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Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready for war. Most countries want to do business with China

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On April 26, an article was published on the Australian website, which immediately attracted many people's attention.

This article is titled "Americans don't understand that Chinese people are not afraid of the United States". It tells how, as a developing country, China is ahead of the United States, the most powerful developed country today, in many aspects.

Once published, this article was reprinted by many domestic and foreign media.

It is reasonable to say that as a member of the Western countries and a firm ally of the United States in the Asia Pacific region, why did Australia suddenly make such a comment?

This can be seen from the comparison of the most important aspects between China and the United States.

Disgusting American "Hegemonism"

After the end of the Second World War, the United States began to expand its strategic deployment of global hegemonism.

On April 4, 1949, in order to confront the most powerful industrial country at that time, the Soviet Union, the United States joined forces with Western European countries to establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO for short).

The establishment of NATO also promoted the arrival of the "cold war" pattern, which put the world in a turbulent situation of US Soviet hegemony over the next 40 years.

In the struggle against the Soviet Union, the United States, with its two "sharp swords" in its hands, constantly expanded its advantages.

These two sharp swords are the "US Army" with extremely advanced military equipment and the "US dollar" linked to gold trade and national trade.

Although the Soviet Union was not inferior to the United States in military terms, or even slightly better, because of the huge gap in its economic level, it finally became the loser in this fierce confrontation.

In 1991, the powerful Soviet Union came to the end of its disintegration. Since then, the world has entered the pattern of "one superpower with more powers", and the United States has become the only "superpower" in the world.

Across the world, no country can compare with itself, which makes the United States even more arrogant.

In the following twenty years, the United States launched the Gulf War, the Afghan War and two Iraq wars, which turned the situation in the Middle East into a mess.

In addition to fighting directly, the strategic deployment of the United States around the world has also had a great impact on many countries.

First, in the Asia Pacific region, in order to contain China's rise, the United States has constantly strengthened its regional military deployment, and has repeatedly intervened in disputes in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, trying to block China within the first island chain.

In Eastern Europe, the United States and NATO continued to expand eastward, which eventually led to the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian conflict and dragged Russia into the quagmire of war.

And behind it, the support for Israel has been constantly increased to help it confront the Arab world and obstruct the formation of a stable situation in the Middle East.

In addition, there are turmoil in Africa, the Red Sea, Latin America and many other regions, and the United States is behind them.

All this has made American hegemonism more and more disliked and repugnant to the international community.

Under such circumstances, China's "win-win cooperation" foreign policy has become increasingly attractive.

More attractive China

As early as 1955, at the call of Premier Zhou, the Central Committee formulated "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" The basic foreign policy of China.

This has enabled China to coexist with other countries in the past decades, adhering to the concept of mutual assistance and win-win cooperation.

Moreover, as the "leader" of a developing country, China has never forgotten to help the "third world countries" when developing itself.

In April 1963, the first group of 13 members of the Chinese medical team who assisted Algeria arrived in the western city of Saida, marking the beginning of China's medical aid to Africa.

For more than half a century, China has sent 30000 medical personnel to 76 countries and regions, treated nearly 300 million patients, and trained more than 100000 medical personnel for many countries.

In addition, in terms of infrastructure, China has also continued to increase its assistance programs to African countries, helping them complete the "10 major projects" that shocked the world, including the Tanzania Zambia Railway, which runs through East Africa and South Africa, with a total length of 1860.5 kilometers, the world's longest artificial dam, the Merowe Dam, Africa's landmark African Union Conference Center, Mombasa Nairobi Railway, with a total investment of 3.8 billion US dollars, etc.

So many aid projects have proved to the world China's sincerity and sense of responsibility in cooperation with other countries, which is completely contrary to the hegemonism of the United States, which only seeks its own interests and destroys the interests of other countries.

In the past ten years, China has made a sudden effort to rise at an extremely rapid speed, and its economic size, military strength, and scientific and technological level have all been improved in a large span.

This has also greatly changed China's influence in the international community.

In contrast, more and more countries are beginning to make new choices, unwilling to be coerced by the hegemonism of the United States, instead, they turn around and choose to join hands with China, which is more in line with their cooperation needs.

In this way, anyone with an eye can see that China's rise has an increasing impact on American hegemonism. Under such circumstances, will the United States, which has always regarded its international status as life like, watch China's rise?

And how should China respond to the deterrence of the United States by military and economic means?

China is not afraid of the United States

In this Australian article, China's response to the dual deterrence of the US "US military" and "US dollar" is analyzed in detail.

Even the Australian media directly concluded: Once there is war, China is not afraid of the United States.

Why on earth is this?

First, let's take a look at the military strength comparison between the two countries today.

In the past decades, the US military power has always stood at the top of the world. Except for the former Soviet Union, no country seems to be the rival of the US in terms of conventional military equipment.

In terms of the army, the United States mainly has seven headquarters; 10 combat divisions (2 armored divisions, 4 mechanized divisions, 2 light infantry divisions, 1 air assault division, 2 airborne divisions), 13 brigades (7 aviation brigades, 6 artillery brigades); 3 armored cavalry regiments; 2 battalion groups (1 infantry battalion group, 1 airborne battalion group); 12 anti-aircraft missile battalions; There are also 2 integration divisions.

The deployment of ground forces alone is enough to make the United States a top military power in the world.

However, in terms of navy and air force, the United States is more "peerless" and superior to other countries.

In the field of navy, the United States has 11 aircraft carrier formations, more than all other countries combined, and all of them are "nuclear powered".

It is just the too strong naval force that allows the United States to complete its strategic deployment anywhere in the world.

In the field of air force, the United States has the most advanced fighter groups of this era, such as F-22, F-35 and F-16, and in the field of bombers, it has strategic bombers with excellent stealth equipment, such as B-2 and B-21.

It can be seen that the strength of the US military is not groundless.

However, even though the US military capability seems so strong, it is still difficult to use it against China.

From the perspective of the Army, although the US Army is among the top in the world, it is the PLA that truly stands at the top of the world's ground power.

In terms of troop size, the PLA has about 980000 people in active service and the US has about 480000 people in active service. The PLA is twice as large as the US.

In terms of ground military equipment, China is much stronger in artillery technology than the United States, and after the "synthesis" reform, the overall size and structure of the PLA's army is stronger.

This allows our army to overwhelm the other side in terms of paper strength. Moreover, in the frontal confrontation more than 70 years ago, when the gap between military equipment was obvious, the US military was still beaten by our army.

Today, it is wishful thinking to defeat our army.

In terms of navy and air force, the gap between our army and the US military is also getting smaller and smaller.

In terms of navy, China has launched three aircraft carriers in succession in the past 12 years, which has already possessed the strength to defend the offshore, break the first island chain, and even compete with the US military in the western Pacific region.

Although the 11 aircraft carrier fleets of the United States looked like bluffing, most of them had been paralyzed and could not be repaired and improved after being put in the shipyard for several years.

And from a strategic perspective, the United States also needs to maintain stability in other regions. It is impossible to open all aircraft carriers to confront China.

China has no intention of dominating the world. By contrast, Today's navy is strong enough to compete with the United States in the established strategic areas.

In the air force field, China's J-20 and J-35 are no inferior, and pass The H-20, which has been used for several years, is even better than the US bombers in some aspects.

The United States will never be able to get a bargain if it really conflicts with the United States with China's unparalleled missile system.

In addition to the confrontation in the military field, our country is no longer afraid of the threat of the United States in economic and other aspects.

Since the beginning of the Sino US trade war, China has made breakthroughs in many key technologies, including semiconductors, new energy, satellite communications and so on, gradually getting rid of technology dependence on western developed countries.

In addition, China is now the world's largest industrial country with the largest manufacturing industry.

In this case, most countries want to do business with China.

Once China's cooperation is lost, the United States, which has always had a great dependence on basic manufacturing, will fall back into the general economic winter of 1928.

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