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"Big Sister" led people to forcibly demolish, even threw a dozen snakes into the houses of the relocated households

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The "big sister" who has been jailed for drug trafficking and theft for many times continues to commit crimes, gather people to fight and make trouble wantonly after being released from prison, gather and win over the released persons and social idlers, and violently "forcibly demolish" them. In order to force the relocated households to give in, the gang not only harassed by phone, broke through the door, but also caused traffic accidents, violent beatings, and even threw more than ten snakes into the victims' homes

On May 17, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released the "Typical Case of Procuratorial Organs Punishing Mafia Crimes Involving Engineering Construction", which disclosed the details of the case of Li Moumei and other criminal groups of evil forces deliberately destroying property and causing trouble.

The figure shows the information of the house to be demolished (irrelevant to the picture and text)

Li Moumei, 43, is the actual controller of a road engineering company in Shandong Province. She was sentenced to prison four times for theft, kidnapping, drug trafficking, casino opening and other crimes.

In April 2016, after Li Moumei was released from prison, he found Cui Mouyong, the former deputy director of Xuegong Sub district Office in Linzi District, Zibo City (another case), and began to undertake demolition works within the jurisdiction of Xuegong Sub district Office. However, since the demolition agreement was not reached and many residents were unwilling to move out, Li Moumei gathered many people to forcibly demolish. After receiving Cui Mouyong's notice, she called a "meeting" of key members of the group to discuss the demolition plan, and forced the relocated households to yield by means of door-to-door harassment, black "tattoo" negotiations, telephone harassment, threats, etc. For the relocated households who still failed to reach an agreement, Li Moumei gathered many people to control them, broke into them directly, and forced them to move out by means of forced removal, forced separation, beating, etc.

Among them, in order to force the relocated household Qin State to agree to the demolition, Li Moumei arranged people to throw a dozen snakes into Qin State, and drove to track him, deliberately creating a traffic accident to stop him. Qin was dragged out of the house by Li Moumei's gang when he was blocking the forced demolition, causing minor injuries.

In more than two years, Li Moumei's gang deliberately destroyed property 6 times, provoked trouble 5 times, and illegally invaded the house 1 time. In order to win over key members, Li Moumei also allowed others to take drugs, obstruct testifying, commit crimes, oppress people, disrupt economic and social order, and cause bad social impact.

On March 18, 2019, Linzi Branch of Zibo Public Security Bureau transferred the case to Linzi District Procuratorate for review and prosecution. The procuratorial organ believes that the members of the organization have obvious ringleaders and important members are relatively fixed. In order to obtain illegal interests, they often gather together to carry out illegal and criminal activities such as deliberately destroying property for many times, which has met the identification criteria of evil forces "committing crimes and oppressing people" and has the characteristics of criminal groups, but has not met the identification criteria of underworld organizations, It should be identified as a criminal group of evil forces.

On October 8, 2019, the procuratorial organ filed a public prosecution to the Linzi District Court. On December 30 of the same year, the court made a judgment of first instance, finding that Li Moumei and others constituted a criminal group of evil forces, and sentenced Li Moumei to seven years and six months in prison and a fine of 10000 yuan for committing crimes such as intentional destruction of property, illegal invasion of housing, provocation and trouble making, and allowing others to take drugs; The remaining defendants shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from five years, six months to two years, and shall also be sentenced to corresponding property penalties. After the verdict of the first instance, Li Moumei filed an appeal. On February 26, 2020, Zibo Intermediate Court ruled to reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment.

Source: Procuratorial Daily Justice Net Author: He Huimin, Li Jiahui

Extended Reading

More than one hundred households in a community in Xi'an were found to have violated the construction, and the urban management only gave notice of forced demolition to individual households, which was accused of selective law enforcement

According to the WeChat official account of Huashang Daily, Ms. Zhu is not happy at all when she lives in her new house. She didn't understand that when she bought the house, the developer's model room had a roof in the attic. After the house was closed, she also topped the attic like other residents. Why did she just issue a demolition notice to her family. What the hell is going on here? The reporter from Dafeng News of Huashang Daily paid a visit.

Local notice on forced demolition of illegal houses

tell about:

Follow the sample room Decoration quilt Identified as illegal construction

Ms. Zhu lives in Qingliangshanju Community, Chang'an District, Xi'an City. The new house is located on the top of the stacked villas in the community. "There are four floors in total. The first floor and the second floor are the lower floor, and we bought the upper floor of the third floor and the fourth floor." Ms. Zhu said that the lower floor residents have the courtyard and basement, and the upper floor has the attic and terrace. When I bought it, I saw the model room, which was more than 170 square meters in total. The loft of the model room was very large, which was very exciting. I decided to buy this house in 2019.

In 2021, new houses will be delivered. Ms. Zhu said that when opening the new house, there were no stairs between the third and fourth floors, and there was no roof in the attic on the roof. The sellers said that they needed to build their own. Ms. Zhu's house, like other house collectors, adds stairs to the interior and roofs to the attic.

Letter of identification of construction violations issued locally

At the beginning of 2022, the new house has been decorated. Although it has not been officially moved in, the family will go to stay for a few days every other day. Ms. Zhu said that she did not expect that the first guest in the new home would be from the Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau. "About March 2022, the Urban Management Bureau said that our attic was in violation of construction, and it also produced a letter of identification of violations from the Director of the Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, An Branch (hereinafter referred to as the Planning Bureau). When the Planning Bureau investigated, we did not know. The family went to the Planning Bureau to ask about the situation, and got the reply that my family was reported. After verification, the report was true, and the attic cover was inconsistent with the original report. "


Violation of the model room Built as What? Nobody supervises

Ms. Zhu said that the whole family thought simply about this matter

The complaint did not work. On December 13, 2022, Chang'an District Urban Management Bureau made a Decision on Ordering Ms. Zhu's Family to Dismantle within a Time Limit, instructing Ms. Zhu's family to dismantle the illegal construction of the roof by themselves before December 24, 2022. Ms. Zhu was not satisfied and submitted to the Chang'an District Government for administrative reconsideration. On April 23, 2023, the Chang'an District Government upheld the decision of the Chang'an District Urban Management Bureau to order demolition within a time limit.

Houses involved in illegal construction

On May 17, 2023, Ms. Zhu and her family will take the above two units to court. On July 28 of the same year, the court held that the determination of the functional department was no problem and decided that Ms. Zhu's family lost the lawsuit.

Ms. Zhu wants to know that the model room is the physical display of developers when they sell their houses. How did the community pass the supervision of relevant functional departments when it can obtain the five certificates of functional departments and be allowed to sell buildings? Is it allowed for developers to cheat consumers with such model rooms?

After the attic roof of Ms. Zhu's house was identified as illegal construction, on February 27, 2023, she went to the model room located in Room 302, Unit 3, Building 14, the community, and took a video of the whole process. "The model room is the same as when the house was sold, and the attic was decorated as a tea room and karaoke room". Ms. Zhu believes that to dismantle the sample room, it should be the first to dismantle it, and the relevant responsible person should be held accountable. She reported the violation of the model room to the Planning Bureau.


Community capping Universal property Said that there was a problem with the developer's early publicity

On April 15, 2024, Dafeng News reporter of the Chinese Business Daily came to the community. Looking down from the high-rise on the side of the community, some of the top lofts of the stacked villas have no roof. The roofless lofts have walls on all sides, but there is no roof; Some have been capped, and some are being capped

Common phenomenon of community capping

Ms. Zhu said that when her house was being decorated, the property did not stop her. Everyone thought it was legal to cover the attic roof. After all, the developer's model room was displayed like this when they bought it. Under the leadership of Ms. Zhu, the reporter came to the model room to check, and the door of the model room was closed. Ms. Zhu showed the video materials inside the model room to the reporter. The reporter looked from the next high-rise, and the attic of the model room also had a roof.

"Now the city management wants to remove the roof of my attic. After the roof is removed, how can I live in the future?" To this problem, the property manager of the community said that the attic was originally a public area, and no additional construction is allowed. As for the problem that Ms. Zhu's family raised that the model room also had a roof, the property manager said that there were some publicity problems in the early sales of the house.

As for the case that only Ms. Zhu received the notice of forced demolition, the property manager believed that the main problem of this matter was that the person who complained about Ms. Zhu said that the other party was keeping an eye on it.

Ms. Zhu told the reporter that she never had a quarrel with others when she lived here, but since she said that she had conflicts with others, it might be that she built the roof before her neighbors. In order to prevent the problem of rain and water leakage, her family listened to the designer's suggestion and occupied all the public walls in the middle, so that the neighbors could directly hit steel bars and build beams on the wall they built during the later decoration, The neighbor later refused, and she planned to chisel away the full part. "But now it seems that not only some things are chiseled, but all of them will be removed." Ms. Zhu said that it is no longer important who complained about her. What is important is that now it seems that anyone who covers this top is illegal.

Someone still stamped it against the law? As for this problem, the reporter asked several residents in the community, and one owner was quite familiar with the complaint against Ms. Zhu's house. She said that it had lasted for almost two years, but the law enforcement bureau had not come to forcibly demolish it. Some people had the courage to continue to build it. It was not expensive to build a roof, but the roof of the house could add more than 20 square meters, which was quite cost-effective. She said that if no one complained, if no one came to check, she did not know that the roof was illegal, because this is the way the model room is built.

On the morning of April 21, when the reporter called the real estate sales phone of the community, no one answered all the time. Later, the reporter called the relevant person in charge of Xi'an Urban Construction and Development Group Co., Ltd., the real estate company of the community, as the owner. The person in charge said that he wanted to implement the general construction of the community, why only individual residents were demolished at present. In addition, on the question of whether the roof of the loft in the model room is suspected of consumption fraud, he said that it needs the confirmation of the legal department. If the owner has a request, he can compile and send the problem to him, and he will implement it one by one.


Economic and Housing Construction Bureau Troubleshooting Planning Bureau 125 households were found to be in violation of construction

As expected, the Planning Bureau recognized the illegal construction of more than 100 households in the community.

On August 27, 2023, the Chang'an District People's Government of Xi'an further clarified the violations of Ms. Zhu's house in its online message to the masses, which mentioned: "After the developer handed over the house, a family (Ms. Zhu's house) privately closed the four walls with a transparent shape on the original roof, and built an additional sloping roof, which was inconsistent with the original approval, according to the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People's Republic of China According to the Regulations of Xi'an City on Urban and Rural Planning, the Chang'an Branch of the Natural Resources and Planning Bureau issued the Confirmation Letter on the Illegal Construction of the Roof of a Building in Qingliangshanju Community, Chang'an District to the Chang'an District Urban Management Bureau, suggesting that it be demolished In addition, the reply also said, "According to the investigation results of the District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, the Chang'an Branch of the Natural Resources and Planning Bureau has issued the identification letter of illegal construction to the Chang'an District Urban Management Bureau on March 16 and April 10, 2023 for 125 households in the community and the sales model room of Room 302, Unit 3, Building 14, and proposed demolition."

On March 5, 2024, the Chang'an District Government issued a notice to Ms. Zhu's house to forcibly dismantle illegal buildings. Ms. Zhu accidentally learned from the relevant personnel of the Law Enforcement Bureau that this announcement was only sent to her family, saying that the rest could not be removed.

The property manager of the community said that he had seen the identification letters of three separate households in the hands of the city management, namely, some households in Building 6, Building 8 and Building 10. However, as far as he knew, the notice of forced demolition was only issued to Ms. Zhu's family, and what he understood was that "the urban management could not remove so many at one time, only one family could do it".

>>Two departments:

Urban management does not recognize the "packaging and identification" of the Planning Bureau

Ms. Zhu was very angry: "Why am I treated differently? Why don't I dismantle the model room? Who is the urban management favoring?" Ms. Zhu thought that the urban management was selective law enforcement, ran to question, and got the reply that the later confirmation letter of more than 100 households was packaged by the Planning Bureau, which did not conform to their letter receiving procedures, so the later confirmation letter of violation was returned to the Planning Bureau.

Ms. Zhu's family went to the Planning Bureau again to ask, and was told that the content of the determination was OK, and the letter of determination was still valid.

Ms. Zhu reported to the superiors of the two departments on this issue that both sides still insisted on their own terms, and both thought they were OK.

On April 15, Ms. Zhu asked a law enforcement squadron of Chang'an District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau again in front of a reporter, and the other party's answer was still: "125 households were identified as building violations, but they did not comply with the letter receiving procedures of the letter of identification, and they have returned. No letter from the planning, and we cannot enforce the law temporarily".

Local reply to Ms. Zhu's complaint

As for the statement of the law enforcement personnel, the reporter called the staff member surnamed Yang from the law enforcement and supervision team of Xi'an Natural Resources and Planning Bureau Director An Branch that night. She said: "As early as more than a year ago, the Urban Management Bureau withdrew the confirmation letter from the Planning Bureau, but the Planning Bureau did not accept it. We have sent the illegal confirmation letter to the Urban Management Bureau, and they returned it, but we will not accept it. We only do the identification of illegal construction, that is, whether it conforms to the plan. In terms of our identification work procedures, we do not say that there is such a requirement of "one household one identification", and it is impossible to give more than 100 identification letters to more than 100 households for their illegal construction... For us, our identification work has been completed. "

As a result, the two departments returned one letter and refused to accept the other, which remained a stalemate for one year.

Editor in charge: Dai Lili_NN4994

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