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Ouyang Xiadan: Go all the way and be expelled by CCTV. Now there are almost no fixed jobs

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Among all living beings, some people are destined to be more brilliant than others. Ouyang Xiadan was once such a character: when he was young, his family was poor, but he was admitted to a famous media school with indomitable efforts. After graduation, he joined CCTV and became a star of the future in the press.

Her outstanding temperament and excellent broadcasting and hosting skills soon made her shine on the CCTV stage.

Who would have thought that this highly expected "CCTV Huadan" suddenly "evaporated" in the heyday of her career? Even her diehard fans asked themselves: Where has our sister Xia Dan gone?

The reason behind the disappearance is heartbreaking: Ouyang Xiadan had to leave CCTV for a long vacation to take care of his elderly and sick mother.

Nobody expected that this was just the beginning, and what was more unexpected was that she never returned to the familiar stage!

As the "national daughter-in-law" of CCTV, Ouyang Xiadan has boundless scenery. She not only presided over several "3.15" evening parties in succession, but also was selected as a member of CCTV's "National Team of Hosts of Olympic Reports".

What's more, in 2011, she won the first place in the job competition of News Network, becoming the youngest "national face" in the news network team.

Her hosting style is calm and generous, and the typhoon is more friendly, which quickly won the favor of many audiences. Unexpectedly, she left like a gust of wind when everyone thought she had taken the throne of "National Face".

At that time, everyone was in an uproar and wondered: Could Ouyang Xiadan have offended an important person and been buried? Or did you finally marry the rich and have children?

In fact, they are all unnecessary suspicions! With sincere filial piety, Ouyang Xiadan gave up the glory at the top of his career to repay and accompany his mother who had brought her up alone.

It's shameful to say that the only daughter suffered a lot from her mother when she was young. At the age of 12, she lost her father carelessly, and the whole family was in deep trouble.

Ouyang Xiadan's mother suffered from incurable diseases many times. Fortunately, her daughter was able to finish college as she wished. After so many years, the relationship between mother and daughter is still as pure as a girl.

So when his mother became critically ill again, Ouyang Xiadan left CCTV without saying a word and concentrated on serving and caring at home.

This decision of filial piety and loving his mother made Ouyang Xiadan "quit" from CCTV overnight, and his future was lost.

A few years after leaving CCTV, although she opened a popular "Xia Dan Small Class" on the Internet to teach the art of hosting, she had to make a living.

Even so, she did not complain. On the contrary, he still maintains a happy personality and shares the fun of life on social media from time to time, such as exposing his running and exercise figure, doing housework at home, reading portraits, and occasionally talking about positive life feelings.

Ouyang Xiadan said: "The body is on the road, the heart is on the road, and life is always looking for its own way." Indeed, the path of life is complicated, and the key is whether to courageously pursue the dream in the heart.

It is not a pity to give up the position of CCTV, which is regarded as the pinnacle of excellence. It is terrible to give up the pursuit and exploration.

Over the years, Ouyang Xiadan has already made remarkable achievements in hosting, and has built up a solid foundation and internal skills for her, which is enough to show her strength in new fields.

No matter what her final choice is, I believe that this brave pursuit of "CCTV Huadan" will show a unique and wonderful life.

What kind of person is she? In fact, it's very simple. She is an ordinary but happy middle-aged person, indifferent to fame and wealth, pursuing beauty in her heart, and considering family affection as the top priority in the world.

When she was able to return home in glory, she chose tranquility and farsightedness instead; When she was ready to play, she chose to continue to struggle for school.

Ouyang Xiadan used her story to interpret the image of a new type of social group: simple women, down-to-earth middle-aged people, and wise people who have the courage to pursue their dreams.

When he became famous at a young age, he was praised as the "national face of CCTV". When he was frustrated in middle age, he could also face secular views and judgments with a calm mind. This positive attitude towards life is undoubtedly worthy of our admiration and learning.

Ouyang Xiadan's life is full of ups and downs, but she never complains about her fate. It was not her fault that she was born poor, but she used her own hands to support the sky.

With her indomitable spirit, she was admitted to a famous media school and joined CCTV after graduation, which soon showed her extraordinary talent.

She used to be a popular host. Her style of hosting was calm and atmospheric, which won the love of countless audiences. Not only hosted the "3.15" evening party for several consecutive years, but also was selected as the host team of CCTV Olympic coverage. In 2011, she became the youngest "national face" by competing for the position of news broadcast host with the first place.

It seems that her career has reached its peak, but she left the CCTV stage in its heyday.

The reason for leaving was unexpected but touching - she had to take care of her elderly and sick mother wholeheartedly. The only daughter, whose family was in deep trouble when she was young, was not only brought up by her mother alone, but also fought against cancer several times. Ouyang Xiadan is grateful for his mother's upbringing and determined to repay his filial piety with action.

After leaving CCTV, she briefly entered a period of low ebb. Lost the support of career, life fell into confusion. Fortunately, she had a positive and optimistic personality and soon adjusted her mind. She began to open "Xia Dan Small Classroom" on the Internet and imparted her years of experience in hosting broadcasting to students without reservation.

Although this career is insignificant, it makes her regain the sense of achievement.

Ouyang Xiadan now lives a simple and happy life. He often shares his daily life in social media, such as running, housework, etc.

Occasionally, we also talk about some life insights to encourage everyone to be optimistic. She smiled: "Life is always looking for its own way".

Giving up the halo of CCTV host does not mean

Having given up his dream, Ouyang Xiadan is trying to open a new chapter in his life. She will teach the professional knowledge of hosting broadcast online and offline to realize the ideal of teaching and educating people. Although her income is small, it is enough to maintain her simple lifestyle. More importantly, she can finally accompany her elderly mother.

Some people may pretend to choose Ouyang Xiadan, but she doesn't care what others say. She has lived her own life and pursued the life she yearned for. Why should she be afraid of being pointed out by others?

Ouyang Xiadan shows a new kind of social crowd image with his own story: simple women, and wise people who are indifferent to fame and wealth.

There is a long way to go in life. The key lies in the persistence of dreams. Ouyang Xiadan gave up his lofty position, but he did not give up his inner pursuit and continued to shine in new fields.

We expect that this former "CCTV Huadan" will live a wonderful life in its own unique way.

Life is a process of ups and downs, the key depends on whether you have the courage and determination to live out yourself. People like Ouyang Xiadan, who have gone all the way and always have dreams, will live a wonderful life no matter what step they take.

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