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Take 80 million dollars less just to help Harden! The top three will be dissolved, but it is you who should go

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Since the regular season of the NBA this season, it indicates something extraordinary. The Western Thunder and the Timberwolves rose to the top, the Eastern Knicks came from behind to take the second place, and the Magic also welcomed the counter attack. In the playoffs, 76 people+Heat+Bucks in the east will be out early; The Warriors, the four major teams in the western region, missed the playoffs. The Suns were swept 4-0 by the Timberwolves, the Lakers were eliminated 4-1 by the Nuggets, and the Clippers were defeated 4-2 by the Lone Rangers. However, the journey of defending the Nuggets' championship was even more difficult. The young Timberwolves can force the Nuggets into a tiebreak. It can only be said that the new generation has risen rapidly and begun to dominate the league. For the teams that have bid farewell to this season, the Lakers' coach selection+re built the team around thick eyebrows, and still want to keep James; Budenholze, the new coach of the Sun, is on the top. Booker can't go, Durant has nowhere to go, and Bill can't send him out. Perhaps the most uncomfortable is the Clippers.

When analyzing the Clippers' operation and the team's future this summer, the US media used a word: change is urgently needed! In fact, after Harden came to the Clippers, from the first six consecutive defeats, to the victory rate of more than 80% in December and January, to the first place in the western region in early February, to the last two months, his record fell all the way, and finally anchored the fourth. The first round was out regretfully. Harden's work has been completed perfectly. Harden doesn't care about the data in the regular season, but he has an average of 16.6 points, 8.5 assists and 61.2% of the true hit rate, The efficiency value is higher than that of the Rockets, but the number of shots is less than half! In the playoffs, Harden averaged 26 points and 7 assists in the first four games, and hit 54.1%+50% in both events. In the words of the Clippers' reporter Aisnashari, no one could imagine that Harden was the best performer in the Clippers' playoffs, and others could not count on it!

Until the last two games, Harden was exhausted, but Harden originally came to hold Leonard and George's thighs for the crown. Unexpectedly, he became a thigh. When he was slightly depressed, the Clippers surrendered! First of all, the combination of Ka+Harden+George is absolutely one of the three strongest players in the league in health. For three reasons, Leonard ranked first in the league with an average of 1.2 points each time in singles this season, while Harden scored 1.13 points each time, ranking second over De Rozan, Alexander, Murray and others! In addition, the Clippers ranked first in the league in terms of victory rate+offensive efficiency+two hit rates in 70 days from the end of November to the beginning of February last year! Harden's control of the field, Leonard's main defense+attack end, and George's projection efficiency of opening space, the three giants complement each other without weaknesses!

At the beginning of January, Clippers and Leonard suddenly completed a three-year contract renewal of $149.6 million, which was very low because Leonard could insist on asking for the top salary of $230 million for four years. One year later, he received $80 million less! But the reason why Leonard cut his salary is for Harden: limit George's contract salary ceiling, and strive for more space for Harden, so that Harden can stay on the Clippers! It's good for Leonard to have such determination, but the key is that after playing the last game in the regular season on April 1, 25 days later, he finally played in the playoffs, getting 15 points, 7 rebounds and 9 points, 9 rebounds and 4 mistakes! In the words of the Clippers reporter, Leonard still wants to play in the future, but the management and the coaching team are reluctant to let Harden and George lead the team, and the results are acceptable.

First of all, we can be sure that the disintegration of the three Clippers is almost a foregone conclusion! Barbecue Sister has repeatedly revealed that Clippers is only willing to offer George a contract of $100 million for two years or $120 million for three years, and 76 people, including Magic, have a top salary space to recruit George! George is also over 34 years old. This is the last big contract in his career. The championship is like a moon in the mirror, but the money is real! Secondly, the American media can't see Harden's efforts every year, but the American media can remember Harden's failure every year. In the words of analyst Huges, Harden's next contract may only have the first year of security to prevent him from sliding too fast or becoming unhappy again. Really blame Harden? Harden chose the right road, but who would have thought that every road has a pit? From Durant Owen to Enbid and then to Karzai, can you blame Harden?

In fact, it's not George or Harden who should go! Leonard won the championship at the Raptors in the summer. From killing 76 people to crying Enbid, to making two to four in the east, to defeating the Warriors in the finals, Leonard was really helpless. But was he healthy when he came to the Clipper? In five years, Leonard played 28 playoffs on behalf of the Clippers, especially since the summer of 22, he has played only 4 playoffs! The salary of Clippers is the top two in the league every year, second only to the Warriors. The original 3D of Xiaomo, Bartum and Covington, a large number of super strikers, have become old, and have been sent away for Harden. Leonard still can't keep healthy. Why is he worth the efforts of Clippers every year, and what is the expectation of the outside world for him? Can only be the annual "Off season Champion".

George or Harden, in fact, they may not have enough ceiling, but they really tried! In George's words, for the championship, he can pay the price of one leg, even willing to sacrifice my knee! This is the best reply to Leonard! According to the analysis of American media, the Clippers are faced with a choice: either continue to believe in Leonard and try to keep Harden, or completely overthrow and start again. It is Leonard who should go. But with Leonard's physical condition, can the league still trust his team? Unless an extreme possibility, join Celtic and play only in the playoffs.

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