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Russian media: Putin said he tasted Beijing Roast Duck and "couldn't resist eating the second piece. It's delicious"

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Source: Global Network

[Global Network Report] According to the report of RIA Novosti and ITV on the 17th, Russian President Putin said during his visit to Harbin Institute of Technology in China that he had tasted Peking Duck the day before yesterday, "It's delicious."

Putin revealed that he tasted Peking Duck during the exchange at Harbin Institute of Technology

According to the above Russian media reports, during the exchange with students of Harbin Institute of Technology, Putin was asked which Chinese dishes he likes best? Putin said that in fact, there are not many great delicacies in the world, but Chinese food is one of them.

In addition, according to Russia's ITV, Putin also mentioned that Beijing Roast Duck is world-famous, including in Russia. He said that he tasted Beijing Roast Duck at the reception yesterday. "To be honest, there were two pieces, but I wanted to eat only one piece. But I couldn't help eating the second piece - it was delicious."

Extended Reading

Niu Playing the Piano: The Sino Russian Joint Statement has five small points in nearly ten thousand words, which make people look bright

The picture shows Putin drinking tea

I won't say more about the grand and lively scene. Looking closely at the latest Sino Russian joint statement, nearly 10000 words, the amount of information is really large.

I checked and found that only the word "cooperation" appeared 130 times.

Apart from some diplomatic platitudes, as well as some economic and cultural cooperation we are familiar with, there are at least five small points, which are very unusual and impressive.

Of course, this is my personal opinion, and does not represent any organization.

Don't talk much nonsense.

Highlight 1: Tumen River estuary.

This is our eternal pain. Jilin Province is actually very close to the sea, but there is no outlet to the sea.

We can even overlook the sea, but we can only look at the sea and sigh.

In this joint statement, I saw the following sentence: (China and Russia) The two sides will hold a constructive dialogue with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Chinese ships sailing through the lower reaches of the Tumen River.

If China and Russia have a consensus, it will be easy to handle.

Indeed, the issue of the sea port is related to the three countries, the dredging of the downstream river channel, and the treatment of the low bridge. It needs good consultation among the three parties.

"Constructive dialogue" means fruitful dialogue.

Figure The river estuary is related to the three countries of China, Russia and North Korea. The picture shows the location

Highlight 2: jointly develop Heixiazi Island.

Heixiazi Island witnessed the ups and downs of China and Russia. Now, the smoke of war has long been in the past, and Heixiazi Island has been settled peacefully. It is roughly divided into two parts, one half belongs to China and the other half belongs to Russia.

Now, we need to develop together. This can become a new island of friendship.

Highlight 3: Open the Arctic Channel together.

With global warming and the melting of the Arctic ice, the Arctic waterway will greatly shorten the distance between east and west, and is becoming a new golden waterway in the world.

China and Russia are also preparing for a rainy day. Looking at the joint statement, China and Russia will set up a sub committee for cooperation in Arctic shipping lanes to "promote the building of the Arctic shipping lanes into an important international transport corridor".

This channel will probably change the shipping pattern of the future world.

Highlight 4: The victory of World War II will be solemnly commemorated next year.

It is very clear: "The two sides plan to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Soviet Patriotic War in 2025, and jointly promote the correct historical view of World War II."

I remember that in 2015, 10 years ago, the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II, both China and Russia held a grand military parade. Leaders of both sides also made a special trip to each other's capital to participate in a grand ceremony.

What will happen next year? We will wait and see.

The picture shows the information of the Russian Red Square parade

Highlight 5: reiterate that neither nuclear war can be won nor won.

I believe that this is one of the most pressing issues facing the international community, especially the West.

After all, the West has always been hyping, and Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons. Even the West has spread word to China in various ways. You advise Russia not to use nuclear weapons

This time, we see that China and Russia have clearly reaffirmed that they can neither win nor fight a nuclear war. Of course, China and Russia also believe that, Comprehensive measures must be taken to prevent direct military confrontation between nuclear weapon States, with the focus on eliminating root contradictions in the security field.

This can cure both symptoms and root causes. In the West, you should not only ask others, but also reflect on yourself.

This is China's diplomatic art.

Looking around the world, which big country is as painstaking as China? Persuade peace and promote talks like China? Like China, what is said must be done?

The answer is just two words: No,

Only China!

Putin also sees China's peace efforts, so Russia is very clear about the Ukrainian crisis and welcomes China's efforts to promote peace and talks.

As I said earlier, this Sino Russian joint statement has seen 130 times in the word "cooperation" alone. These five small highlights are only a small part of the many cooperation consensus.

But it is worth reading.

Especially the first one. There are more ways than difficulties, I believe that one day, Chinese ships will sail from Tumen River again!

Thousands of words! The important points of the Sino Russian joint statement are not only the Tumen River estuary

(Text/Observer Chen Sijia) From May 16 to 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid an official state visit to China, which was also his first visit since the beginning of his fifth presidential term. On the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, the two countries issued a joint statement on the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era.

The 10000 word joint statement covers strengthening energy cooperation, expanding economic and trade exchanges, strengthening border cooperation, improving cooperation in innovation, industry and other fields, and safeguarding their own interests. The South China Morning Post in Hong Kong commented that China and Russia intended to further consolidate economic ties when the United States and Western countries tried to comprehensively sanction Russia and suppress China's industrial development.

The joint statement also explicitly mentioned the United States, expressed serious concern about the attempt of the United States to undermine strategic stability in order to maintain its absolute military advantage, and opposed the hegemonic action of the United States to change the balance of power in Northeast Asia by expanding military power and patching up military groups. The statement pointed out that the United States put the security of "small groups" above regional security and stability, endangering the security of all countries in the region. The United States should stop such acts.

The British Guardian and other western media frankly said that the wording of Putin's visit to China and the Sino Russian joint statement showed that China's friendly relations with Russia remained strong. Analysts also pointed out that deepening cooperation between China and Russia is inevitable, and both China and Russia benefit from the partnership.

On May 16, President Putin of Russia reviewed the guard of honor in Beijing

Actively support border cooperation, "the future is foreseeable"

The joint statement will promote cooperation between China and Russia in various fields. On the border issue, China and Russia stressed that they would actively support local cooperation and border cooperation, expand comprehensive exchanges between the two countries, strengthen investment cooperation under the framework of the preferential system in the Russian Far East in accordance with the principles of marketization and commercialization, and carry out cooperative production of industrial and high-tech industries.

The joint statement said that the two countries would jointly develop Heixiazi Island (Greater Ussuri Island) in accordance with the principles of good neighborliness and friendship and respect for national sovereignty. Accelerate the negotiation of the text of the Intergovernmental Agreement between Chinese and Russian Ships Navigating in the Waters around Heixiazi Island (Talabarov Island and Bolishaoyusurisky Island). The two sides will hold constructive dialogue with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Chinese ships sailing through the lower reaches of the Tumen River.

Yanbian, Jilin, the border of China, Russia and North Korea on the Tumen River

Tumen River is located at the border of China, Russia and North Korea

Heixiazi Island is located at the junction of Heilongjiang River and Wusuli River on the border between China and Russia, which has witnessed the changes of Sino Russian relations. According to the Supplementary Agreement on the Eastern Section of the Sino Russian Border, half of the islands near China on the west side of Heixiazi Island belong to China. Tumen River is located at the junction of China, Russia and North Korea, and flows through Jilin Province, China, the two rivers of North Korea, North Xianjing Road and the coastal border area of Russia.

The French newspaper Le Monde commented that the negotiation of navigation on the Tumen River may provide Jilin with a shipping channel, and the economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia is expected to be further expanded, and the northeast region of China may also benefit from it.

Wang Wen, Executive Dean of Chongyang Financial Research Fellow of Renmin University of China, said to the Observer Network that the prospect of Sino Russian border cooperation is very broad. If the problem of navigation in the lower reaches of the Tumen River can be solved, it is expected to promote the revitalization of Northeast Asia, further promote the liquidity of capital, talent, information and logistics in Northeast Asia, and improve the position of the Sea of Japan in global trade.

Wang Wen mentioned that at the Oriental Economic Forum in September 2022, he had put forward a proposal to open the Tumen River estuary, which was strongly echoed by senior officials including the Russian Vice Premier. This Sino Russian joint statement mentioned the Tumen River issue again, reflecting the high concern of the Russian side.

However, Wang Wen also pointed out that despite the friendly relations between China, Russia and North Korea, the negotiation of navigation issues still faces many practical problems. On the other hand, more than ten kilometers from the Tumen River to the Sea of Japan are shoals, so it is difficult for large ships to pass through, and large-scale dredging works are needed. "

Wang Wen believes that the navigation of the lower reaches of the Tumen River may not be realized in the short term and may take a relatively long time to solve the problem of infrastructure construction.

Railway bridge connecting Russia and North Korea on the Tumen River (data picture)

The economic foundation of the Russian Far East is relatively weak, and the process of division of labor and cooperation integrated into the economic development of the Far East is relatively slow. In this regard, Wang Wen said that the Russian Far East has developed rapidly in recent years, and the introduction of foreign investment has increased significantly. The development process of the Far East is faster than expected.

"The prospect of development cooperation in the Russian Far East is still promising. This region has a relatively strong resource endowment, and Vladivostok (Vladivostok) and other cities have a very good foundation. Over time, there are still great prospects. The key is to achieve political rationality," Wang said, "Russia's opening up is not fast enough, but even if it is" half open and half closed "now, there has been a lot of Chinese investment, so the future is still foreseeable."

Joint development of Arctic shipping lanes

With the global climate change, the development of the Arctic Channel has gradually become possible, which is expected to greatly shorten the voyage between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. In theory, the Arctic Passage includes the Northwest Passage along the coast of Canada, the Northeast Passage along the coast of Siberia in Russia, and the Central Passage through the middle of the Arctic Ocean.

China and Russia are also preparing for a rainy day. The joint statement said that the China Russia Arctic Waterway Cooperation Sub Committee would be established under the framework of the mechanism of the China Russia Prime Ministers' Regular Meeting Committee to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the development and utilization of the Arctic, protect the ecosystem of the Arctic region, and promote the building of the Arctic Waterway into an important international transport corridor, Encourage the enterprises of the two countries to strengthen cooperation in improving the transport volume of the Arctic waterway and building the logistics infrastructure of the Arctic waterway. Deepen cooperation in polar ship technology and construction.

The Economist, a British magazine, previously pointed out that in the current global shipping, the Arctic Channel can still be ignored. Most ships can only pass through the Arctic in summer. In 2022, there will be more than 23000 ships passing through the Suez Canal, 14000 ships passing through the Panama Canal, and fewer than 1700 ships entering the Arctic.

However, under the influence of climate change and technological progress, the difficulty of navigation in the Arctic waters is gradually decreasing. A study published in the journal Nature Communication last June showed that even if global carbon emissions were significantly reduced, the Arctic could usher in its first ice free summer as early as the 2040s.

According to The Economist, compared with the routes through the Suez Canal, the Arctic Channel can shorten the voyage by 40%, and the most popular Northeast Channel is located along the coast of Russia. From 2014 to 2022, the trade volume of the Northeast Channel increased by 755%. Russia has high hopes for this channel and hopes to increase the traffic volume by 10 times by 2035.

The Economist believes that the tense geopolitical situation is one of the key factors hindering the development of the Arctic shipping lanes, but as the Arctic sea ice gradually melts, political issues may become less important. If the Arctic waterway becomes busy, Russia will undoubtedly benefit from it.

Expand energy and economic and trade cooperation

Cooperation in energy and economic and trade exchanges is one of the priorities of future cooperation between China and Russia. The joint statement said that the two sides agreed to carry out cooperation in oil, natural gas, liquefied natural gas, coal, electricity and other fields in accordance with market principles to ensure stable operation of relevant cross-border infrastructure and smooth energy transportation. We should jointly promote the implementation of large-scale energy projects by Chinese and Russian enterprises, and deepen cooperation in such promising fields as renewable energy, hydrogen energy and carbon markets.

The two sides agreed to increase the local currency share in bilateral trade, financing and other economic activities. We will improve the financial infrastructure of the two countries and open the settlement channels for business entities between the two countries. We will strengthen cooperation in banking and insurance supervision between China and Russia, promote the steady development of banks and insurance institutions set up in each other's territory, encourage two-way investment, and issue bonds in the financial market of the other country on the premise of following the principle of marketization.

Chayanda gas condensate field in Sakha (Yakut) Republic of Russia, which is the resource base of "Siberian Power" gas transmission pipeline

According to the joint statement, China and Russia will also improve the level of cooperation in industrial and innovation fields in civil aviation manufacturing, shipbuilding, automobile manufacturing, electronic industry, chemical industry and other fields, carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in information and communication technology fields such as artificial intelligence, communication, software, network, and consolidate the long-term partnership in the aerospace field.

The South China Morning Post pointed out that these cooperation will further consolidate the economic ties between China and Russia. For Russia, which is facing economic sanctions from western countries, it is vital to expand economic and trade exchanges with China. In 2023, China Russia bilateral trade will break through 200 billion US dollars for the first time, reaching 240.1 billion US dollars. Achieve the target of 200 billion US dollars in trade volume one year ahead of schedule.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a government meeting in April that with the positive development of Russia China economic and trade cooperation, more than 90% of the settlement between the two countries is conducted in their own currencies, and Russia China trade has been almost completely de dollarized.

But before expanding energy cooperation, China and Russia still need to solve many problems through negotiations. Marksim Kuznetsov, chairman of the Russian Council of Asian Industrialists, said that negotiations on such projects as the "Siberian Power 2" gas pipeline were still in progress, and China and Russia must first agree on the conditions of these key energy projects.

"This project is very important for Russia China energy cooperation, but the two sides need to solve many problems first." Kuznetsov said, "When it comes to price and project configuration, negotiations are very complex, and it is also necessary to determine how much investment each party will provide for the project."

According to Russia's Tass News Agency, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Nowak said on the 16th that Russia hopes to sign a contract on the "Siberian Force 2" gas pipeline in the "near future". It is estimated that the pipeline will transport up to 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas to China every year from northern Russia through Mongolia.

Carry forward the correct historical view of World War II

Next year marks the 80th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti Fascist War. However, in recent years, politicians in some countries have tried to distort the history of World War II and even beautify fascism.

In this regard, the joint statement said that China and Russia would continue to firmly defend the victorious achievements of the Second World War and the post-war world order enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and oppose the denial, distortion and falsification of the history of World War II. Both sides pointed out that it is necessary to carry out correct historical education, protect the world's anti fascist memorial facilities, protect them from blasphemy or destruction, and severely condemn beautification and even attempts to revive Nazism and militarism.

The two sides plan to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Soviet Patriotic War in 2025, and jointly promote the correct historical view of World War II.

On May 16, Putin attended the wreath laying ceremony at the Monument to the People's Heroes in Beijing

On May 9 this year, Russia held a military parade in Moscow's Red Square to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet Union's patriotic war. According to Russian media "Russia Today", Putin condemned Western politicians who tried to "distort the truth of World War II" in his speech. He criticized that some Western politicians were trying to incite regional conflicts by means of defending the Nazis.

Putin said that the Soviet Union made great sacrifices in the war to defend the country, but Russia never tried to downplay the contributions of the United States and Britain and other countries to Soviet aid and the fight against Nazis. He stressed that Russia will make every effort to prevent global conflicts, but will not allow anyone to threaten Russia.

Reiterating that nuclear war cannot be won or fought

With the increasingly tense geopolitical situation, regional and global conflicts, and the deterioration of the international security environment, China and Russia are also concerned.

The joint statement reiterated that China and Russia reaffirmed their commitment to the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear Weapon States on the Prevention of Nuclear War and the Avoidance of an Arms Race issued on January 3, 2022, especially the idea that nuclear war cannot be won or fought, and again called on all participating countries of the joint statement to abide by the statement.

China and Russia support the success of the NPT review process, and oppose attempts to use the NPT and its review process for political purposes unrelated to the content of the Treaty.

The two sides reaffirmed their compliance with the export control obligations under the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention, and opposed replacing the original intention of non-proliferation with hypocritical political purposes, politicizing and weaponizing non-proliferation export controls, serving China's short-sighted interests and implementing illegal unilateral restrictions.

On the issue of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the joint statement said that Russia positively evaluated China's objective and fair position on the Ukraine issue and agreed that the crisis must be resolved on the basis of full and complete compliance with the Charter of the United Nations. Russia welcomes China's willingness to play a constructive role in resolving the Ukrainian crisis through political and diplomatic means.

Both sides pointed out that it is necessary to stop all actions that promote the delay of war and the further escalation of conflict, and called for avoiding the crisis from getting out of control. The two sides stressed that dialogue is a good way to solve the crisis in Ukraine. The two sides believe that in order to resolve the Ukrainian crisis steadily, it is necessary to eliminate the root causes of the crisis, adhere to the principle of indivisibility of security, and take into account the legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries.

Expressing concern about the attempt of the United States to undermine strategic stability

In addition to elaborating the plans and many consensuses for deepening cooperation between China and Russia, the joint statement also explicitly mentioned the United States, expressed serious concern about the attempt of the United States to undermine strategic stability in order to maintain its absolute military advantage, and opposed the hegemonic action of the United States to change the balance of power in Northeast Asia by expanding its military force and patching up military blocs.

The joint statement pointed out that the United States adheres to the Cold War mentality and the pattern of camp confrontation, puts the security of "small groups" above regional security and stability, and endangers the security of all countries in the region. The United States should stop such acts.

For the Sino Russian joint statement, the White House spokesman Jean Pierre responded at the press conference on the 16th, but only mentioned that the United States opposed China's support for Russia in the Russian Ukrainian conflict. Jean Pierre said that the United States believed that it was "unacceptable" for Chinese enterprises to help Russia's military action against Ukraine, but the United States did not "see new content" in the Sino Russian joint statement.

Oleg Yanovsky, lecturer in political science at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, told the Observer Network that Russia and China have cooperated more closely in the face of the turbulence in the West and the neo colonialism aimed at maintaining its hegemony. This is reflected in the unprecedented economic cooperation between the two countries and the close cooperation in technical exchanges, scientific development and personnel exchanges. We understand that we need to work together to create a world of diverse sovereign countries and civilizations.

Yanovsky said that we clearly recognize that there are regional security issues and global challenges within the framework of trade wars imposed by the West. We have seen the West use unprecedented illegal sanctions as a punishment tool. Having seen this, China also knows that it does not belong to the so-called "gold billion people" in the West. Therefore, on the basis of common interests, we have formed a natural and profound understanding and strategic cognition that it is necessary to unite to overcome the attempts of hegemonic countries to suppress all non self countries and prevent the emergence of a new and just world order.

Western analysts: Both China and Russia benefit from cooperation

This visit is Putin's first visit to China since he began his fifth presidential term. The US Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) and other western media said frankly that Putin's visit to China reflects the stable relationship between China and Russia when Western countries seek to suppress China and Russia, indicating that the two countries will further deepen cooperation in economic, political and military fields.

Sam Green, an expert from the European Policy Research Center (CEPA), told CNBC that deepening cooperation between China and Russia is inevitable, and the West should not simply regard China Russia relations as "alliances". Both China and Russia benefit from the partnership.

Green said: "They (China and Russia) have kept consistent in many aspects of their strategies, which may not be completely decided by themselves, or they may not be completely liked by themselves, but these are decisions they inevitably have to make. The measures taken by Western countries have strengthened cooperation between China and Russia."

On May 16, the national flags of China and Russia fluttered in the streets of Beijing

Green pointed out that both China and Russia have gained substantial benefits from the partnership. "China can buy cheaper oil and gas resources from Russia and get opportunities to invest in Russia. On the other hand, Russia has obtained trade exchanges from the partnership, providing vitality for the Russian economy, which is crucial for the Russian government."

Natasha Kurt, a senior lecturer at King's College London, told CNBC that Russia benefits from trade with China, and China also benefits from Russia's efforts to maintain security and stability in Central Asia. The two countries have also carried out a series of cooperation in the field of military technology. "The West cannot simply regard China Russia relations as a 'stopgap', and we underestimated the strength of China Russia relations."

The Guardian also pointed out that the wording of the Sino Russian joint statement shows that the friendly relations between China and Russia are as solid as ever.

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Vladimir Zaharov, a well-known Russian scholar and diplomat, commented that Russia China relations are characterized by mutual respect, all-round consideration of each other's interests and non-interference in each other's internal affairs

The press secretary of the Russian President Peskov said on the 16th that the mutual cooperation between Russia and China on the international stage is an important balancing factor. "This element has played a balancing role in the volatile and conflict ridden international situation. That is why China has become the first country to pay a state visit after Putin took office."

Editor in charge: Xun Jianguo_NN7379

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