completely lost its role, let alone treatment.

It was not until November 5 that Liu Shaoqi developed a high fever again. After two days of rescue, his temperature dropped to 37.2 degrees Celsius. At that time, people around Liu Shaoqi said that although he didn't speak, he was still a little conscious, especially with treatment. It seemed that he would insist on living and wanted to live

On November 6, the day after Liu Shaoqi's fever subsided, all the people who came from Beijing were ordered to withdraw, and none of them were allowed to stay. Before leaving, the members of the "Liu Shaoqi Task Force" specially went around the crematorium and said, "Don't die in our hands." Then they "admonished" us, saying, "We should stimulate hatred for Liu Shaoqi and preserve living evidence." Since then, the custody and medical work of Liu Shaoqi have been completely entrusted to the Kaifeng Garrison, the public security and other departments.

Although they all received class education and confidentiality education of "hatred", they were still very surprised that what they saw and heard was far from what the newspaper said was "the most insidious, vicious, cunning and vicious class enemy". What we see is a dying old man who is skinny, dying of disease, lives on nasal feeding, has no good blood vessels, only seven teeth left, and has no strength to say a word.

Steadily wipe away tears, we cover him with a white sheet

Chairman Liu Shaoqi can't say a word with his eyes closed every day. He lay quietly on the bed, only making a faint breath that could not be heard without listening carefully. Because we can't eat, our guards often help the medical staff to inject liquid food from the nasal feeding tube to maintain his life.

In addition to regular liquid food, he also helped him turn over regularly. Apart from these, we can do nothing. He didn't say a word, not even a moan. Maybe he is thinking about something, maybe he is silent confrontation. In those absurd years when black and white were reversed and right and wrong were confused, Liu Shaoqi, in silence, protested silently every day.

Liu Shaoqi, who lost his ability to take care of himself and gradually came to the edge of life, became worse without effective treatment and care. At that time, he didn't have a family member beside him, nor did he know where his wife and children were and what they were going through. He only knew that there was close surveillance, like a shadow, following him from morning to night. Some of us once proposed to let our relatives come to see us, perhaps the last time, but none of us was able to make decisions at that time.

On the evening of November 10, Liu Shaoqi had a high fever for the third time, and his temperature climbed again and again. The thermometer was taken out five hours later, and his temperature was 39.7 degrees Celsius. The medical staff were limited to the medical level and conditions, and were not familiar with the medical history, so they had to treat pneumonia. Because he was not allowed to be sent to the hospital for rescue, Liu Shaoqi's lips turned purple late at night. He nodded and opened his mouth to breathe, but the oxygen inhalation did not change. The light reaction of his two pupils disappeared, and his temperature reached 40.1 degrees Celsius.

However, the nurse on duty still used the medicine according to the original prescription. At 6:40 the next morning, she found that the situation was not good and hurriedly called other medical staff to rescue her. However, it was too late. At 6:42, all the medical staff arrived; Three minutes later, at 6:45 on November 12, 1969, a heart that had suffered too much pressure stopped beating.

Before Liu Shaoqi died, I found that there was a hard plastic bottle in his hand, which had been shaped into a gourd by him. I secretly wiped away the tears from my eyes and covered the body of Liu Shaoqi, the president of our Republic, with a white sheet.

Cremate "highly infectious patients"

Before Liu Shaoqi died, he had no relatives. His wife and children had no idea of his whereabouts for several years. It was not until 1972 after Lin Biao fled that Wang Guangmei learned that Liu Shaoqi had died three years ago. After the death of Chairman Liu Shaoqi, his body was transferred to the basement.

At midnight on the 15th, Liu Shaoqi's body was loaded into a jeep. Since the car body could not accommodate his tall body, his legs and feet were exposed outside the car. At this time, the crematorium had already been informed that there was a "highly infectious patient" who wanted to be cremated tonight, and only two crematories were allowed to be left.

The "hearse" slowly marched on the streets of the ancient city, without any ceremony or presence of any relatives, and a president of the country disappeared silently from this chaotic world. At the same time, all his remains in Kaifeng were also burned. The rest is only a certificate for the deposit of ashes, on which the name is written: Liu Weihuang; Occupation: Unemployed. And someone pretended to be Liu Shaoqi's son "Liu Yuan" and went through the formalities of deposit.

Liu Shaoqi's ashes were packed in an ordinary wooden casket temporarily bought from a store, and sent to the ashes storage room of Kaifeng crematorium after payment. Then, the "task force" announced the discipline that none of us should disclose information.

In February 1980, the fourth year after the end of the "Cultural Revolution", the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee completely rehabilitated Chairman Liu Shaoqi and restored his reputation. After 14 years of sleeping, the biggest injustice in the history of New China was finally cleared.

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