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Five people missed four baskets, four missed free throws, two mistakes, and six empty seats! Xinjiang can't blame the referee

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On May 17, Beijing time, the Liaoning men's basketball team encountered a 15:3 wave, only one step away from the defeat. Xinjiang was near success, and this time it was no wonder that the referee.

In the second match between Liaoning and Xinjiang, the attitude and intensity that the final should have had were finally achieved. However, at the most critical and important moment, Xinjiang once took the lead of Liaoning men's basketball team with a wave of 15-3 astonishing turnovers, but they did not seize the opportunity, and finally fell in front of the finish line.

Compared with the first game, the Xinjiang team played very well, but when the opportunity was presented, Xinjiang could not grasp it. Qiu Biao's biggest worry has come true. There is no gap in strength between the two sides, but there is a gap in experience.

Looking directly at the fourth quarter of the game, Xinjiang team could have won, but why didn't it win in the end? In fact, Abdul Shalam completed 2+2 at that time. After he missed the shot and then made up the basket to catch up, Jilin hit two free throws and Xinjiang rebounded at 80:82. But then they were hit by the opposite side in a 15:2 wave.

In the most important rounds, the Xinjiang team did not play well at all. At that time, Jones of the Xinjiang team made a three-point iron strike, and then came back to fight back and was directly robbed by Ferg, wasting the opportunity for two consecutive rounds. Zhang Zhenlin took the opportunity to hit three points, and Liaoning completed the goal. It's not over yet. Jones dribbles the ball and Ferguson steals it. He is broken for two consecutive rounds. Fu Hao scores 2+1 and Liaoning scores 6 points. What else will he play in this game?

Jones really committed a crime for three consecutive rounds. Liaoning missed three points of his big vacancy, and he really didn't make it. Then came the disastrous three points of the Xinjiang team, three points of Huang Rongqi and three points of Qi Lin, all of which were five meters empty and all of them were ironing. Ferg steadily made a foul and continued to cut points. Xinjiang has been shooting three points, and has been unable to shoot, and has also been shooting, forming a vicious circle. After losing six three points in a row, there is no suspense in the game. Finally, next, you can see that Fergie is attacking the layup again, and also assists Fu Hao to kill the game with three points.

It's really a pity that Xinjiang played this game, but why blame the referee this time? In the fourth quarter, they had 11 free throws, and only 8 of them were from Liaoning. The three points from Xinjiang outside the three-point line hit 1 in 11. The three points from Liaoning were 2 in 9. There were a lot of free throws. The key point is what Xinjiang played?

What is more important is that when Xinjiang Team was chasing points, it once missed four free throws in a row, Huang Rongqi missed two free throws and Wikington missed two free throws. 12 free throws were missed, 6 of 31 three-point shots were scored, and the shooting rate was 19%, Five people missed four baskets, missed four free throws, made two mistakes, and even made six open shots, You can't blame the referee for this ball. To put it bluntly, the details determine the success or failure.

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