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2024.5.18 Entertainment information: Delireba, Xiao Zhan, Zhao Liying, Yang Zi, Yang Chaoyue

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1、 Entertainment news:

1. Delireba is going to represent the Dungeon and Warriors mobile tour, and the materials have been photographed.

2. The modern drama "Breaking the Moon" produced by Youku is in contact with men and women: Song Weilong and Sun Qian.

3. The ancient costume drama Sifang Pavilion, starring Tan Jianci and Zhou still, is temporarily scheduled to go online in the summer.

4. The modern drama Sniper the Butterfly produced by Youku is tentatively scheduled to be hosted by Chen Yanxi and Zhou Keyu.

5. Li Hongyi's ancient magic fairy tale drama "Hundred Thousand Crazy Flowers Come to Dream" started on July 15, and Zheng Hehuizi will also participate in it.

6. Li Bingbing next has a cover of Vogue magazine published in July, and the materials have been photographed.

2、 Eating melons:

Pop up, is Tian Xiwei going to be sexy now?

Tian Xiwei recently announced a big endorsement - the spokesperson of Weimi Youth, which really makes people see! In fact, this endorsement is not unusual. The key is that the publicity spots are praising her for her good figure. It is obvious that Tian Xiwei is a walking hanger when she puts on those dresses.

Since last year, the dresses she attended all show her figure, which makes people know that this girl is not only sweet, but also has material! Although some people say that she may have to change her sexy route, I think she should continue to run on the road of sweet girls for the time being. But then again, the competition among the post-95 young women is so fierce, and the post-00 young sisters are eyeing, so Tian Xiwei thinks it is normal to have multiple development paths.

It's said that the underwear endorsement started last year. It seems that Tian Xiwei's body charm is not covered, and even the underwear brand has been attracted. Although we talked about it several times last year, we didn't succeed, but in the end, we were defeated. This is not a bad thing!

3、 Gossip:

1. Zhao Liying won't go to Cannes any more. She is very stubborn. She was very uncomfortable when she and Yang idem were used to stir up the popularity of "Soy Sauce Lane" before, so she refused the invitation this time. After the release of "Qiao Yan's Worries" and "The Road of the Tiger and the Wolf" starring her, she will focus more on marketing.

2. The singer's advertising quotation is 90 million yuan in 15 seconds, but there is no market and no brand to buy it.

3. Guo Biting can fight for three babies, so this time in Sister Lang, she didn't dare to do some difficult movements, for fear of hurting her body, which is still recuperating for pregnancy.

4. Yang Zi can move her feet to the back of her neck. She has demonstrated this skill in variety shows.

5. Big S showed the urine test results of himself and his sister. He had been reported for drug abuse before and wanted to clean himself up on the social platform. Although most netizens still didn't buy it, the matter was settled anyway.

6. Chen Feiyu has always had a special staff around him to guide him to speak and do things. Although his parents arranged this, it was also for his good, but he always felt that the other party's existence was to "monitor" him, making it inconvenient for him to do anything. Therefore, he has a strong resistance psychology now, and sooner or later will break out.

7. Yang Chaoyue's current registered permanent residence is in the community of Tomson Yipin in Shanghai. In other words, she bought a house there.

8. "Celebrating the Second Anniversary" bought a hot search to hype Zhang Ruoyun's and Mao Xiaotong's cp. The two of them had a strong sense of cp. What's more, some people have always been confused between Mao Xiaotong and Tang Yixin. Now they think it is a real couple filming, and they are more happy.

9. Xiao Zhan had two plans to study abroad. The first time he graduated from college, the second time he was 19 years old. However, he failed to win a lawsuit with his former company in 19 years.

10. Lin Yichen has recently started her activities in the mainland again. Her "We Are Not Good enough" has attracted her a lot of fans. This time, the runner invited her to come here to raise the audience rating. The Mango TV station next door, "Singer", has become popular. Blue TV has a lot of pressure. Several variety shows are changing their ways to find traffic and popularity.

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