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Shandong is greedy and has accumulated more than 500 million!

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Author | Sister Comb

On May 16, Ji Binchang, the former chairman of the CPPCC Qingdao Municipal Committee, was put on trial in the Wuxi Intermediate People's Court. The procuratorate accused him of illegally receiving property equivalent to more than 526 million yuan, directly or through others, by providing help in business operations, project contracting, employee recruitment and other matters between 2003 and 2022.

Ji Binchang pleaded guilty to the charges of the procuratorate in court, and it seems that he did not wronged him.

Over the past 20 years, 526 million people have been greedy. What is this concept?

On average, there are 365 days a year without rest, and more than 26.3 million yuan is recorded every year, and more than 72000 yuan is recorded every day, which is equivalent to guarding a banknote printing machine.

Ji Binchang's conscience has been greatly damaged by his greed, which also confirms some rumors.

Ji Binchang's family was very poor, and his working ability was extremely excellent. At the age of 37, the deputy department and 57, the deputy department set up upright and responsible personnel in front of the public. When he was the director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology, he once said with a pat on his chest that he would resign if the chemical plant could not be dismantled.

It is said that Ji Binchang pursues valuable ingredients, has a team of dedicated servants to serve him, likes to deal with young models, and lives in extreme luxury. Only money can support this luxury.

Ji Binchang is greedy for money and follows the upper line. He has implemented the fight against dimensionality reduction. After graduating from college, he entered the Shandong Economic System Reform Office and worked as the vice governor. In addition to being the chairman of Luxin Investment Group for five years, he has always worked in the provincial government. All he has is high-end resources, which provides unique conditions for the implementation of power money transactions.

Of course, as long as you want to make money, whether you are in a high position or at the grass-roots level, you can make money in a proper way.

Coincidentally, in March this year, Zhang Xijun, a colleague of Ji Binchang and the former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People's Congress, was also sent to court. In 24 years, he illegally received and demanded property worth more than 317 million yuan, of which 16.77 million yuan was not actually obtained and 300 million yuan was obtained.

Zhang Xijun's corruption path is different from that of Ji Binchang. He was not a big official, and he did not hold power for long. He mainly worked in districts and counties. However, he was highly motivated and exerted his power to the extreme, seeking benefits for 40 units and individuals in terms of project contracting, land use rights, etc., until retirement, he still exerted his residual heat, which can be said to be a dead end.

In contrast, Zhang Xinqi, the former deputy director of Shandong Provincial People's Congress, who has successively presided over Weifang and Qingdao, took only 155 million bribes, which is too petty.

The standard for corruption is 30000 yuan. The amount above 3 million yuan is particularly huge. However, the inflation is particularly serious now. Those who covet 35 million yuan are small shrimps, not tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. They can't stand up in the court.

The main reason why the amount of corruption has reached new highs is the interaction between the high concentration of power and the high concentration of resources. Power determines the allocation of resources. The excessive concentration of resources provides unlimited rent-seeking space for power. It is not a problem of walking wet shoes by the river, but soaking in water.

Why is the economy of the north inferior to that of the south? Some analysts believe that the northerners are obedient and superstitious about leaders, while the southerners are disobedient and only believe in logic. The more they believe in authority, the more specific the leaders are, the worse the economy will be.

There was a wrong view that corruption was the lubricant of the economy. How could this be possible?

The money has gone into the pockets of a few people, which is equivalent to that the cake cutter distributes the cake to himself first, and it's strange if his hands don't shake.

Some people say that Shandong is more and more like the Northeast. Judging from Ji Binchang and Zhang Xijun, there seems to be some truth.

The wine and meat smell in Zhumen, and the road is frozen to death.

I can't spend all my life. Why are you greedy for so much money?

The only explanation may be that they have become addicted.

Welcome to like, follow and forward!

-End -

Writing is not noble, and writing is not flattering


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