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Russian media: Putin said in China that he felt at home in China, and Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in Russia

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Source: Global Network

On the afternoon of May 16, President Xi Jinping of China and President Putin of Russia jointly attended the opening ceremony of the "China Russia Cultural Year" and the special concert to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia at the National Grand Theater in Beijing.

According to several Russian media reports such as RIA Novosti and "Russia Today", Putin delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the "Russian Chinese Cultural Year" and the special concert to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and China. During the speech, there was a scene: Putin spoke for too long and didn't give translators time to translate in time, for which he apologized.

"Sorry, I said it for a long time and didn't give the translator (time). I felt like I was at home. So I thought everyone could understand Russian here." Putin quipped.

According to "Russia Today", Putin also mentioned in his speech that Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in Russia.

Extended Reading

Media: Putin leads more than half of the cabinet to visit China, and the Chinese welcome officials are highly qualified

Direct news: On May 16, Russian President Putin was invited to start a state visit to China. The heads of state of China and Russia held two rounds of talks on a small scale and on a large scale, and jointly met with reporters. They jointly issued a joint statement on deepening the China Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era. Mr. Guan, do you have any special observation on this visit?

Special commentator Guan Yao: I have noticed that during today's small-scale talks with President Putin, the Chinese head of state specifically pointed out that this is your first visit since you started your new term of office, which fully shows that you and the Russian government attach great importance to the development of China Russia relations, which is highly appreciated by China. It is precisely because of the high importance attached to the Russian delegation that it can be said that the special plane for the visit of Russian President Putin landed at the capital airport at about 4:00 a.m. Beijing time, which is probably the first time in my impression that a foreign head of state arrived in Beijing by special plane.

Putin's special plane arrived in Beijing

Another key detail that witnessed great attention is that the new Russian government has actually just announced its appointment. Putin's visit to China has brought almost half of the cabinet, including six deputy prime ministers, including newly promoted first deputy prime minister Mantulov, as well as several government ministers. Two days ago, the replacement of the Russian defense minister was the biggest personnel focus of overseas public opinion. This time, the new and old Russian defense ministers were among the delegation. This morning, CCTV broadcast the grand welcome ceremony for President Putin held at the square outside the East Gate of Tiananmen. Many international media, including CNBC Financial TV, introduced simultaneous live broadcast of signals. CNBC's anchor mentioned that there were "many handshakes" at the welcome. The sharp eyed media all noticed that Shoigu, the focus of public opinion in the United States and the West, who had just been transferred from the defense minister to the secretary of the Federal Security Council, ranked second among the Russian handshake officials after Foreign Minister Lavrov.

Of course, it is self-evident that the Chinese side attaches great importance to it and welcomes officials with high standards, including two members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, three members of the Political Bureau and one State Councilor. Russian President Putin received an interview with Xinhua News Agency before his visit, praising that Russia China relations are at the best stage in history. So in my opinion, these impressive key details of the visit witnessed and reflected the breadth, depth and height of China Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era.

When co chairing the wide-ranging talks with President Putin, the Chinese head of state stressed that, standing at a new historical starting point, China and Russia will always stick to their original intentions and work together to shoulder their responsibilities, bring more benefits to the two peoples, and make due contributions to world security and stability.

The picture shows the meeting site

Direct news: In your opinion, what concrete results have been achieved in President Putin's state visit to China, and what is the far-reaching impact and significance?

Special commentator Guan Yao: President Putin's two-day state visit is still in progress, and he will also lead a delegation to experience and feel the style of "Erbin", accompanied by relevant senior Chinese officials. I believe that many famous scenes of China Russia relations and high-level visit diplomacy will be left behind.

As far as the first day of the visit is concerned, the state visit has achieved at least the following important results:

First of all, through a new round of strategic communication, the heads of state of China and Russia have once again made a strong top-level plan and strategic guidance for the China Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era. Today, the Chinese head of state once again referred to President Putin as an "old friend" in a small talk, stressing that he has met with President Putin more than 40 times over the years. This is a record of the frequency of meetings and communications between the heads of state of major countries. During this process, the heads of state of China and Russia have accumulated profound strategic mutual trust and personal friendship. Last month, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov came to Beijing to stand in front of Putin's visit. During his visit to Beijing, he stressed to reporters that it is no exaggeration to say that head of state diplomacy is the core element of Sino Russian relations and strategic interaction. Today, the Chinese head of state once again reiterated that he is willing to work with President Putin to jointly guide the direction of bilateral relations and make new plans for the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

Secondly, the China Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era, which has entered the best stage in history, will gain new momentum and explore new areas at the important new starting point of the 75th anniversary of China Russia diplomatic relations. This is mainly reflected in the joint statement signed by the heads of state of China and Russia today. China and Russia are positioned as good neighbors, good friends, and good partners who trust each other. They continue to adhere to the principles of "non alignment, non confrontation, and non targeting of third parties" between China and Russia, constantly deepen political mutual trust, and work together on a new path of mutual respect, harmony, and win-win cooperation between major countries and neighboring countries, Continue to develop mutually beneficial cooperation, and will continue to polish China Russia relations as a global model of new international relations and relations between neighboring major countries.

Third, when meeting with President Putin today, the Chinese head of state comprehensively summarized the historical experience of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and gave the "path code" for how China Russia relations can become a global model. In this regard, the Chinese head of state made an authoritative summary with "five insistences" in particular, that is, adhering to mutual respect as the foundation, and always supporting each other on core interest issues; Adhere to win-win cooperation as the driving force to build a new pattern of mutual benefit between China and Russia; Adhere to the principle of friendship from generation to generation and jointly pass the torch of China Russia friendship; Adhere to strategic cooperation as the support to lead the right direction of global governance; Adhering to the principle of fairness and justice, we are committed to promoting the political settlement of hot issues. If the "first three" are mainly related to the bilateral level, then the "last two" are undoubtedly a concentrated reflection of the overall impact and significance of China Russia major country relations.

The Head of State of China and Putin jointly meet with reporters

Direct news: Today (May 16), when meeting with Putin, the Chinese head of state stressed that the two sides agreed that the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis is the right direction. China looks forward to the early restoration of peace and stability in the European continent, and is willing to continue to play a constructive role in this regard. What key messages will this send to the outside world?

Special commentator Guan Yao: I believe that this is a major effort that China, as a responsible major country, continues to make to achieve a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine, promote peace, promote talks, and end the war. It is also an important achievement. The reason why the outside world pays special attention to this state visit is that Putin will make the latest statement on the Russian Ukrainian conflict during his first foreign visit when he begins his fifth term of office.

The foreign media also pay attention to this important background. The Chinese head of state has just paid a state visit to three European countries. He has had a long time of in-depth communication with French President Maklon at the Presidential Palace in Paris and at the tourist resort in the southern Pyrenees Valley. Previously, German Prime Minister Schultz also just visited Beijing. In this regard, only the Chinese head of state can communicate face to face with the leaders of major countries behind the Russia Ukraine conflict at the same time.

Today, the Chinese head of state reiterated China's consistent position on the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, that is, to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, respect the legitimate security concerns of all parties, and build a balanced, effective and sustainable new security architecture. Earlier, when meeting with President Makron, the Chinese head of state disclosed that the Chinese government's special representative for Eurasian affairs had started the third round of shuttle mediation. Therefore, in the context of the new situation on the front line of the current Russian Ukrainian conflict and the Russian side's claim that the Russian army is advancing in almost every direction, the latest statement of the Russian President deserves the attention of all parties.

After receiving an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency before coming to China, Putin pointed out that Russia positively evaluates China's position. Russia has never refused to negotiate and hopes to resolve the conflict comprehensively, sustainably and impartially through peaceful means. Russia is open to dialogue on Ukraine, but these negotiations must take into account the interests of all countries involved in the conflict, Including Russia's interests. Obviously, the Russian side reaffirmed this theme message after two rounds of talks with the Chinese head of state today. The core is that the Russian side is willing to talk, but the negotiations are conditional.

Today, the Chinese head of state also stressed that China looks forward to the early restoration of peace and stability in the European continent and is willing to continue to play a constructive role in this regard. This means that China's action and constructive role in promoting a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis in the future will continue to be strengthened and highlighted.

Therefore, as China continues to strengthen and highlight its constructive role, it is necessary to ask whether the international community, especially the U.S. and Western camps, can seize the opportunity, respond, and even form a joint force to promote talks? During his visit to France, the Chinese head of state pointed out sharply that he was opposed to using the Ukrainian crisis to dump the pot, discredit third countries and incite the "new cold war". History has repeatedly proved that any conflict can only be resolved through negotiation. I believe that the theme message of China has also been strengthened again during President Putin's state visit to China.

Author Guan Yao, special commentator of Shenzhen Satellite TV's Live Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Editor in charge: Dai Lili_NN4994

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