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Unofficial data: Iron Fist 8 has the most players on PC

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The user "NotQuiteFactual" of Reddit forum collected and shared some data about Iron Fist 8. According to his statistics, PC platform is the favorite platform for users of Iron Fist 8, with more players than PlayStation and Xbox.

"NotQuiteFacial" collects data for at least 3-4 days, based on the number of video playback. Although there is no official data, it can at least be used as a benchmark. The other most popular role is Jin, followed by King, Reina and Kazuya.

At present, there are some problems in Iron Fist 8, and some characters are obviously more powerful by conscious shaping. With the update of the latest patch, the bugs in the game have become worse. However, Iron Fist 8 is successful, at least on the PC platform.

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