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My mother refused to lend me money when I was short of 80000 yuan when I bought the house. I broke up with anger and found out the truth five years later

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It was in the early 1990s in Beijing. Although it has gradually left the era of planned economy, people's lives are still simple. The three members of Uncle Li's family live in a small flat, barely maintaining the most basic living standard. Uncle Li worked as a worker in a state-owned enterprise, and his income was low; His wife does housework at home, and his son, Xiao Li, is only a junior high school graduate.

Xiao Li has been taught by his mother to be diligent and thrifty since he was young, and has an almost sensitive reverence for money. He is an introverted and hardworking child. Although his family is poor, he never complains but works harder. Xiao Li knows that only through his own hands can the status quo be changed.

"Mom, I want to buy a house, but now I still need a down payment of 80000 yuan." Xiao Li summoned up courage to speak to his mother.

Mother frowned: "80000 yuan? That's not a small amount. Your father's salary is only a few hundred yuan. How can we get so much money for you?"

"Yes, I know that you are indeed in financial difficulties. But if you lend it to me, I will pay you back when I earn money in the future." Xiao Li pleaded.

The mother's face became serious: "Xiao Li, you should think twice before you act. Buying a house is not a trivial matter, and you must weigh it carefully. Money is very important, but you must not force yourself beyond your ability."

Anger and unwillingness began to stir in Xiao Li's heart. He clenched his fists and said to his mother firmly, "Mom, since you are not willing to support me, OK, I will earn the 80000 yuan by myself! From now on, we will divide the family property, and you and I will not owe each other!"

In this way, Xiao Li left home completely and rented a small but affordable rental house. The days of living independently are not easy. He has to learn to cook and wash clothes by himself, and he has to budget every penny carefully. As he worked very hard, he often worked late to get home. However, in order to save enough money as soon as possible, he never complained, but worked harder.

In my hometown, my mother lived a poor but peaceful life. She thinks of her son every day, and has mixed feelings. On the one hand, she was shocked and sad for her son's refusal; On the other hand, she also hopes that her son can adhere to his own ideals and pursuits. She believes that as long as her son is willing to bear hardships, his dream will come true one day.

Sometimes, the mother would take out the old photos of her son when he was a child and stare at the innocent smiling face on them, and tears would appear in her eyes. She secretly hoped that her son would know how to cherish family ties and not hurt this precious friendship for the sake of a temporary impulse.

One year later, Xiao Li didn't go home for the Spring Festival. Mother called to ask him to come back for reunion, but Xiao Li refused without hesitation.

"You were just too stubborn to understand my situation! Now I have no home, and I don't need to go back!" said Xiao Li angrily.

Mother was speechless and could only sigh. Since then, there has been no contact between them.

Year after year, Xiao Li works outside, and his mother grows old in her hometown. Sometimes Xiao Li would dream of his mother, who was sitting alone on the kang with white hair all over her head. A trace of guilt will rise in his heart, but he will soon be oppressed by the heavy pressure of work.

Just five years after Xiao Li left home, an unexpected phone call broke the deadlock between them.

Xiao Li's brain went blank and rushed back to his hometown at a loss. Sure enough, when he saw his father's lifeless face, his heart felt as if it had been hollowed out by Shengsheng.

Outside the ward, Xiao Li finally reunited with his mother. Both of them were shocked by the change of each other's appearance: Xiao Li was unkempt and looked like a skeleton; The mother's hair was white and her face was bloodless.

Xiao Li looked at his mother's old face and burst into tears. For five years, he has been evading this day and facing the blame of his family. But now, when the threat of separation came, he realized how naive and ridiculous he was.

Finally, in the critical emergency, mother and son regret the past and decide to make up again. Xiao Li hugged his mother and cried bitterly.

At that moment, both of them seemed relieved. They realized that the bonds of kinship were so precious that no money could buy them.

On the day when mother and son met again, a shocking fact finally surfaced. It turned out that the reason why mother refused to lend money to Xiao Li was not because she was stingy, but because she was helpless.

Many years ago, my mother had to borrow a lot of money from relatives and friends in order to cure Xiao Li. Although Xiao Li finally recovered, the usury debt carried by his family made his mother grieve. She has been secretly trying to repay her debts for fear of falling into debt again.

When Xiao Li proposed to borrow money to buy a house, his mother was in fact struggling. She understood her son's wish, but was unable to help. She had to refuse, even though it would hurt her son's feelings. But Xiao Li was completely in the dark about his mother's intentions.

When the truth came out, Xiao Li seemed to be hit hard, and the whole person was stunned. He never thought that his mother should make such a huge sacrifice for herself. But he doubted and hurt her, which made her suffer in these five years.

Xiao Li's heart was filled with endless remorse and pain, and he finally realized how terrible his selfishness and ignorance were. He held his mother's hand tightly, tears streaming down his face.

Facing her son's crying, the mother just smiled and shook her head. She gently stroked Xiao Li's cheek in a soothing and firm tone.

"Silly child, you don't need to blame yourself. As a mother, you should make all the sacrifices for your child. I didn't want to embarrass you because I was hiding the truth. You are my greatest pride. I am very pleased to see you work so hard."

"I just didn't expect that you would break your heart. But it doesn't matter. Now that we all understand, let this past experience become a lesson in life."

As she spoke, her eyes filled with tears, but her smile was still warm. Looking at his mother, Xiao Li had mixed feelings, but he was more moved and shocked.

Through this experience, Xiao Li finally realized the value of family love. Family love is not taken for granted, but should be cherished and protected with actions. A good mother is willing to make any sacrifice for her children; And a good son should repay his mother's kindness with gratitude and filial piety.

Xiao Li secretly made up his mind that no matter how hard he worked in the future, he would always care about his mother and let her be carefree from now on. The mother's eyes when looking at her son are also full of pride and comfort.

The root of all these contradictions is the lack of communication. If mother and son could communicate more, there would not be so many misunderstandings and injuries. Xiao Li realized that communication is the cornerstone of building mutual trust, whether among family members or among people. Only by being honest can we avoid unnecessary contradictions and injuries.

The mother's tolerance for her son also gave Xiao Li great inspiration. Everyone makes mistakes. The key is to understand the situation of others with empathy. Although the mother was hurt by her son, she still completely forgives him and uses love to resolve all barriers. It is this selfless love that allows the family to repair.

Xiao Li vowed that he would learn to embrace people around him with a broader mind and treat everyone with love and empathy. Only in this way can he really become a responsible man.

After experiencing this major turn in life, Xiao Li's life has also undergone earth shaking changes.

Xiao Li began to learn how to manage money and distribute the money reasonably, so as to avoid falling into the mire of money again. He also gradually changed his habit of pursuing material things and paid more attention to the quality of life and the maintenance of interpersonal relationships.

The pace of life slowed down, but Xiao Li felt unprecedented enrichment and happiness. His world is no longer limited to money, but has more beautiful things to decorate.

The relationship between Xiao Li and his mother also began to rebuild in an all-round way. He not only often went back to his hometown to visit his mother, but also sent her to the city to live with him.

Whenever his mother recalls the pain of the past, Xiao Li always takes the initiative to hug her and sincerely asks for forgiveness. And my mother always said magnanimously, "Let bygones be bygones, and now we should cherish the present."

Gradually, the wounds and estrangement of those years were completely healed and replaced by deep affection and attachment. The mother's body is getting worse and worse, but her eyes are shining again because she knows she has the most beloved son in the world.

The way of life is always cloudy and sunny, but as long as you have good intentions and mutual understanding, you will find the way to the bright. Xiao Li has such experience.

He often looks at his mother's peaceful sleeping face in the dead of night, and his heart is filled with a beautiful vision of the future.

He hoped that he could always become a strong dependence of his mother and repay her with filial piety. He also hopes that in the future, he can get married and start a business, run this small family well with his wife, and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

More importantly, he hopes to pass on this precious friendship from generation to generation, making it shine through generations and become the most precious legacy of life.

Yes, there is still a long way to go in life, but as long as there are relatives, nothing is impossible to overcome. Xiao Li is full of confidence in the future, because he knows that as long as he is with his mother, where is the home.

As my mother often said, the old saying goes, "Riches and nobles cannot be obscene, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot be subdued". Family love is always the most reliable return in life and the source of strength for us to get through any difficult time. With this power, we can confidently move towards the future and meet all challenges.

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